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Lawndale Tribune AND lAwNDAle News The Weekly Newspaper of Lawndale Herald Publications - Inglewood, Hawthorne, Lawndale, El Segundo, Torrance & Manhattan Beach Community Newspapers Since 1911 - Circulation 30,000 - Readership 60,000 (310) 322-1830 - June 2, 2016 Elementary School District Superintendent Awarded “Superintendent of the Year” Each year ACSA recognizes a select group of individuals for their significant contributions to education. This year Dr. Ellen Dougherty, Superintendent of Lawndale Elementary School District (LESD), was honored for her work at the local, regional and state levels on issues of access and equity for students and their families. Dr. Dougherty’s work has led to significant change in LESD and today the district boasts numerous partnerships that that support student learning as well their physical and emotional health. Photo by Enrique Pivaral Mayor is Ready to Lead in his Second Term By Haleemon Anderson by Lawndale residents and their neighbors. Mayor Robert Pullen-Miles speaks with “When I first got on the council, discussions the conviction of a leader comfortable in his had already begun on bringing more park purpose and his surroundings. He reflects the space to the city,” Pullen-Miles said. Prior to confidence of his community, having recently their initiative, Lawndale rented park space been re-elected unopposed as commanderin from local school districts. chief of the city of Lawndale. “I asked staff to look around at options,” With barely a break in stride, Pullen-Miles Pullen-Miles said. And they uncovered a little begins his second two-year term with his “miracle.” That small parcel of undesignated focal point uninterrupted. are would be developed into Charles Hopper “Our major focus, is economic Park. Since then, the second newest site, development,” Pullen-Miles said, detailing Frank Hogan Park, was created. plans to capture more business from the heavy Pullen-Miles said we had to do a property traffic that passes daily through Lawndale. swap with the county, and we vacated a street “When you live in a city that is two-square for an additional half-acre of space. miles, he muses, planning will need to be “Our crown jewel, Larry Rudolph Park,” creative and concise.” cut a ribbon just a few weeks ago. He is Pullen-Miles said there are 70,000 trips especially proud of the community input a day through Lawndale, down Hawthorne used in designing the space. Boulevard. Lawndale City Council is looking Creating outdoor and recreational at ways to capture and keep in town, some opportunities for our community is a priority, of the potential business represented by Pullen-Miles says. He points to the city hall, that traffic. the library and the Hoffman Community Pullen-Miles says that opportunities exist Center, developments completed in the last for small independent shop owners, in 10 years or less, which were all underway addition, the city is exploring ways to bring when he came to the city council. “Our library a few bigger names to the boulevard. “We is one of the most used in the region.” he all know the power of big-name branding,” says proudly. Pullen-Miles said. Road improvements are another major He points out the competing business of accomplishments, in particular a stretch near the Galleria, just south of Lawndale, and Firmona and Manhattan Beach Boulevard that the impending mixed-used redevelopment used to flood during rainy season, causing of the Hawthorne Mall to the north. “When nightmares with cars stalling and flooding residents and people passing through don’t as they attempted passage. buy here, it represents a potential sales tax Those infrastructure items are not cheap to drain and a missed opportunity,” he said. It’s fix, said Pullen-Miles. He is very optimistic one of the challenges he and fellow re-elected about newly flexible funding sources accessible council members Dan Reid and John Osborne, through the Enhanced Infrastructure District. along with Mayor Pro Tem Pat Kearney and This initiative, created by SDB 628 in lieu of newest council member Bernadette Suarez the now defunct redevelopment agency model, will tackle head-first this term. took effect January 2015. It allows cities or I believe having your own is best, says groups of cities to finance construction or the mayor, referencing a celebrated spiritual rehabilitation of a wide variety of public he likes to quote. With that attitude, he and works and private facilities using a dedicated the Lawndale City Council have been busily source of revenue. carving out a few blessed social spaces for use The mayor admits there’s not a lot of free time on his agenda. He holds a full-time post as district director for Assembly member Autumn Burke. Family is obviously a high priority, with he and first lady Lena keenly focused on three school-aged daughters. What spare time he can scramble up, Pullen-Miles devotes to avid reading of “mostly technical stuff,” and biking through town. He says he enjoys surveying the city and getting a look from the bike level. He’s also something of a tech entrepreneur, currently working in partnership with an application developer to create a political app. Pullen-Miles gives credit to one of his first political mentors, the late state senator Jennie Oropeza. On her staff for seven years, he benefitted from her personal guidance. Maxine Waters and Mark Ridley-Thomas have also been influential in his political path. The future for Robert Pullen-Miles? The mayor says he has set no direct path for himself, but is committed to being a part of his city’s progress. “I definitely see myself continuing to serve Lawndale in a higher capacity, if not necessarily an elected one.” “One of the best things about Lawndale is its hometown feel,” he added. “It’s a small community, a break from the big metropolis.” As he faces the challenge of maintaining and enhancing Lawndale’s position as “the heart of the South Bay,” while quickening that much desired economic pulse, no doubt Mayor Pullen-Miles will be busy. • Mayor Robert Pullen-Miles Inside This Issue Certified & Licensed Professionals.......................4 Classifieds............................2 Finance..................................3 Food.......................................5 Hawthorne Happenings....2 Legals................................ 5-7 Pets........................................8 Police Reports.....................3 Sports....................................4 Weekend Forecast Friday Sunny 75˚/63˚ Saturday Mostly Sunny 77˚/63˚ Sunday Mostly Sunny 73˚/61˚

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