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August 23, 2012 Page 11 PUBLIC NOTICES DEPARTMENT K SITUS 12027 PRAIRIE AVE HYLTON,JAMES E SITUS 5031 W OF THE HAWTHORNE CA 90250-3107 4046-008- 134TH ST HAWTHORNE CA 90250-5060 TREASURER AND TAX 017 $17,603.89 4144-017-019 $3,386.26 number. Tax defaulted real property may AMOUNT OF DELINQUENCY AS OF COLLECTOR SITUS 11913 PRAIRIE AVE JACINTO,BRENDA C SITUS 3826 W be redeemed by payment of all unpaid THIS PUBLICATION IS LISTED BELOW. HAWTHORNE CA 90250-3115 4047-024- 119TH ST HAWTHORNE CA 90250-3220 taxes and assessments, together with BRUMFIELD,FRANKLIN K ET AL SITUS Notice of Divided 020 $12,028.18 4048-012-019 $13,208.58 the additional penalties and fees as 4343 W 166TH ST LAWNDALE CA 90260- Publication ANDALAJAO,LETICIA L TR LETICIA JOCOL,HUGO R AND CERNA,IRMA C prescribed by law, or it may be paid under 2904 4075-008-041 $6,867.14 L ANDALAJAO TRUST SITUS 4357 W SITUS 4151 W 132ND ST HAWTHORNE an installment plan of redemption. DAWSON,ANGEL TR SISSAC DECD NOTICE OF DIVIDED PUBLICATION OF 120TH ST HAWTHORNE CA 90250-3032 CA 90250-5903 4045-020-016 $2,016.60 TRUST SITUS 4122 W 162ND ST THE PROPERTY TAX DEFAULT 4047-030-017 $2,301.95 KIM,POK H TR POK H KIM TRUST DEPARTMENT OF THE All information concerning redemption of LAWNDALE CA 90260-2703 4074-012- (DELINQUENT) LIST BATTLE,MICHAEL P SR SITUS 11602 SITUS 11833 CEDAR AVE HAWTHORNE TREASURER AND TAX COLLECTOR tax-defaulted property will be furnished, 014 $13,758.00 Made pursuant to Section 3371, Revenue FREEMAN AVE HAWTHORNE CA 90250- CA 90250-3017 4047-019-017 $5,337.04 upon request, by Mark J. Saladino, FERNANDEZ,CARLOS JR SITUS 4579 and Taxation Code 2440 4047-012-001 $10,224.73 LOPEZ,ESTEBAN 4056-023-026 Notice of Divided Publication Treasurer and Tax Collector, 225 North W 159TH ST LAWNDALE CA 90260-2514 BAUTISTA,JUAN AND AURORA $224.69 Hill Street, Los Angeles, California 90012, 4080-024-017 $2,673.26 Pursuant to Sections 3381 through SITUS 12102 S LA CIENEGA BLVD MANCINO,VINCENT A AND MARJORIE NOTICE OF DIVIDED PUBLICATION OF 1(888) 807-2111 or 1(213) 974-2111. HANSON,OWEN SITUS 16902 3385, Revenue and Taxation Code, the HAWTHORNE CA 90250-3453 4143-007- SITUS 4100 W IMPERIAL HWY THE PROPERTY TAX DEFAULT FREEMAN AVE LAWNDALE, CA 90260 Notice of Power to Sell Tax Defaulted 018 $121.80 HAWTHORNE CA 90304-2914 4047-006- (DELINQUENT) LIST I certify under penalty of perjury that the 4075-004-040 $16,626.17 Property in and for Los Angeles County, BERNAL,GILBERTO AND IGNACIA 012 $5,156.41 Made pursuant to Section 3371, Revenue foregoing is true and correct. Executed at IBRAHIM,HALIM SITUS 15437 State of California, has been divided SITUS 13908 INGLEWOOD AVE MARTINEZ,ANCELMA ET AL and Taxation Code Los Angeles, California on August 2, 2012. FREEMAN AVE LAWNDALE CA 90260- and distributed to various newspapers HAWTHORNE CA 90250-6723 4043-020- ALVARADO,JOSE M SITUS 12216 Pursuant to Sections 3381 through   INTERNATIONAL CHURCH OF THE County. A portion of the list appears in BRADLEY,DEMETRIUS SITUS 13323 4015 4046-012-020 $364.97FREEMAN AVE HAWTHORNE CA 90250-037 $41,025.50of general circulation published in the2135 4076-017-009 $2,820.44 3385, Revenue and Taxation Code, the FOUR SQUARE GOSPEL SITUS 4554 each of such newspapers. CORDARY AVE HAWTHORNE CA MCCULLOM,MARGARET E SITUS 4704 Notice of Power to Sell Tax Defaulted 1/2 W 154TH ST LAWNDALE CA 90260- 90250-6115 4050-027-029 $10,768.35 W BROADWAY HAWTHORNE CA 90250- Property in and for Los Angeles County, 1927 