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Page 8 May 4, 2017 C e r t i f i e d a n d L i c e n s e d P r o f e s s i o n a l s RICH’S PAINTING Specializing in exterior Quality interior work Reliable • Reasonable Rates 310-640-9465 24 Hour Service Since 1990 • Lic # 770059 • C-42 C-36 C-34 C20 A painting PAINTERS PLUS INTERIOR • EXTERIOR PLUS IMPROVEMENTS • REPAIRS FREE ESTIMATES LOWEST PRICES • GUARANTEED QUALITY 5 YEAR FREE MAINTENANCE SERVING THE BEACH CITIES FOR OVER 20 YEARS CALL DON 310-798-0450 LIC # 726089 plumbing Phone/Text 310.738.7094 23 YEARS EXPERIENCE Sewer Video • Hydrojetting • Bonded • Insured CA LIC. #980971 handyman BILL’S HOME & APARTMENT MAINTENANCE CONTRACTOR QUALITY at Handyman Prices. We cover everything from A-Z. Bill Henrichon Cell: 310-890-7531 Office: 310-542-3470 Henrichon & Associates Inc. CA ST LIC# 1011547 / Licensed & Insured 2011 2012 2013 Serving the South Bay for 25 years FREE ESTIMATES handyman TOUCHSTONE PAINTING • PLASTERING HANDYMAN Reasonably Priced – Referrals Upon Request 310-517-9677 30 Year Business and Resident in the South Bay plumbing FOR ALL YOUR PLUMBING NEEDS We offer Senior Discounts • We match any pricing • Open 24/7 • Free Estimates License # 537357 1-310-782-1978 roofing NICK’S ROOFING SERVICE Small jobs OK! 310-697-9147 CA License # 1009097 roofing Old Fashioned Values... 50 Years and Counting. New Roofs and Repairs 310-322-4129 CA St. Lic. #558797, Bonded, Insured YOUR AD HERE Email to reserve your space concrete LINDAHL CONCRETE, INC. Specializing in all Residential Concrete • Driveways • Patios • Pool Decks • Stone • Pavers • Stamping Call Casey or Carl - Lic. 531387 310-326-6626 Casey Lindahl founder of Lindahl Concrete Inc. WE ACCEPT CREDIT CARDS WWW.LINDAHLCONCRETE.COM construction Julian Construction, Inc. Foundation Replacement/Repairs House Bolting • Floor Leveling Soft Story Retrofit FREE INSPECTION Low Price Guarantee - 0% Financing Available BONDED & INSURED 323-733-3377 LIC. #788526 flooring KIRK FLOORING carpet vinyl wood (310) 322-6099 Fax (310) 322-6899 lic# 648106 333 Indiana Street, El Segundo gardening CALL OR TEXT BRIAN 310-493-7811 310-322-7396 Painting of El SEgundo Interior & Exterior NO Job too Small • Free Estimates Over 40 thousand papers delivered within miles of your home or business. Parade from front page vehicle exited the car and attempted to go to a residence on 168th Street, saying they lived there. Officers contacted the resident and were told “neither lived there,” said Tardy. The two were found to be parolees, driving a stolen car. A firearm was found in the car and the suspects were booked on numerous parole violations. The Council took up the issue of proposed bicycle lanes on Hawthorne Boulevard. The City had planned to award a contract in March, but several challenges exist in installing bike lanes on the South Bay’s main thoroughfare. The Council discussed designating alternate streets for the bike lane, installing the bike lane in the center median of Hawthorne, or scraping the project altogether and returning $186,000 in Metro grants for the project. Restructuring the center median for a bike path would present a major obstacle, according to a Lawndale planning official who oversaw the initial design proposal. “Construction costs would be prohibitive,” he said. Councilmember Pat Kearney pointed out that having viable bike lanes on the busy Hawthorne corridor will a benefit to YOUR AD HERE businesses and commuters. Bike lanes would connect to other Metro links including the Artesia corridor and Metro Rapid service lines. The consent calendar was passed unanimously. The Council appointed Ruthi Davis as Lawndale’s economic and community development representative to the South Bay Workforce Development Board private industry council. Two ordinances were adopted, applying stricter regulations to new medical and dental businesses in the city and prohibiting outdoor use and cultivation of marijuana. Mandoki said several amendments had to be enacted to the Lawndale municipal codes to prohibit smoking in local parks. Other items on the consent calendar included continuing repairs at the Sheriff’s station, service agreements for City Hall HVAC upgrades and street repairs on 145th Street, and payment of various claims and demands in the amount of $1,265,395. The Lawndale City Council will hold its next regularly scheduled meeting on Monday, May 15 at 6:30 in the Lawndale City Hall Council Chambers at 14717 Burin Avenue. • painting plumbing Sewer Video Inspection Rooter Service • Copper Repipes 310-543-2001 Free Estimates FULL SERVICE PLUMBING YOUR AD HERE Email to reserve your space Email to reserve your space OVER 40 THOUSAND PAPERS DELIVERED WITHIN MILES OF YOUR HOME OR BUSINESS. Over 40 thousand papers delivered within 20 miles of your home or business. C E R T I F I E D A N D L I C E N S E D P R O F E S S I O N A L S Stamping Pool Decks EL SEGUNDO GARDENER Licensed/Bonded All E.S. Crew, Lawn Service Clean Ups, Tree Trim, Sprinklers, Handyman, etc. Lic# 100085424 painting Frederick’s Call Freddy 310-910-4841 LIC #948597 YOUR AD HERE Email to reserve your space YOUR AD HERE Email to reserve your space YOUR AD HERE Email to reserve your space Like Us on Facebook

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