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Page 4 October 6, 2016 PUBLIC NOTICES Summary of Proposed Ordinance 2124 On October 11, 2016 at 6:00 p.m., the City Council of the City of Hawthorne will consider adoption of Ordinance No. 2124, a proposed ordinance amending Title 17 (Zoning) and Adding a New Chapter 17.75 (Alcoholic Beverage Manufacturing) to Title 17 (Zoning) of the Hawthorne Municipal Code to Establish Appropriate Zoning and Development Standards for Alcoholic Beverage Manufacturers (Breweries). Pursuant to California Government Code section 36933(c)(1), the City Council has directed the preparation and publication of a summary of Ordinance No. 2124 as follows: Ordinance No. 2124 regulates the development of “alcoholic beverage manufacturing” uses. In sum, the proposed Ordinance adds definitions, including “tasting room” and “brewery,” identifies where uses will be permitted and regulates said uses. Specifically, specified brewery uses will be allowed in C-1, C-2, M-1 and M-2 Zones so long as the use complies with the new Chapter 17.75. New Chapter 17.75 would require site LIEN SALE: 2011 MERZ VIN: WDCGG5GB3BF629504 DATE OF SALE: 10/20/2016 ADDRESS: 14201 S. HALLDALE AVE. GARDENA, CA 90249 INGLEWOOD NEWS: 10/6/2016 HI-25307 LIEN SALE: 2006 HUMMER VIN: 5GRGN23U96H121905 DATE OF SALE: 10/20/2016 ADDRESS: 14201 S. HALLDALE AVE. GARDENA, CA 90249 INGLEWOOD NEWS: 10/6/2016 HI-25308 and floor plans, maintenance, screenings for any proposed roof mounted equipment, a security plan, sufficient illumination in specified areas, as well as other general requirements. It would also allow outdoor grain silos and prohibit live entertainment, amplified music and dancing, among other specified prohibitions. The new Chapter 17.75 would also provide that a conditional use permit (CUP) would be required for an alcoholic beverage manufacturing use exceeding 6,000 square feet and tasting rooms exceeding 750 square feet. Uses that are less than the specified square feet would be allowed by right, subject to the limitations contained in Chapter 17.75. A certified copy of the entirety of the text of Ordinance No 2124, together with the Codes to be adopted thereby, is available in the office of the City Clerk, 4455 West 126th Street, Hawthorne, California, and is open for public inspection. Hawthorne Press Tribune Pub. 10/6/16 HH-25306 NOTICE OF PUBLIC LIEN SALE US STORAGE CENTERS 14680 AVIATION BLVD HAWTHORNE, CA 90250 310-536-7100 In accordance with the provisions of the California Self-Storage Facility Act, Section 21700, ET seq. of the Business and Professions Code of the State of California the undersigned will be sold at public auction on OCTOBER 25TH 2016 at 10:30 AM. General household goods, electronics, tools, office & business equipment, furniture, instruments, appliances, clothing, collectibles & antiques, and or miscellaneous items stored at 14680 Aviation Blvd, Hawthorne, Ca 90250, County of Los Angeles, by the following persons: RICHARD JON ROLITA (1982 & FORD RV).These are sold on an "AS IS BASIS". There is a refundable $100 cleaning deposit on all units. Sale is subject to cancellation. Auctioneer is: American Auctioneers, Dan Dotson & Associates, 1-800-930-3390, Bond # FS863-20-14 10/6, 10/13/16 CNS-2933081# Hawthorne Press Tribune Pub. 10/6, 10/13/16 HH-25309 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ZONE TEXT AMENDMENT 2016ZA11 PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the Planning Commission of the City of Hawthorne will hold a public hearing on Zoning Text Amendment No. 2016ZA11 as follows: Day: Wednesday Date: October 19, 2016 Time: 6:00 p.m. Place: City Council Chambers 4455 West 126th Street Hawthorne, CA 90250 Project Title: Zoning Text Amendment No. 2016ZA11 Project Location: City Wide - City of Hawthorne Los Angeles County, State of California Project Description: Zone Text Amendment Application No. 2016ZA11 is a City initiated application recommending that the City Council approve an ordinance amending, adding and deleting portions of the Hawthorne Municipal Code. The proposal will amend various sections of the Hawthorne Municipal Code (Title 17 – Zoning) related to permitted uses within the C-1 and C-3 Zone, renaming of the C-1 zone to Regional Commercial, residential nonconforming structures, adding required findings for approval of conditional use permits and special findings for parking variances, shared parking agreements, and prohibiting vehicles sales as home occupations. PURSUANT TO the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act, the application is categorically exempt from the requirements for preparation of a Negative Declaration or Environmental Impact Report. FURTHER NOTICE is hereby given that any interested person may appear at the meeting and submit oral or written comments or submit oral or written information relevant thereto to the Planning Department, 4455 West 126th Street, Hawthorne, California 90250 prior to the date of this hearing. PLEASE NOTE that pursuant to Government Code Section 65009: In an action or proceeding to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul a finding, determination or decision of the Planning Commission or City Council, the issues raised shall be limited to those raised at the public hearing in this notice or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning Commission or City Council at or prior to the public hearing. Christopher Palmer, AICP Senior Planner Hawthorne Press Tribune Pub. 10/6/16 HH-25311 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ZONE