4079-020-002 $4,591.32 I, Mark J. Saladino, County of Los Angeles BUCKNER,CHAVEZ AND REGINALD M 3610 4041-019-035 $1,038.99 State of California, has been divided MARK J. SALADINO LUCAS,EVA SITUS 4572 W 162ND ST Tax Collector, State of California, certify SITUS 12508 MENLO AVE HAWTHORNE MCINTYRE,WILLIAM AND JOHNSON and distributed to various newspapers TREASURER AND TAX COLLECTOR LAWNDALE CA 90260-2841 4080-020- that: CA 90250-4522 4046-022-019 $10,879.64 MCINTYRE,GAIL SITUS 4097 W 138TH of general circulation published in the COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES 021 $11,427.70 BUELL,DONNA D SITUS 12108 FELTON ST HAWTHORNE CA 90250-7314 4045- County. A portion of the list appears in STATE OF CALIFORNIA MARMOL,OSWALDO P SITUS 4237 Notice is hereby given that the real AVE HAWTHORNE CA 90250-3533 4142- 031-037 $14,007.74 each of such newspapers. REDONDO BEACH BLVD LAWNDALE properties listed below were declared 014-002 $2,510.46 NDUBAKU,VICTORIA SITUS 12415 Assessees/taxpayers, who have disposed CA 90260-3341 4075-016-004 $16,580.47 to be in tax default at 12:01 a.m. on CHAVEZ,CARLOS A SITUS 4581 W FREEMAN AVE HAWTHORNE CA 90250- I, Mark J. Saladino, County of Los Angeles of real property since January 1, 2009, PENTECOSTAL HOLINESS CHURCH July 1, 2010, by operation of law. The 135TH ST HAWTHORNE CA 90250-5725 4590 4046-020-006 $30,227.62 Tax Collector, State of California, certify may find their names listed for the reason INC SITUS 4415 W 165TH ST LAWNDALE declaration of default was due to non- 4042-019-004 $12,261.17 NIEVA,SAMUEL D AND ANA L SITUS that: that a change in ownership has not been CA 90260-2908 4080-031-031 $2,810.68 payment of the total amount due for the CHAVEZ,FRANK B AND ANGELINE B 3235 GARDEN LN HAWTHORNE CA reflected on the assessment roll. QUEZADA,JESSICA J SITUS 4217 W taxes, assessments, and other charges SITUS 3950 W 148TH ST HAWTHORNE 90250-0633 4071-014-094 $109.13 Notice is hereby given that the real 159TH ST LAWNDALE CA 90260-2626 levied in 2009-2010 tax year that were a CA 90250-8304 4072-014-024 $852.00 ORTIZ,MAURA M AND JUAN A SITUS properties listed below were declared ASSESSOR’S IDENTIFICATION 4074-004-023 $3,966.03 lien on the listed real property. Property CHILDRESS,ROBERT AND RELDA TRS 4836 W 123RD PL HAWTHORNE CA to be in tax default at 12:01 a.m. on NUMBERING SYSTEM EXPLANATION SANCHEZ,NICOLAS SITUS 15619 upon which a nuisance abatement lien R AND R CHILDRESS TRUST SITUS 90250-3520 4142-015-004 $12,239.79 July 1, 2010, by operation of law. The MANSEL AVE LAWNDALE CA 90260- has been recorded and non-residential 4172 W IMPERIAL HWY HAWTHORNE PAREDES,HECTOR M SITUS 4524 W declaration of default was due to non- The Assessor’s Parcel Number (APN), 2029 4079-028-005 $11,376.52 commercial property shall be subject to CA 90304-2913 4047-005-001 $3,166.20 131ST ST HAWTHORNE CA 90250-5105 payment of the total amount due for the when used to describe property in this SHEPHERD,SHAWN W AND BONNIE J sale if the taxes remain unpaid after three SITUS 4156 W IMPERIAL HWY 4042-025-010/S2008-010 $373.98 taxes, assessments, and other charges list, refers to the Assessor’s map book, SITUS 4303 W 170TH ST LAWNDALE CA years. If the 2009-2010 taxes remain HAWTHORNE CA 90304-2913 4047-005- PINTO,DANNI W AND DIANA 4143-012- levied in 2009-2010 tax year that were a the map page, the block on the map (if 90260-3329 4075-013-011 $3,487.44 unpaid after June 30, 2013, the property 012 $1,979.51 043 $3,426.56 lien on the listed real