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July 12, 2012 Page 9 PUBLIC NOTICES RFP - 0059 Manager ( or Francisco NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE T.S No. 1359701- of Trust heretofore executed and delivered to the NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE TS No. CA- shown on this notice of sale may be postponed THE CITY OF INGLEWOOD and the Jimenez ( at (310) 02 APN: 4031-020-023 TRA: 004564 LOAN NO: undersigned a written declaration of Default and 12-502489-CT Order No.: 1132516 YOU ARE one or more times by the mortgagee, beneficiary, CITY OF INGLEWOOD AS SUCCESSOR 412-5290, should you require further information. Xxxxxx5609 REF: Kotero, Leonardo A IMPORTANT Demand for Sale, and a written Notice of Default IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST trustee, or a court, pursuant to Section 2924g of the AGENCY NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER: YOU ARE IN and Election to Sell. The undersigned caused said DATED 3/9/2006. UNLESS YOU TAKE AC- California Civil Code. The law requires that informa- INVITATION TO SUBMIT PROPOSALS Each bid, to be considered, must be delivered DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST, DATED Notice of Default and Election to Sell to be recorded TION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT tion about trustee sale postponements be made (Specifications and Conditions Governing Bid Award) to and received by the City Clerk no later than February 23, 2006. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION in the county where the real property is located. MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU available to you and to the public, as a courtesy to 11:00 a.m. on August 1, 2012, at the Office of TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE NOTICE TO POTENTIAL BIDDERS: If you are NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE those not present at the sale. If you wish to learn the City Clerk, First Floor of Inglewood City Hall, SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN considering bidding on this property lien, you should OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU whether your sale date has been postponed, and, Project Subject for BID: One Manchester Boulevard, Inglewood, CA, 90301. EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE understand that there are risks involved in bidding SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER.A public auc- if applicable, the rescheduled time and date for the PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD at a trustee auction. You will be bidding on a lien, tion sale to the highest bidder for cash, cashier’s sale of this property, you may call714-573-1965 The City of Inglewood invites and will receive Each bid shall be submitted and completed in all CONTACT A LAWYER. OnAugust 01, 2012, at not on the property itself. Placing the highest bid check drawn on a state or national bank, check for information regarding the trustee’s sale or visit sealed bids duly as filed as provided herein for particulars using the form entitled, “Bidder’s Proposal 9:00am, Cal-Western Reconveyance Corporation, at a trustee auction does not automatically entitle drawn by state or federal credit union, or a check this Internet Web site the furnishing all labor, services, materials, and and Statement”, attached hereto and must be as duly appointed trustee under and pursuant to you to free and clear ownership of the property. drawn by a state or federal savings and loan , using the file number assigned to this foreclosure equipment, and performing all work to provide enclosed in a sealed envelope addressed to the Deed of Trust recorded March 01, 2006, as Inst. You should also be aware that the lien being association, or savings association, or savings by the Trustee: CA-12-502489-CT . Information for a complete and acceptable project, including City Clerk with the designation of the project“LEAD No. 06 0447820 in book XX, page XX of Official auctioned off may be a junior lien. If you are the bank specified in Section 5102 to the Financial about postponements that are very short in duration site work for: BASED PAINT AND ASBESTOS AND DEMOLI- Records in the office of the County Recorder of Los highest bidder at the auction, you are or may be code and authorized to do business in this state, or that occur close in time to the scheduled sale TION FOR VARIOUS CITY PROPETIES IN THE Angeles County, State of California, executed by responsible for paying off all liens senior to the will be held by duly appointed trustee. The sale may not immediately be reflected in the telephone LEAD BASED PAINT AND ASBESTOS AND CITY OF INGLEWOOD”appearing thereon. Leonardo A Kotero and Monica Kotero, Husband lien being auctioned off, before you can receive will be made, but without covenant or warranty, information or on the Internet Web site. The best DEMOLITION FOR VARIOUS CITY PROP- Bids will be opened in public in theCity Clerk’s And Wife As Community Property With Right Of clear title to the property. You are encouraged expressed or implied, regarding title, possession, way to verify postponement information is to at- ERTIES IN THE CITY OF INGLEWOOD, as Office and will then be announced to all persons Survivorship, will sell at public auction to highest to investigate the existence, priority, and size of