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Page 12 September 1, 2016 Purrrfect Companions Caramel Mommie Adam Make a purr-fect match when you adopt a new feline friend. Caramel along with his brother Cappucino and sister Canela,  were rescued from the South L.A. Shelter. The three siblings are strikingly handsome, with dark coloring. They are accustomed to adult cats and small dogs. Caramel is playful, loving, purrs a lot, active and also sweet with the other kittens in his foster home. In one of his online photos, he’s cuddling with a much younger kitten. He isn’t shy with new people, is super affectionate, and a little more sedate than his siblings. Cappucino is a loving little boy who’s energetic and enjoys playing with other kittens. He is very loving and enjoys meeting new people. Canela is exceptionally affectionate and responsive to people,  and will pat the cheeks of  total strangers for love. She’s playful and cuddly, a real purr machine. Please consider adopting each of these beautiful kittens along with one or both of their siblings. Mommie was rescued with her five babies in Joshua Tree in late April. She was so skinny and tiny, she looked like a baby herself. She is much healthier now and is a great mom, always looking out for her babies. Mommie is very outgoing and playful. Not being afraid of dogs, she will try to play with them as well. We would love to see her adopted along with one of her babies.  Rainbow is an adorable, playful, sweet and gorgeous Bengal/Tabby mixed kitten. She was rescued along with her mom and other siblings from a wet muddy bush in the San Fernando Valley. Not even a day old, if they hadn’t been found, the likelihood of survival would have been close to zero. Rainbow needs to be adopted with one of you sit down, purring and nuzzling you. She gets along with all humans - children and adults.. She also loves playing with her foster mates and will need a furry friend in her new home. Toni would love to go home with one of her foster mates or to another playful kitty already in your home. She also gets along with cat-friendly doggies These cats and kittens are available for adoption through Kitten Rescue, one of the largest cat rescue groups in Southern California.  All of our kitties are spayed/ neutered, microchipped, tested for FeLV and FIV, dewormed and current on their vaccinations. For additional information and her siblings or possibly her momma who is barely a year old herself. After seeing them cuddle and play together, you’ll understand why. Watch them on their Live 24/7 Kitten Webcam. SKCR/Storm  Derek is the total package. Looks? Check. Personality? Check. He is an amazing little boy who offers his humans lots of affection and tons of entertainment. His favorite thing to do is lounge on his humans’ laps. Derek will purr loudly to let you know you are doing a good job petting him. He is an energetic and playful boy who loves playing with his brother Adam and with toys, too. People who meet him for the first time are very impressed with his blue eyes and striking looks. Once they start spending time with Derek, they get even more impressed with his great personality. Adam is an absolutely delightful little boy. His foster mom says he may be the most awesome kitty you’ll ever meet. He is very loving, affectionate, playful and energetic. He loves being petted and purrs loudly to show you his appreciation. What Adam loves most is lying on your lap, purring, kneading, giving you kisses and finally dozing off while you read a book or watch TV. Adam also loves playing with his brother Derek and his kitty friends. They play kitty soccer together and chase the laser pointer. He also likes to cuddle with them and groom them. Toni is the sweetest little kitten you will ever meet. When petted, she purrs like crazy and flops around happily to get your attention. Toni loves to be petted and held; she is very loving with people and other kitties alike. A total lap kitten, Toni approaches for pets and will be the first one in your lap when Canela to see our other kitties, please check our website or email us at Your tax deductible donations for the rescue and care of our cats and kittens can be made through our website or by sending a check payable to Kitten Rescue, 914 Westwood Blvd. #583, Los Angeles, CA 90024. On Saturdays, we have adoptions from noon to 3:30 p.m. in Westchester at 8655 Lincoln Blvd. just south of Manchester Ave. and also in Mar Vista at 3860 Centinela Ave, just south of Venice Boulevard.  Our website lists additional adoption sites and directions to each location. • Rainbow Toni Cappacino Derek

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