TEXT AMENDMENT 2016ZA12 PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the Planning Commission of the City of Hawthorne will hold a public hearing on Zoning Text Amendment No. 2016ZA12 as follows: Day: Wednesday Date: October 19, 2016 Time: 6:00 p.m. Place: City Council Chambers 4455 West 126th Street Hawthorne, CA 90250 Project Title: Zoning Text Amendment No. 2016ZA12 Project Location: City Wide - City of Hawthorne Los Angeles County, State of California Project Description: Zone Text Amendment Application No. 2016ZA12 is a City initiated application recommending that the City Council approve an ordinance amending, adding and deleting portions of the Hawthorne Municipal Code. The proposal will amend various sections of the Hawthorne Municipal Code (Title 17 – Zoning) related to property development standards for Highest Density Residential and Mixed Use Development and the CM zones, and parking requirements for residential uses in all zones. PURSUANT TO the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act, the application is categorically exempt from the requirements for preparation of a Negative Declaration or Environmental Impact Report. FURTHER NOTICE is hereby given that any interested person may appear at the meeting and submit oral or written comments or submit oral or written information relevant thereto to the Planning Department, 4455 West 126th Street, Hawthorne, California 90250 prior to the date of this hearing. PLEASE NOTE that pursuant to Government Code Section 65009: In an action or proceeding to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul a finding, determination or decision of the Planning Commission or City Council, the issues raised shall be limited to those raised at the public hearing in this notice or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning Commission or City Council at or prior to the public hearing. Christopher Palmer, AICP Senior Planner Hawthorne Press Tribune Pub. 10/6/16 HH-25312 dodendron, Lily of the Valley, Hydrangea, Poinsettia, Purple Nightshade, Mountain Laurel, Mistletoe and Water Hemlock. If you suspect your child has ingested any type of garden plant/flower, seek medical attention right away. 3. Keep vehicles locked and keys out of reach of children. According to WebMD, even on a day when it’s only 72 degrees Fahrenheit, the temperature inside a vehicle can increase by 30 to 40 degrees in an hour, and 70 percent of this increase occurs the first 30 minutes. Teach children that vehicles aren’t safe places to play. 4. Prevent falling accidents from windows. As the summer heat begins to cool, it’s time to let fresh that air in the house. To prevent potential falling accidents, open windows from the top instead of from the bottom. Window guards and stoppers are strongly suggested for homes with children under the age of 11. Be sure all are firmly secured and installed properly. 5. Anchor it! Furniture and TV tip-overs are also one of the top hidden hazards in the home, according to the CPSC, which has launched a new safety campaign aimed at reducing the number of deaths and injuries from tipping furniture and TVs. 6. Check before you play. Playgrounds with slides, swings, and other play items of any material that sit in sunlight can cause burns for children - even when it’s not that hot outside. Always check the equipment first and don’t let children run around barefoot. If your child does experience a burn, seek medical help immediately. For more information on window cord safety and the Best for Kids program, visit or follow WCSC on Facebook and Twitter. • Seniors 5 Tips To Protect Your Children From Hidden Dangers Around The Home (BPT) - Even in the most safety-minded homes, the most serious hazards for children can be hiding in plain sight. Know which unexpected items can be risky, and what to do to prevent an accident. Many parents feel they know the top child proofing items to check off to keep kids safe - cover electrical outlets, lock kitchen cabinets and secure baby gates on stairs. However, there are other potential serious child safety hazards in and outside the home that sometimes can be overlooked, including windows coverings. According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), corded window coverings are one of the top five hidden hazards in American homes, with infants and young children accidentally becoming entangled in window covering cords. CPSC, the window covering industry and consumer safety advocates all agree that only cordless window coverings or those with inaccessible cords should be used in homes with young children. The Best for Kids certification program launched last year by the window covering industry makes it easy for parents and caregivers to easily identify which window covering products are best suited for homes with young children. The Window Covering Safety Council urges parents and caregivers to follow these six simple tips to help protect children from potentially hidden hazards around the home. 1. Install only cordless window coverings or those with inaccessible cords in homes with young children. Replace window blinds, corded shades and draperies with products that are cordless or have inaccessible cords, such as those marked with the Best for Kids label certification which enables you to easily identify products best suited for young children. 2. Know your plants and which are dangerous if ingested. Make sure to keep these common plants off limits to kids: Rho- Like Us on Facebook

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