or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principal tend the scheduled sale. The undersigned Trustee specified in this document. present. bidder for cash, cashier’s check drawn on a state outstanding liens that may exist on this property sum of the note(s) secured by the Deed of Trust, disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the or national bank, a check drawn by a state or by contacting the county recorder’s office or a title with interest and late charges thereon, as provided property address or other common designation, A mandatory Pre-bid Walk Through for This notice is given by order of the City federal credit union, or a check drawn by a state insurance company, either of which may charge in the note(s), advances, under the terms of the if any, shown herein. If no street address or other interested bidders will be conducted on Manager of the City of Inglewood, California, or federal savings and loan association, savings you a fee for this information. If you consult either Deed of Trust, interest thereon, fees, charges and common designation is shown, directions to the Wednesday, July 18, 2012 at 9:00 a.m., in the and is dated this ________________ day of association, or savings bank Behind the fountain of these resources, you should be aware that the expenses of the Trustee for the total amount (at location of the property may be obtained by send- City Council Chambers located on the Ninth ____________________ 2012. located in civic center plaza, 400 civic Center same lender may hold more than one mortgage the time of the initial publication of the Notice of ing a written request to the beneficiary within 10 Floor at Inglewood City Hall, One Manchester Plaza Pomona, California, all right, title and interest or deed of trust on the property. NOTICE TO Sale) reasonably estimated to be set forth below. days of the date of first publication of this Notice Boulevard, Inglewood, California 90301. The conveyed to and now held by it under said Deed PROPERTY OWNER: The sale date shown on The amount may be greater on the day of sale. of Sale.If the Trustee is unable to convey title RFP and the attached asbestos reports can ________________________________ of Trust in the property situated in said County this notice of sale may be postponed one or more BENEFICIARY MAY ELECT TO BID LESS THAN for any reason, the successful bidder’s sole be found on the city’s website at http://www. Artie Fields, City Manager and State described as:Completely described times by the mortgagee, beneficiary, trustee, or a THE TOTAL AMOUNT DUE.Trustor(s):ANTONIO and exclusive remedy shall be the return of . City of Inglewood, California in said deed of trust The street address and court, pursuant to section 2924g of the California LUNA AND LOURDES LUNA, HUSBAND AND monies paid to the Trustee, and the successful Inglewood News: 7/12/2012 other common designation, if any, of the real Civil Code. The law requires that information about WIFE AS JOINT TENANTSRecorded:3/23/2006 bidder shall have no further recourse. If the sale Please contact Margarita Cruz, Redevelopment HI-23405 property described above is purported to be: trustee sale postponements be made available to as Instrument No.06 0621596of Official Records is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at 3149 West 112th Street Inglewood CA 90303 you and to the public, as a courtesy to those not in the office of the Recorder ofLOS ANGELES the sale shall be entitled only to a return of The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability present at the sale. If you wish to learn whether your County, California; Date of Sale:8/2/2012at9:00 the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have for any incorrectness of the street address and sale date has been postponed, and, if applicable, AMPlace of Sale:Behind the fountain located no further recourse against the Mortgagor, NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE TS No. CA-11- NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER: The sale date other common designation, if any, shown herein. the rescheduled time and date for the sale of this in Civic Center Plaza, 400 Civic Center Plaza, the Mortgagee, or the Mortgagee’s Attorney. 478083-CL Order No.: 110512257-CA-LPI YOU shown on this notice of sale may be postponed Said sale will be held, but without covenant or property, you may call(619)590-1221or visit the Pomona CA 91766Amount of unpaid balance Date:Quality Loan Service Corporation 2141 ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST one or more times by the mortgagee, beneficiary, warranty, express or implied, regarding title, pos- internet website, using the and other charges: $509,498.42 The purported 5th Avenue San Diego, CA 92101 619-645-7711 DATED 3/27/2007. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION trustee, or a court, pursuant to Section 2924g of the session, condition or encumbrances, including fees, file number assigned to this case 1359701-02. property address is: 4172 -4172 ½ W 165TH For NON SALE information only Sale Line: 714- TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE California Civil Code. The law requires that informa- charges and expenses of the Trustee and of the Information about postponements that are very STREET, LAWNDALE, CA 90260-2941Assessor’s 573-1965 Or Login to: http://www.qualityloan. SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN tion about trustee sale postponements be made trusts created by said Deed of Trust, to pay the short in duration or that occur close in time to the Parcel No.4075-001-018 NOTICE TO POTENTIAL com Reinstatement Line: (866) 645-7711 Ext EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE available to you and to the public, as a courtesy to remaining principal sums of the note(s) secured scheduled sale may not immediately be reflected BIDDERS:If you are considering bidding on this 5318 Quality Loan Service Corp. If you have PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD those not present at the sale. If you wish to learn by said Deed of Trust. The total amount of the in the telephone information or on the Internet property lien, you should understand that there previously been discharged through bankruptcy, CONTACT A LAWYER. A public auction sale to the whether your sale date has been postponed, and, unpaid balance of the obligation secured by the Web Site. The best way to verify postponement are risks involved in bidding at a trustee auction. you may have been released of personal liability highest bidder for cash, cashier’s check drawn on if applicable, the rescheduled time and date for the property to be sold and reasonable estimated costs, information is to attend the scheduled sale. For sales You will be bidding on a lien, not on the property for this loan in which case this letter is intended a state or national bank, check drawn by state or sale of this property, you may call 714-730-2727 expenses and advances at the time of the initial information:(619)590-1221. Cal-Western Reconvey- itself. Placing the highest bid at a trustee auction to exercise the note holders right’s against the federal credit union, or a check drawn by a state for information regarding the trustee’s sale or visit publication of the Notice of Sale is: $348,317.47. ance Corporation, 525 East Main Street, P.O. Box does not automatically entitle you to free and clear real property only.THIS NOTICE IS SENT FOR or federal savings and loan association, or savings this Internet Web site, If the Trustee is unable to convey title for any 22004, El Cajon, CA 92022-9004 Dated: July 03, ownership of the property. You should also be aware THE PURPOSE OF COLLECTING A DEBT. association, or savings bank specified in Section using the file number assigned to this foreclosure reason, the successful bidder’s sole and exclusive 2012. (R-414253 07/12/12, 07/19/12, 07/26/12) that the lien being auctioned off may be a junior THIS FIRM IS ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A 5102 to the Financial code and authorized to do by the Trustee: CA-11-478083-CL. Information remedy shall be the return of monies paid to the Inglewood News: 7/12, 7/19, 7/26/2012 lien. If you are the highest bidder at the auction, DEBT ON BEHALF OF THE HOLDER AND business in this state, will be held by duly appointed about postponements that are very short in duration Trustee, and the successful bidder shall have no HI-23406 you are or may be responsible for paying off all OWNER OF THE NOTE. ANY INFORMATION trustee. The sale will be made, but without covenant or that occur close in time to the scheduled sale further recourse. The beneficiary under said Deed liens senior to the lien being auctioned off, before OBTAINED BY OR PROVIDED TO THIS FIRM or warranty, expressed or implied, regarding title, may not immediately be reflected in the telephone you can receive clear title to the property. You are OR THE CREDITOR WILL BE USED FOR THAT possession, or encumbrances, to pay the remaining information or on the Internet Web site. The best encouraged to investigate the existence, priority, PURPOSE.As required by law, you are hereby principal sum of the note(s) secured by the Deed way to verify postponement information is to at- NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE TS No. 12- trusts created by said Deed of Trust. If required by and size of outstanding liens that may exist on notified that a negative credit report reflecting on as provided in the note(s), advances, under the disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the 4077-025-030 YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER Civil Code, the declaration from the mortgagee, office or a title insurance company, either of which report agency if you fail to fulfill the terms of yourthe provisions of section 2923.5 of the Californiayour credit record may be submitted to a creditthis property by contacting the county recorder’s0029091 Title Order No. 12-0048924 APN No.tend the scheduled sale. The undersigned Trustee of Trust, with interest and late charges thereon, amount (at the time of the initial publication of the common designation is shown, directions to the PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC appropriate County Recorder’s Office. NOTICE aware that the same lender may hold more than Lawndale Tribune: 7/12, 7/19, 7/26/2012Notice of Trustee’s Sale duly recorded with theIDSPub #0031299 7/12/2012 7/19/2012 7/26/2012consult either of these resources, you should beLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOURif any, shown herein. If no street address or otherbeneficiary or authorized agent is attached to theCA-12-502489-CTcredit obligations. TS No.:may charge you a fee for this information. If you-A DEED OF TRUST, DATED 12/26/2006. UNproperty address or other common designation, terms