September 1, 2016 Page 3 Hawthorne Happenings From City Clerk Norb Huber Hotels Approved The Hawthorne City Council approved the development set for the site of the old police station located across from the city hall. Two Merriott will be going in with approximately 300 rooms. When fully up and running sometime in 2018 they are expected to generate approximately $2 million in sorely needed income for the City. The expected nightly rates will be somewhere in the $170-$180 range. This hotel project will be the first of a high scale build east of the 405 freeway. There seems to be a real demand for more hotels rooms for business and leisure travelers. Now, we wait for the big elephant in the room, the old mall to be developed. I want to be there when this council votes to approve a plan, any plan, to wipe this monster off our map. It’s going on 20 years since we have seen anything but decay going on over on the Blvd. Wow, Hawthorne may actually become a real city again with shopping and dining. If the City Clerk ever gets to sign the documents to have something happen at that site, I just might have two of those drinks that I always talk about in this weekly blog of personal insights. Who said this had to be Hawthorne Happenings? Maybe we’ll change it to Huber’s Happy Hawthorne Homilies? Rubbing Shoulders I’ve never been one who gets overly excited about meeting a celebrity in person. I really don’t get overly impressed when a professional athlete or actor is in the room. But last Friday I was at the banquet following a golf tournament and Michael Reagan was introduced to the gathering. He was sitting at the table next to us. Michael is the eldest son of former president Ronald Reagan. I have always admired President Reagan for what he did for our country. So I went over and introduced myself, got someone to take a photo and exchanged a few words with someone who I rubbed shoulders with. Just a short conversation but it was a connection to our proud American history. President Reagan may not have always made the right decision but he sure made us proud to be Americans. Today when we have people sitting during the national anthem to protest, we need a leader like Reagan to bring us together. I wish we all could feel that unity of American spirit and pride once again. That would go along ways to soothing the mistrust many Americans feel these days. It’s Back to Work I started teaching this week marking the start of my 40th year in education. This is the first year that I can remember ever starting school prior to Labor Day. August 31st still seems like summer to me. The Labor Day weekend end marks the end of summer. College football season begins. AYSO soccer starts. The leafs change colors and fall to the ground, whops, that’s everywhere else except for SoCal. Fall is a good time of the year. My grand daughter went to her first day of kindergarten and my grand son went to preschool for the first time. Life goes on. Seasons pass and Christmas shopping has already begun. Death Four people that I knew died last week. Two were in their 90’s, one was 80 years of age and the youngest was 46. You really never know when your time will come. Each day is a gift. I spoke at my former student’s funeral today. She died at 46 from cancer. Lisa earned her doctorate in phycology and worked in our prisons trying to help inmates turn their lives around in a positive direction. A Christian funeral is different than non-Christian funerals. A Christian funeral is for the family and friends of the deceased to be reassured of their loved one’s salvation in Christ Jesus. The end of an earthly life yes, but the beginning of an eternal life is what gives the bereaved a certain peace. Without Christ in my life I would be scared to death of death, with Christ I know where I’m going and I know that I’m ready at any time. Please have a cold one for me after my funeral and just be happy. Why wait til I die? Be happy! • Comments: Go Metro on Game Day to see the LA Rams, USC Trojans and UCLA Bruins play. 17-0382ps_sby-ie-17-002 ©2016 lacmta Go Metro to LA Football The Bruins take over the Rose Bowl and the Rams and Trojans share the Coliseum this fall – Metro wants to get you there. Metro provides frequent bus and rail service to both stadiums, so you won’t get caught in tra;c or miss a minute of the action. To plan your trip and >nd the route that’s best for you, visit Help Us All Travel Safely With the combination of our law enforcement o;cers, Metro’s state-of-the-art security system and your help, we can create a safe and pleasant ride for everyone. If you see any suspicious activity while riding, report it immediately by calling 1.888.950.SAFE, using the LA Transit Watch app or using the intercom on trains and at Metro Rail stations. To learn more, visit Go Metro to See the Dodgers Join Metro sta=, riders and supporters on Wednesday, September 7th, as we celebrate MSRC/Metro Night at Dodger Stadium! The special event ticket package includes your ticket, Metro activations, entertainment and the opportunity for pre-game center>eld recognition. Purchase tickets at Metro Reminds You to Pay Your Fare Each year, Metro loses millions of dollars to riders who don’t pay their fares. Help