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Lawndale 7.12.12

Page 2 July 12, 2012 A Student’s Perspective Hawthorne Happenings Cyclists Matter Too! News for the City of Good Neighbors By Glen Abalayan the common cyclist’s woes as I rode along From City Clerk Norb Huber other? If you are computer/internet Since the 1800s, bicycles have been the a bike lane and found it quite strange and Hawthorne to Celebrate 90th savvy. Log on and check out this best method of human-powered transporta- irritating to see the bike lane suddenly cease Birthday exciting video viewed by more than tion. Compared to running, the act of cycling to exist once I crossed a junction. It’s quite Circle Saturday, July 21 on 111,000 people. It will surprise you. is a much quicker and hygienic way to get odd how people would stage a mad riot your calendar. It’s going to be a July 12, 1922 from Point A to Point B. Cycling is also an over a sudden closure on a major street, but big day in Hawthorne. The 2nd Today is the exact incorporation enjoyable way to lose weight because it is wouldn’t care if a simple six-foot-wide bike Annual Good Neighbors Day will date for the city of Hawthorne. easier on the knees and hips, a common an- route was abruptly cut off. be held at the civic center, in front There was a large group of people noyance for most runners. In European and Cyclists end up being stuck in the middle of City Hall. This year we will back then who did not want to Asian countries, a majority of commuters of a clash between who owns what part of be have a 90th Birthday party for incorporate as a separate city. use bicycles as their means of transportation the road. Unlike other countries where bikes our city. The full day of activities These people wanted to stay with and are able to reap the many benefits. But have their own independent lane, riders in will kick off at 7:30 a.m. with the Kiwanis Los Angeles proper. They forced a city- unfortunately here at home, most cities in the the United States have to either risk their Club’s annual Pancake Breakfast. The grand wide vote but lost. Happy 90th Birthday United States have overlooked their continental lives by riding along the hazardous right opening of the Hawthorne Museum will be Hawthorne! counterparts and failed to recognize cyclists side of the road (where the two-ton steel held at 9 a.m. This will be followed by a Hawthorne’s Profile as a legitimate way of transport. By failing behemoths roam) or risk the safety of oth- classic car show, free concert featuring the According to the 2010 census data the fol- to provide cyclists with adequate resources, ers by speeding along the sidewalk. None Surfin’ Safari band and other local favorites. lowing facts relate to Hawthorn’s makeup: such as a safe lane, cities are making their of these alternatives is beneficial to the cy- While this is all going on, there will be plenty Population: 84,293, Median age: 31.4 years roads more hazardous to cyclists, drivers clist, as both sides rarely respect them and of food vendors and games for the kids and old, Population percentages by race: Hispanic: and pedestrians. sometimes even use them to release their adults. It looks like a great “fun filled day 53 percent, Black: 27, White: 10 percent, A common complaint of cyclists is the lack road rage. It is unethical for road engineers for the family”. Asian: 7 percent, Other: 3 percent. of a decent bike lane. In European countries to believe that simply painting a white line Movie in the Park There are 28,486 households, with 26% of such as The Netherlands, bike lanes are seam- and labeling the side of a road “bike lane” Congratulations to Katrina Manning and the houses being owned by the occupants. lessly integrated into the city’s infrastructure would protect cyclists from the hulking boxes the Holly Park Homeowners Association The Median price of homes sold in 2010: and give cyclists a safe place to commute. of steel and the aggressive drivers that man on a very enjoyable evening last Saturday. $345,000. There were 19,036 jobs in Haw- In the United States, cities have also adopted them. According to the National Highway The Movie was good family entertainment thorne with an average commute time of 30 bike lanes but fall short on keeping their lanes Traffic Safety Administration, the United and the events leading up to the movie were minutes. There were 15,155 students enrolled safe and properly maintained. Ask any cyclist States had 52,000 bicyclist injuries and 618 great. There were a lot of families enjoying in K-12 public schools in Hawthorne. on what they think of their city’s bike lanes fatal bicycle crashes in 2010. Compared to themselves throughout the evening. Contact info: email: norbhuber@gmail. and they would most likely snicker, shake their bicycle-friendly European counterparts, This Week’s Hawthorne Trivia Question com or 310-292-6714. their head or even say, “What bike lane?” Americans are three to five times more likely What YouTube video related to Hawthorne Upcoming Events in Hawthorne Their negative gestures do include a grain to be involved in a fatal bicycle accident. has been viewed by more people than any Sat. July 21 – 90th Birthday of Hawthorne • of truth as they are merely protesting their This is because of the fact that the only city’s unfair treatment of cyclists and their thing separating a 50- pound bicycle from a bike lanes. In some areas, bike lanes are three-ton pickup truck is a measly 30-gram just a six-foot-wide path formed from the strip of white paint. excess of a re-paving. Anyone who rides on What hinders the United States from being The summer night is like a perfection of thought. ~Wallace Stevens a bike lane will notice that they are littered a haven for cyclists is its inability to adapt to with trash, will suddenly disappear and are the changing times. With the unpredictable, dangerously close to cars that quadruple and sometimes irritating, nature of gasoline them in size. I too have had my share of See Perspective, page 5 A better commute? It’s about time. Starting Fall 2012, Metro ExpressLanes will save you time in tra;c on the I-110 freeway. They’re toll-free for carpools, vanpools and motorcycles. Solo drivers have the choice to use ExpressLanes by paying a toll. All you need to use ExpressLanes is a FasTrak account and transponder in your car. Pre-order your FasTrak®now at lacmta ©2012 ml 12-2215

Lawndale 7.12.12
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