of the Deed of Trust, interest thereon, fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee for the total forth below. The amount may be greater on the ing a written request to the beneficiary within 10 THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST bidding on this property lien, you should understand NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER:The sale dateTO POTENTIAL BIDDERS If you are considering HL-23410one mortgage or deed of trust on the property.SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF-location of the property may be obtained by send Notice of Sale) reasonably estimated to be set BID LESS THAN THE TOTAL AMOUNT DUE. of Sale. If the Trustee is unable to convey title YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. that there are risks involved in bidding at a trusteedays of the date of first publication of this Notice day of sale. BENEFICIARY MAY ELECT TO Recorder of LOS ANGELES County, California; for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be AND HUSBAND, dated 12/26/2006 and recorded also be aware that the lien being auctioned off may LIPS you should appear at the hearing and state yourhave no further recourse. If the sale is set asideIF YOU OBJECT to the granting of the petition,-LINDA L. PHILLIPS AKA LINDA LOU PHILand clear ownership of the property. You shouldISABEL VILLA AND VICTOR RAMIREZ, WIFEpaid to the Trustee, and the successful bidder shallat 111 N. HILL ST., LOS ANGELES, CA 90012ESTATE OF:auction does not automatically entitle you to freesuant to the Deed of Trust executed by MARIAexclusive remedy shall be the return of moniesas follows: 08/06/12 at 8:30AM in Dept. 9 locatedNOTICE OF PETITION TO ADMINISTERproperty itself. Placing the highest bid at a trustee-COMPANY, N.A., as duly appointed trustee purfor any reason, the successful bidder’s sole andauction. You will be bidding on a lien, not on aNotice is hereby given that RECONTRUST Trustor(s): NICOLAS FERNANDEZ AND ANA FERNANDEZ , HUSBAND AND WIFE AS JOINT TENANTS Recorded: 4/5/2007 as Instrument No. 20070810263 of Official Records in the office of the address is: 15311 GREVILLEA AVENUE UNIT 2141 5th Avenue San Diego, CA 92101 619-645- Pomona Valley Masonic Temple Building, located You are encouraged to investigate the existence, L. PHILLIPS AKA LINDA LOU PHILLIPS. creditor of the decedent, you must file your claimAttorney. Date: -- Quality Loan Service CorporationIF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or a contingentinterested in the WILL or estate, or both of LINDAbefore you can receive clear title to the property.California, will sell on 08/06/2012 at 1:00PM, At thethe Mortgagor, the Mortgagee, or the Mortgagee’sperson or by your attorney.creditors, and persons who may otherwise beoff all liens senior to the lien being auctioned off,County Recorder of Los Angeles County, State ofPurchaser shall have no further recourse againstbefore the hearing. Your appearance may be inTo all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingentauction, you are or may be responsible for paying, Page , of Official Records in the office of theentitled only to a return of the deposit paid. Theobjections or file written objections with the courtCASE NO. BP135084be a junior lien. If you are the highest bidder at the1/8/2007, as Instrument No. 20070031652, in Book Date of Sale: 7/30/2012 at 11:00 AM Place of Sale: By the fountain located at 400 Civic Center Plaza, Pomona, CA 91766 Amount of unpaid balance and other charges: $467,048.16 The purported property are risks involved in bidding at a trustee auction. been discharged through bankruptcy, you may have now held by it under said Deed of Trust, in the consult either of these resources, you should be EMILY LEWIS be appointed as personal repre- for filing claims will not expire before four monthsQuality Loan Service Corp. If you have previouslyprovided in Probate Code section 9100. The timeTHE PETITION FOR PROBATE requests thatmay charge you a fee for this information. If youof sale, all right, title, and interest conveyed to andcom Reinstatement Line: (866) 645-7711 Ext 5318months from the date of first issuance of letters asCounty of LOS or a title insurance company, either of whichcheck as described below, payable in full at time714-730-2727 Or Login to: http://www.qualityloan.representative appointed by the court within fourEMILY LEWIS in the Superior Court of California,on this property by contacting the county recorder’sat public auction, to the highest bidder for cash or7711 For NON SALE information only Sale Line:with the court and mail a copy to the personalA PETITION FOR PROBATE has been filed bypriority, and size of outstanding liens that may existat 395 South Thomas Street, Pomona, California #2, LAWNDALE, CA 90260 Assessor’s Parcel No. 4079-015-023 NOTICE TO POTENTIAL BIDDERS: If you are considering bidding on this property lien, you should understand that there that the lien being auctioned off may be a junior COLLECTING A DEBT. THIS FIRM IS ATTEMPT- above is purported to be: 4104-4106 W 149TH or more times by the mortgagee, beneficiary, the file kept by the court. Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventoryTHIS NOTICE IS SENT FOR THE PURPOSE OFmay file with the court a Request for Specialand any codicils are available for examination inon this notice of sale may be postponed onedesignation, if any, of the real property describednote holders right’s against the real property only.If you are a person interested in the estate, youcodicils, if any, be admitted to probate. The WILLTO PROPERTY OWNER The sale date shownof Trust. The street address and other commonwhich case this letter is intended to exercise theYOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept by the court.THE PETITION requests the decedent’s WILL andmortgage or deed of trust on the property. NOTICEmore fully described in the above referenced Deedbeen released of personal liability for this loan infrom the hearing date noticed above.sentative to administer the estate of the decedent.aware that the lender may hold more than oneproperty situated in said County and State and as You will be bidding on a lien, not on the property itself. Placing the highest bid at a trustee auction does not automatically entitle you to free and clear ownership of the property. You should also be aware encouraged to investigate the existence, priority, USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. As required by law, unpaid balance with interest thereon of the obligation courtesy to those not present at the sale. If you court approval. Before taking certain very important Attorney for PetitionerTO THIS FIRM OR THE CREDITOR WILL BEfrom the court clerk.representative to take many actions without obtainingmade available to you and to the public, as ation, if any, shown herein. The total amount of theINFORMATION OBTAINED BY OR PROVIDED1250. A Request for Special Notice form is availableEstates Act . (This authority will allow the personalinformation about trustee sale postponements be-of the street address and other common designaHOLDER AND OWNER OF THE NOTE. ANYor account as provided in Probate Code Sectionthe estate under the Independent Administration ofthe California Civil Code. The law requires thatTrustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectnessING TO COLLECT A DEBT ON BEHALF OF THEand appraisal of estate assets or of any petitionTHE PETITION requests authority to administertrustee, or a court, pursuant to Section 2924g ofST, LAWNDALE, CA, 90260. The undersigned lien. If you are the highest bidder at the auction, you are or may be responsible for paying off all liens senior to the lien being auctioned off, before you can receive clear title to the property. You are consult either of these resources, you should be 07/12/2012, 07/19/2012 sale the opening bid may be less than the total site, using the file number authority will be granted unless an interested person CNS-2344986#of your credit obligations. A-4263689 07/05/2012,7/12, 7/19, 7/26/12proposed action.) The independent administrationmay call 1-800-281-8219 or visit this Internet Webis $816,709.47. It is possible that at the time ofa credit report agency if you fail to fulfill the termsSANTA MONICA CA 90401unless they have waived notice or consented to thetime and date for the sale of this property, youtime of the initial publication of the Notice of Salereflecting on your credit record may be submitted to1348 10TH STREETbe required to give notice to interested personspostponed, and, if applicable, the rescheduledestimated costs, expenses and advances at theyou are hereby notified that a negative credit reportJOSEPH P. FERRY - SBN 110586actions, however, the personal representative willwish to learn whether your sale date has beensecured by the property to be sold plus reasonable and size of outstanding liens that may exist on this property by contacting the county recorder’s office or a title insurance company, either of which may charge you a fee for this information. If you one mortgage or deed of trust on the property. HL-23402 national bank, a check drawn by a state or federal or that occur close in time to the scheduled sale A HEARING on the petition will be held in this court HI-23408cause why the court should not grant the authority.about postponements that are very short in durationwill accept cashier’s checks drawn on a state orLawndale Tribune: 7/5, 7/12, 7/19/2012Inglewood News: 7/12, 7/19, 7/26/2012files an objection to the petition and shows goodassigned to this case 12-0029091. Informationindebtedness due. In addition to cash, the Trustee aware that the same lender may hold more than credit union, or a check drawn by a state or federal may not immediately be reflected in the telephone savings and loan association, savings association, information or on the Internet Web site. The best CONTACT A LAWYER. On August 2, 2012 at at a trustee auction does not automatically entitle charges and expenses of the Trustee and of the HL-23409 SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. Notice is property itself. Placing the highest bid at a trusteeauction. You will be bidding on a lien, not on aOF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOUnot on the property itself. Placing the highest bidLawndale News: 7/12, 7/19, 7/26/2012that there are risks involved in bidding at a trusteeNEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATUREest thereon as provided in said Note, plus fees,at a trustee auction. You will be bidding on a lien,7/19, 7/26/2012bidding on this property lien, you should understandMAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU-the Note secured by said Deed of Trust with interunderstand that there are risks involved in biddingused for that purpose. FEI # 1006.162224 7/12,TO POTENTIAL BIDDERS If you are consideringTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, ITinterest as provided, and the unpaid principal ofconsidering bidding on this property lien, you shouldcollect a debt. Any information obtained will beappropriate County Recorder’s Office. NOTICE-DATED 12/20/2006. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACCOMPANY, N.A. is a debt collector attempting toNotice of Trustee’s Sale duly recorded with theIN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST,encumbrances, to satisfy the indebtedness securedby said Deed of Trust, advances thereunder, withthree months have elapsed since such recordation.281-8219 By: Trustee’s Sale Officer RECONTRUSTbeneficiary or authorized agent is attached to the00164548103 APN No. 4080-017-015 YOU AREexpress or implied, regarding title, possession orwhere the real property is located and more thanVALLEY, CA 93063 Phone/Sale Information: (800)Civil Code, the declaration from the mortgagee,Title Order No. 10-8-411213 Investor/Insurer No.IS’’ condition, but without covenant or warranty,and Election to Sell to be recorded in the countyN.A. 1800 Tapo Canyon Rd., CA6-914-01-94 SIMIthe provisions of section 2923.5 of the California10-0107424 Doc ID #0001645481032005Nin this state. Said sale will be made, in an ‘’ASThe undersigned caused said Notice of Defaultthe scheduled sale. RECONTRUST COMPANY,trusts created by said Deed of Trust. If required byNOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE TS No.way to verify postponement information is to attendor savings bank specified in Section 5102 of theFinancial Code and authorized to do businessNOTICE TO POTENTIAL BIDDERS: If you areYOU Trustee Sale029 TRA No.:-001-11 Loan No. 0216887 Title Order- NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE No. 126685 No. 5906745 APN 4078 ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED 05/26/06. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDINGS AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD 11:00 AM, MORTGAGE LENDER SERVICES, you to free and clear ownership of the property. hereby given that RECONTRUST COMPANY, auction does not automatically entitle you to free INC. as the duly appointed Trustee under and You should also be aware that the lien being NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE TS No. charges and expenses of the Trustee and of the N.A., as duly appointed trustee pursuant to the and clear ownership of the property. You should pursuant to Deed of Trust Recorded on 06/02/06 auctioned off may be a junior lien. If you are the 12-0025804 Doc ID #0008524775692005N trusts created by said Deed of Trust. If required by Deed of Trust executed by FRANCO MIRANDA also be aware that the lien being auctioned off may as Document No. 06 1213880 of official records highest bidder at the auction, you are or may be Title Order No. 12-0043278 Investor/Insurer No. the provisions of section 2923.5 of the California AND SYLVIA ELIZABETH MIRANDA, MARRIED, be a junior lien. If you are the highest bidder at the in the Office of the Recorder of LOS ANGELES responsible for paying off all liens senior to the 1710856113 APN No. 4077-024-026 YOU ARE Civil Code, the declaration from the mortgagee, dated 12/20/2006 and recorded 12/29/2006, as auction, you are or may be responsible for paying County, California, executed by: STACIE A. lien being auctioned off, before you can receive IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST, beneficiary or authorized agent is attached to the Instrument No. 06 2896606, in Book , Page , of off all liens senior to the lien being auctioned off, EHLERS, ALEJANDRO C PLASCENCIA, as clear title to the property. You are encouraged DATED 10/22/2009. UNLESS YOU TAKE AC- Notice of Trustee’s Sale duly recorded with the Official Records in the office of the County Recorder before you can receive clear title to the property. Trustor,WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO to investigate the existence, priority, and size of TION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT appropriate County Recorder’s Office. NOTICE of Los Angeles County, State of California, will sell You are encouraged to investigate the existence, THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH (payable at outstanding liens that may exist on this property MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU TO POTENTIAL BIDDERS If you are considering on 08/09/2012 at 9:00AM, Doubletree Hotel Los priority, and size of outstanding liens that may exist time of sale in lawful money of the United States, by contacting the county recorder’s office or a title NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE bidding on this property lien, you should understand Angeles-Norwalk, 13111 Sycamore Drive, Norwalk, on this property by contacting the county recorder’s by cash, a cashier’s check drawn by a state or insurance company, either of which may charge OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU that there are risks involved in bidding at a trustee CA 90650, Vineyard Ballroom at public auction, to office or a title insurance company, either of which national bank, a check drawn by a state or federal you a fee for this information. If you consult either SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. Notice is hereby auction. You will be bidding on a lien, not on a the highest