us keep our fares low and maintain a balanced budget by remembering to pay each time you ride a Metro bus or train. Failure to pay could result in a >ne of up to $1000. For a list of fares and to apply for a reduced fare, visit @metrolosangeles losangelesmetro Police Reports Mon 8/15/16 to SAT 8/20/16 ROBBERY 11500 BLK HAWTHORNE BLVD STREET, HIGHWAY, ALLEY Mon 8/15/16 05:08 Property Taken: SILVER IPHONE 6 PLUS ROBBERY W 129TH ST/S HAWTHORNE BL STREET, HIGHWAY, ALLEY Mon 8/15/16 23:01 Property Taken: BLACK LEATHER PURSE, $280 (US CURRENCY), GUATEMALAN IDENTIFICATION CARD ATTEMPT COMMERCIAL BURGLARY 3100 W ROSECRANS AV HOBBY, GIFT SHOP Mon 8/15/16 07:27 Method of Entry: CUT HOLE ATTEMPT COMMERCIAL BURGLARY 3100 W ROSECRANS AV HOBBY, GIFT SHOP Mon 8/15/16 07:27 Method of Entry: SMASHED BURGLARY – COMMERCIAL 3500 W ROSECRANS AV LAUNDRYMAT Tue 8/16/16 06:59 P r o p e r t y Ta k e n : VA R I O U S DENMONIATIONS OF BILLS AND CHANGE Method of Entry: OPENED ROBBERY 2800 W 120TH ST WAREHOUSE Tue 8/16/16 09:55 Property Taken: DEWALT DRILL SET VEHICLE: SUS - CA 2005 VW BUG 2D BLK BURGLARY – RESIDENTIAL 4300 W IMPERIAL HY MOTEL & HOTEL ROOM Wed 8/17/16 11:03 Property Taken: PAIR OF BLACK NIKE SHOES, WHITE SAMSUNG “PRIMECORE” SMART PHONE, SIXTY DOLLARS IN U.S. CURRENCY, PHONE CHARGER Method of Entry: UNKNOWN BURGLARY 13400 S WASHINGTON AV HOUSE Wed 8/17/16 21:16 Method of Entry: BODY FORCE BURGLARY 2800 W 120TH ST AUTO/ VEHICLE Thu 8/18/16 11:31 Method of Entry: LOCK PUNCH BURGLARY 14600 S OCEAN GATE AV Thu 8/18/16 11:32 RES BURGLARY – RESIDENTIAL 700 W 120TH ST HOUSE Thu 8/18/16 16:55 50 Property Taken: $60 IN US CURRENCY, BRO LOUIE VATON PURSE, BLK 12GA SHOTGUN WITH WOODEN STOCK AND PUMP Method of Entry: BROKE GLASS BURGLARY 13900 S LEMOLI AV Fri 8/19/16 11:40 ATTEMPT ROBBERY 4300 W 142ND ST APARTMENT/CONDO Fri 8/19/16 22:49 ROBBERY 3300 W 147TH ST STREET, HIGHWAY, ALLEY Sat 8/20/16 00:02 Property Taken: sml bro purse with misc docs bank/med cards, $20.00 in US Currency BURGLARY – COMMERCIAL 12800 S ROSELLE AV STORAGE SHED Sat 8/20/16 09:33 Property Taken: Two diamond rings, One diamond ring set (earring, ring, necklace), Miscellaneous Jewelries Method of Entry: UNKNOWN BURGLARY – RESIDENTIAL 14100 S WASHINGTON AV OTHER Sat 8/20/16 15:54 Property Taken: BOX CONTAINING MISC HOCKEY MEMORABILIA, mens unk brand mountain bike Method of Entry: KICK DOOR • Classifieds The deadline for Classified Ad submission and payment is Noon on Tuesday to appear in Thursday’s paper. Advertisements must be submitted in writing by mail, fax or email. You may pay by cash, check, or credit card (Visa or M/C over the phone). Errors: Please check your advertisements immediately. Any corrections and/or changes in an ad must be requested prior to the following Tuesday deadline in order to receive a credit. A credit will be issued for only the first time the error appears. Multiple runs will only be credited for the first time the error appears. No credit will be issued for an amount greater than the cost of the advertisement. Beware: Employment offers that suggest guaranteed out-of-state or overseas positions may be deceptive or unethical in nature. If you have any doubts about the nature of a company, contact the local office of the Better Business Bureau, (213) 251-9696. Herald Publications does not guarantee that the advertiser’s claims are true nor does it take responsibility for those claims. Employment Outside sales: Looking for Outside Sales Representative to sell display ads in Torrance. Sales experience a plus. Work from home, but must call on customers and attend events. Flexible hours, approximately 20 hours a week. $15/hr, plus 10% commission to start, 20% of sales after probation. Interested parties send resume to management@ House for Rent Eastside Home. 3 or 4Bd 2Ba front house + detached bonus room. Enclosed patio. Excellent storage. Walk to ESHS. $4950/mo. 310-345-8013 House for Rent 1BD/1BA. Detached duplex over 2-car garage. W/D, small patio. Util. paid. $1,700 W /garage , $1,600 w/o garage (310) 367-9244. House for Rent 1718 E Mariposa Ave. HOUSE 2BEDS/2BATHS, ALL REMODELED 1 CAR GARAGE, W/ PRIVATE BACKYARD $3,295 310-647-1635 House for Rent Concord Street, El Segundo 1 bedroom/1 bath, $1950. Includes all utilities. Attached to family home but with private entrance. Partly furnished, hardwood floors, bathroom with washer and dryer. Available Sept 15th. Call 310-469-4541 House for Rent Quaint studio guesthouse, private entrance, laundry available, utilities, cable, internet included, $1,100 plus $500 sec. deposit. Available now, 310-749-4246 House for Rent Beautiful completely renovated house for rent - Corner Lot, 1900 Manzanita Lane, Manhattan Beach, Close to schools and Polliwog Park, 3 Bdrm. 1 bath - large yard, Pets OK - $4,200.00 per month Contact Prop. Mgmt. SC Real Estate (310) 562-4131 or (310) 218-2565 House for Rent 658 W Walnut - small house above garage 2 bedrm/1 bath, $1950 plus utilities. Avail Oct. 1 Call Lisa 310- 322-6111 Apartment for Rent 1718 E Mariposa Ave. UPGRADED APARTMENT 1BEDS/1BATHS 1 CAR GARAGE $1,650 310-647-1635 To appear in next week’s paper, submit your Classifed Ad by Noon on Tuesday.
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