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Lawndale 8.9.12

ANDlAwNDAleNews The Weekly Newspaper of Lawndale Herald Publications - Inglewood, Hawthorne, Lawndale, El Segundo, Torrance & Manhattan Beach Community Newspapers Since 1911 - Circulation 30,000 - Readership 60,000 (310) 322-1830 - August 9, 2012 Inside to Build Healthier CommunityLibrary, School District Seek This Issue A Student’s Perspective...2 Calendar...............................3 The community is invited to help build a Classifieds ...........................3 Lawndale Library and Lawndale Elemen-r Lawndale by joining with thehealthie tary School District in their campaign to improve physical activity and provide Community Briefs ..............3 healthier food options. Persons interested may visit to receive free local resources for a healthier Food ......................................7 and more exercise. Photo by Noraly Hawthorne Happenings ...2 Legals ...........................10-11 Police Reports....................2 Pets.......................................6 Lawndale City Council Awards Second Historical Politically Speaking...........4 Plaque; Approves Alley Improvement Project By Nancy Peters building ADA access ramps at various lo- Tile Plaques to outgoing advisory board Sports ...................................5 For Monday’s City Council meeting, at cations. Included in the funding is an eight members, including: Nancy Marthens, eight which Councilmember Jim Osborne and City percent contingency in the amount of $25,494 years on the Planning Commission; Marge Manager Steve Mandoki were absent from to avoid project delays and facilitate timely Heinemann, eight years on the Parks, Rec- The Wheel Deal.............8-9 the dais for vacation, only eight items were completion of the construction work. The reation & Social Services Commission; and included on the Consent Calendar, reserved Council awarded the contract to Sully-Miller Michael Harbison, five years on the Planning for topics that have already been heard and Contracting Company, which had the second Commission. Also honored for their service need the formalized stamp of approval. A lowest bid, as the first lowest bidder was not to the City of Lawndale with a Certificate of professional services agreement for the ad- in compliance with the Request for Proposal. Commendation were Donna Pence, Senior ministration of CDBG funds in fiscal 2012 The Council also approved the appoint- Citizen Advisory Committee; Carolyn Brown, through 2015 was approved for MDG As- ment made by Mayor Hofmann of Michael Beautification Committee; Roberta Jean Den- Weekend agenda, Mayor Harold E. Hofmann and the Four applications were received for the one Tolliver, Beautification Committee.ney, Senior Citizen Advisory Committee;Ken Fine, Cable Commission; and WanzaHarbison to the Cable Commission for aperiod of two years, ending in May 2014.Prior to the formal portion of the evening’ssociates, Inc. in this section of the meeting. Forecast Plaque to be awarded to a Lawndale citizen vacancy. During public comments, Ellen Dockery,See Council, page 12The Mayor and Council presented CityCouncil presented the second Historical or location. Charles “Mac” MacQuarrie, the owner of the building that houses Old Time Friday AM Clouds the curator of the museum. The building hashonored for his collection of radios and as Lawndale’s LegacyRadio and the Antique Radio Museum, was 84˚/69˚ been in Lawndale since 1923 and operated A series of images and stories about Lawndale’s past by Mac since 1989 and houses an extensive By Councilmember James H. Osborne collection of radios from all over the world. Also on the agenda was a public hearing, during which no comments were received Saturday required Congestion Management Programfrom either the dais or the public, on the Mostly enacted by a State bill in 1989 and with which each municipality and city within the county Sunny must comply. Approval was confirmed by the 82˚/68˚ passage of a resolution by the Council self- certifying that Lawndale is in compliance. The project for the improvements in the Manhattan Beach Boulevard Alleys for Sunday thorne Boulevard and from Prairie Avenue-145th Street from Larch Avenue to Haw Sunny to Freeman Avenue was presented by Glen 79˚/66˚ who explained that the construction projectW.C. Kau, Interim Director of Public Works, is necessary due to the poor roadway condi- tions and the need to improve drainage along these alleys. The project will be funded from Lawndale boys Albert Ruegg and Glen Dickey are seen here having fun at the 1915 San Diego Exposition. CDBG grants. The work will also include

Lawndale 8.9.12
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