bidder for cash or check as described may charge you a fee for this information. If you credit union, or a check drawn by a state or federal of these resources, you should be aware that the given that RECONTRUST COMPANY, N.A., as property itself. Placing the highest bid at a trustee below, payable in full at time of sale, all right, title, consult either of these resources, you should be savings and loan association, savings association, same lender may hold more than one mortgage duly appointed trustee pursuant to the Deed of auction does not automatically entitle you to free and interest conveyed to and now held by it under aware that the lender may hold more than one or savings bank specified in section 5102 of the or deed of trust on the property. NOTICE TO Trust executed by JOSE R HERNANDEZ AND and clear ownership of the property. You should said Deed of Trust, in the property situated in said mortgage or deed of trust on the property. NOTICE Financial Code and authorized to do business in PROPERTY OWNER: The sale date shown on MARISOL HERNANDEZ, HUSBAND AND WIFE, also be aware that the lien being auctioned off may County and State and as more fully described in TO PROPERTY OWNER The sale date shown this state). INSIDE THE LOBBY OF THE BUILD- this notice of sale may be postponed one or more dated 10/22/2009 and recorded 11/25/2009, as be a junior lien. If you are the highest bidder at the the above referenced Deed of Trust. The street on this notice of sale may be postponed one ING LOCATED AT 628 NORTH DIAMOND BAR times by the mortgagee, beneficiary, trustee, or a Instrument No. 20091791038, in Book , Page , of auction, you are or may be responsible for paying address and other common designation, if any, of or more times by the mortgagee, beneficiary, BLVD., SUITE B, DIAMOND BAR, CA, all right, court, pursuant to Section 2924g of the California Official Records in the office of the County Recorder off all liens senior to the lien being auctioned off, the real property described above is purported to be: trustee, or a court, pursuant to Section 2924g of title and interest conveyed to and now held by it Civil Code. The law requires that information about of Los Angeles County, State of California, will sell before you can receive clear title to the property. 4562 W 165TH STREET, LAWNDALE, CA, 90260. the California Civil Code. The law requires that under said Deed of Trust in the property situated in trustee sale postponements be made available to on 08/02/2012 at 9:00AM, Doubletree Hotel Los You are encouraged to investigate the existence, The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for information about trustee sale postponements said County, California describing the land therein: you and to the public, as a courtesy to those not Angeles-Norwalk, 13111 Sycamore Drive, Norwalk, priority, and size of outstanding liens that may exist any incorrectness of the street address and other be made available to you and to the public, as a AS MORE FULLY DESCRIBED IN SAID DEED present at the sale. If you wish to learn whether your CA 90650, Vineyard Ballroom at public auction, to on this property by contacting the county recorder’s common designation, if any, shown herein. The total courtesy to those not present at the sale. If you OF TRUST. The property heretofore described sale date has been postponed, and, if applicable, the highest bidder for cash or check as described office or a title insurance company, either of which amount of the unpaid balance with interest thereon wish to learn whether your sale date has been is being sold “as is”. The street address and other the rescheduled time and date for the sale of this below, payable in full at time of sale, all right, title, may charge you a fee for this information. If you of the obligation secured by the property to be sold postponed, and, if applicable, the rescheduled time common designation, if any, of the real property property, you may call (916) 939-0772 or visit this and interest conveyed to and now held by it under consult either of these resources, you should be plus reasonable estimated costs, expenses and and date for the sale of this property, you may call described above is purported to be: 4727 W Internet Web site using said Deed of Trust, in the property situated in said aware that the lender may hold more than one advances at the time of the initial publication of the 1-800-281-8219 or visit this Internet Web site www. 147TH ST #113, LAWNDALE, CA 90260-.The the file number assigned to this case 126685-11. County and State and as more fully described in mortgage or deed of trust on the property. NOTICE Notice of Sale is $504,638.85. It is possible that at, using the file number assigned undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any Information about postponements that are very the above referenced Deed of Trust. The street TO PROPERTY OWNER The sale date shown the time of sale the opening bid may be less than to this case TS No. 10-0107424. Information about incorrectness of the street address and other com- short in duration or that occur close in time to the address and other common designation, if any, of on this notice of sale may be postponed one the total indebtedness due. In addition to cash, the postponements that are very short in duration or mon designation, if any, shown herein. Said sale scheduled sale may not immediately be reflected