property. Property applicable), and the individual parcel SOUTHERN CALIF CONFERENCE will be subject to sale at public auction COASTAL VIEW PROPERTIES INC PRINCE,JACK CO TR PRINCE FAMILY upon which a nuisance abatement lien on the map page or in the block. The PENTECOSTAL HOLINESS CH INC in 2014. All other property that remains SITUS 3112 W 147TH ST HAWTHORNE TRUST SITUS 11998 HAWTHORNE has been recorded and non-residential Assessor’s maps and further explanation SITUS 4419 W 165TH ST LAWNDALE CA unpaid after June 30, 2015, will be subject CA 90250 4071-018-025 $36,493.50 BLVD HAWTHORNE CA 90250-3016 commercial property shall be subject to of the parcel numbering system are 90260-2908 4080-031-024 $3,373.87 to sale at public auction in 2016. The name CORONADO,CELIA V ET AL 4047-030-016 $60,472.80 sale if the taxes remain unpaid after three available in the Assessor’s Office. SZAGER,KENNETH R SITUS 4732 W of the assessee and the total tax, which CORONADO,BONNIE J SITUS 14921 RAMIREZ,CANDIDO AND ROSA AND years. If the 2009-2010 taxes remain 162ND ST LAWNDALE CA 90260-2845 was due on June 30, 2010, for the 2009- FREEMAN AVE LAWNDALE CA 90260- ALVAREZ,MIGUEL AND ALICIA SITUS unpaid after June 30, 2013, the property The following property tax defaulted on 4080-009-009 $3,762.74 10 tax year, is shown opposite the parcel 1615 4077-023-022 $4,036.46 4802 W 136TH ST HAWTHORNE CA will be subject to sale at public auction July 1, 2010, for the taxes, assessments, Y AND L MANAGEMENT LLC SITUS number. Tax defaulted real property may DANIELS,RODERICK SITUS 12539 90250-5666 4147-004-020 $23,706.51 in 2014. All other property that remains and other charges for the fiscal year 2009- 4611 MANHATTAN BEACH BLVD be redeemed by payment of all unpaid PRAIRIE AVE HAWTHORNE CA 90250- RAMOS,FREDY AND unpaid after June 30, 2015, will be subject 10: LAWNDALE CA 90260-2546 4080-025- taxes and assessments, together with 4610 4046-024-011 $46,356.91 LANDAVERDE,CESAR O 4044-027-023 to sale at public auction in 2016. The name LISTED BELOW ARE PROPERTIES 087 $124,053.46 the additional penalties and fees as DE LA TORRE,JUVENAL AND LAURA $5,190.17 of the assessee and the total tax, which THAT DEFAULTED IN 2010 FOR TAXES, Lawndale Tribune: Aug. 16, Aug. 23 2012 prescribed by law, or it may be paid under SITUS 4822 W 137TH ST HAWTHORNE RIOS,NELSON AND AIDA SITUS 11962 was due on June 30, 2010, for the 2009- ASSESSMENTS AND 0THER CHARGES HL-23450 an installment plan of redemption. CA 90250-6525 4147-009-015 $4,078.05 PRAIRIE AVE HAWTHORNE CA 90250- 10 tax year, is shown opposite the parcel FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2009-2010. DEUTSCHE BANK NATL TRUST CO TR 3159 4048-011-029 $2,709.68 All information concerning redemption of IMH ASSETS CORP 2005 7 SITUS 13914 ROLLANS,LEO M AND LINDA SITUS tax-defaulted property will be furnished, RAMONA AVE HAWTHORNE CA 90250- 4633 MARINE AVE 140 LAWNDALE CA upon request, by Mark J. Saladino, 6853 4043-016-008/S2009-010 $1,693.92 90260-1276 4078-014-058 $7,052.78 Treasurer and Tax Collector, 225 North DIXON,KEN TR TRUCKEE RIVER ROMERO,CYNTHIA S SITUS 4905 W Like us on Facebook. foregoing is true and correct. Executed at QUEZADA,RAMON AND SITUS 11927 PRAIRIE AVE135TH ST HAWTHORNE CA 90250-56254144-023-037 $10,158.71 SANCHEZ,RAUL A AND REYES,ANA K4045-018-024 $4,216.38TRUST SITUS 4552 W 132ND STHAWTHORNE CA 90250-5113 4042-023-025 $6,182.64 ESTRADA,MARIA E ANDHill Street, Los Angeles, California 90012,1(888) 807-2111 or 1(213) 974-2111.I certify