the real property described above is purported to or more times by the mortgagee, beneficiary, Trustee will accept cashier’s checks drawn on a that occur close in time to the scheduled sale will be made, but without covenant or warranty, in the telephone information or on the Internet be: 4148 WEST 149TH STREET, LAWNDALE, trustee, or a court, pursuant to Section 2924g of state or national bank, a check drawn by a state may not immediately be reflected in the telephone expressed or implied, regarding title, possession, Web site. The best way to verify postponement CA, 90260. The undersigned Trustee disclaims the California Civil Code. The law requires that or federal credit union, or a check drawn by a state information or on the Internet Web site. The best or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principal information is to attend the scheduled sale. Date: any liability for any incorrectness of the street information about trustee sale postponements or federal savings and loan association, savings way to verify postponement information is to attend sum of the note(s) secured by said Deed of Trust, 07/06/12 MORTGAGE LENDER SERVICES, INC. address and other common designation, if any, be made available to you and to the public, as a association, or savings bank specified in Section the scheduled sale. RECONTRUST COMPANY, with interest thereon, as provided in said note(s), 81 BLUE RAVINE ROAD, SUITE 100, FOLSOM, shown herein. The total amount of the unpaid courtesy to those not present at the sale. If you 5102 of the Financial Code and authorized to do N.A. 1800 Tapo Canyon Rd., CA6-914-01-94 SIMI advances, if any, under the terms of the Deed CA 95630, (916) 962-3453 Sale Information Line: balance with interest thereon of the obligation wish to learn whether your sale date has been business in this state. Said sale will be made, in an VALLEY, CA 93063 Phone: (800) 281 8219, Sale of Trust, estimated fees, charges and expenses (916) 939-0772 or secured by the property to be sold plus reasonable postponed, and, if applicable, the rescheduled time ‘’AS IS’’ condition, but without covenant or warranty, Information (626) 927-4399 By: Trustee’s Sale of the Trustee and of the trusts created by said Tara Campbell, Trustee Sale Officer MORTGAGE estimated costs, expenses and advances at the and date for the sale of this property, you may call express or implied, regarding title, possession or Officer RECONTRUST COMPANY, N.A. is a Deed of Trust, to-wit: $325,518.36 (Estimated). LENDER SERVICES, INC. MAY BE A DEBT time of the initial publication of the Notice of Sale 1-800-281-8219 or visit this Internet Web site www. encumbrances, to satisfy the indebtedness secured debt collector attempting to collect a debt. Any Accrued interest and additional advances, if any, COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A is $319,443.44. It is possible that at the time of, using the file number assigned by said Deed of Trust, advances thereunder, with information obtained will be used for that purpose. will increase this figure prior to sale. The Beneficiary DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL sale the opening bid may be less than the total to this case TS No. 12-0025804. Information about interest as provided, and the unpaid principal of A-4268616 07/12/2012, 07/19/2012, 07/26/2012 may elect to bid less than the full credit bid. The BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. NPP0204453 indebtedness due. In addition to cash, the Trustee postponements that are very short in duration or the Note secured by said Deed of Trust with inter- Lawndale Tribune: 7/12, 7/19, 7/26/2012 beneficiary under said Deed of Trust heretofore PUB: 07/12/12, 07/19/12, 07/26/12 will accept cashier’s checks drawn on a state or that occur close in time to the scheduled sale est thereon as provided in said Note, plus fees, HL-23412 executed and delivered to the undersigned a written Lawndale Tribune: 7/12, 7/19, 7/26/2012 national bank, a check drawn by a state or federal may not immediately be reflected in the telephone charges and expenses of the Trustee and of the Declaration of Default and Demand for Sale, and HL-23411 credit union, or a check drawn by a state or federal information or on the Internet Web site. The best a written Notice of Default and Election to Sell. savings and loan association, savings association, way to verify postponement information is to attend or savings bank specified in Section 5102 of the the scheduled sale. RECONTRUST COMPANY, Financial Code and authorized to do business N.A. 1800 Tapo Canyon Rd., CA6-914-01-94 SIMI in this state. Said sale will be made, in an ‘’AS VALLEY, CA 93063 Phone: (800) 281 8219, Sale IS’’ condition, but without covenant or warranty, Information (626) 927-4399 By: - Trustee’s Sale express or implied, regarding title, possession or Officer RECONTRUST COMPANY, N.A. is a encumbrances, to satisfy the indebtedness secured debt collector attempting to collect a debt. Any by said Deed of Trust, advances thereunder, with information obtained will be used for that purpose. interest as provided, and the unpaid principal of A-FN4254526 07/05/2012, 07/12/2012, 07/19/2012 the Note secured by said Deed of Trust with inter- Lawndale Tribune: 7/5, 7/12, 7/19/2012 est thereon as provided in said Note, plus fees, HL-23401

Lawndale 7.12.12
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