under penalty of perjury that the Los Angeles, California on August 2, 2012. ALMARAZ,ROBERTO SITUS 4126 W HAWTHORNE CA 90250-3115 4047-024-   4045-020-011 $21,464.90 SARTON,TERI L AND LOVATO,SHERRY021 $13,576.28130TH ST HAWTHORNE CA 90250-5215 EWALD,CRAIG M AND DEBI SITUS J SITUS 4320 W 116TH ST HAWTHORNE 14015 JUDAH AVE HAWTHORNE CA CA 90250-2302 4047-015-002 $2,467.77 MARK J. SALADINO 90250-6417 4145-039-001 $3,475.21 SERNA,MARIO SITUS 5027 W 135TH TREASURER AND TAX COLLECTOR FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE COMPANY ST HAWTHORNE CA 90250-5627 4144- COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES SITUS 5124 W EL SEGUNDO BLVD 023-024/S2009-010 $186.24 STATE OF CALIFORNIA HAWTHORNE CA 90250-4160 4144-001- STACY,JAMES W SITUS 4671 W 118TH 003/S2009-020 $34,684.20 ST HAWTHORNE CA 90250-2160 4044- Assessees/taxpayers, who have disposed FRAME,ERIC SITUS 3607 W 118TH PL 006-003 $3,904.42 of real property since January 1, 2009, INGLEWOOD CA 90303-2913 4048-005- STEVENS,EDWIN E CO TR STEVENS may find their names listed for the reason 056 $13,619.60 TRUST SITUS 4539 W 142ND ST that a change in ownership has not been FULLAM,KENNETH E AND HAWTHORNE CA 90250-6931 4043-026- reflected on the assessment roll. FULLAM,EVON M SITUS 5165 W 136TH 027 $2,864.34 ST HAWTHORNE CA 90250-5637 4147- SUAREZ,SANTIAGO J SITUS 4690 W ASSESSOR’S IDENTIFICATION 001-026 $2,121.07 120TH ST HAWTHORNE CA 90250-2818 NUMBERING SYSTEM EXPLANATION GERETY,RICHARD L AND DANA SITUS 4041-008-016 $9,520.23 5431 W 124TH ST HAWTHORNE CA VALIENTE,ANA SITUS 3223 W 139TH The Assessor’s Parcel Number (APN), 90250-3449 4143-011-026 $11,722.71 ST HAWTHORNE CA 90250-7819 when used to describe property in this GLOR,EDWARD SITUS 13905 4052-011-003/S2008-040/S2009-020 list, refers to the Assessor’s map book, CRENSHAW BLVD HAWTHORNE CA $21,734.06 the map page, the block on the map (if 90250-7815 4052-017-013 $5,636.11 VENEGAS,ALFONSO AND applicable), and the individual parcel GLOVER,RUNETTA J SITUS 4055 W VENEGAS,VERONICA SITUS 4304 W on the map page or in the block. The ROSECRANS AVE NO 3 LAWNDALE CA 132ND ST HAWTHORNE CA 90250-5916 Assessor’s maps and further explanation 90250-9100 4077-006-060 $38.94 4045-004-001 $10,370.32 of the parcel numbering system are GRAWET,MARK SITUS 15007 ZIMERMAN,EITAN AND available in the Assessor’s Office. FLORWOOD AVE HAWTHORNE CA ZIMERMAN,LEONOR SITUS 12838 90250-8371 4072-015-004 $13,923.52 WEBER WAY HAWTHORNE CA The following property tax defaulted on GUTIERREZ,TERESO AND MAY SITUS 90250-5537 4053-002-027/S2008-010 July 1, 2010, for the taxes, assessments, 3816 W 119TH ST HAWTHORNE CA $73,270.51 and other charges for the fiscal year 2009- 90250-3220 4048-012-020 $2,929.79 4520 IMPERIAL HWY LLC SITUS 10: HERRERA,ALVARO AND MARITZA 4520 W IMPERIAL HWY HAWTHORNE LISTED BELOW ARE PROPERTIES B SITUS 11965 PRAIRIE AVE CA 90250 4044-009-035/S2009-010 THAT DEFAULTED IN 2010 FOR TAXES, HAWTHORNE CA 90250-3115 4047-024- $3,472.57 ASSESSMENTS AND 0THER CHARGES 019 $11,558.38 SITUS 4532 IMPERIAL HWY FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2009-2010. HOFF,GEORGE R AND HARLEY J AND HAWTHORNE CA 90250 4044-009-036/ AMOUNT OF DELINQUENCY AS OF LALLI,RONNIE G SITUS 5177 W 138TH S2009-010 $1,482.33 THIS PUBLICATION IS LISTED BELOW. ST HAWTHORNE CA 90250-6546 4147- Hawthorne Press: Aug. 16, Aug. 23 2012 ALCAZAR,RAUL AND REYES,ANA 012-038 $12,537.66 HH-23445 Love can come later. : COM

Lawndale 8.23.12
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