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Lawndale 12_26_13

Page 2 December 26, 2013 One Man’s Opinion Another Man’s Opinion Police Reports “Do whatever you do intensely.” ~ Robert Henri ROBBERY 14600 S LEMOLI AV APARTMENT/ CONDO Tue 12/10/13 01:15 Property Taken: hello kittie case, black unit. black/white shoes 8.5 size, two finger ring with “brittany” on the top. 13600 S CHADRON AV APARTMENT/ CONDO Wed 12/11/13 21:53 ATTEMPT ROBBERY S HAWTHORNE BL/W IMPERIAL HY STREET, HIGHWAY, ALLEY Wed 12/11/13 22:27 W IMPERIAL HY/S INGLEWOOD AV RESTAURANT, FAST FOODS, CAFE Thu 12/12/13 04:14 Property Taken: sixty dollars, att flip phone, cdl bearing victims name 12700 S HAWTHORNE BL GENERAL MERCHANDISE STORE Thu 12/12/13 13:45 BURGLARY RESIDENTIAL 14500 S CERISE AV APARTMENT COMMON AREAS (LNDRY,CLB HSE,ETC) Tue 12/10/13 15:12 ARREST RESIDENTIAL 12600 S RAMONA AV APARTMENT/ CONDO Tue 12/10/13 10:30 RESIDENTIAL 11400 S EUCALYPTUS AV APARTMENT/ CONDO Tue 12/10/13 06:30 Property Taken: sony playstation 3, 51”, size 11, nike adult shoes RESIDENTIAL 13700 S DOTY AV AUTO/VEHICLE Tue 12/10/13 21:00 Property Taken: 1 blk wristlet cont $200. 2 credit cards, cdl&id, 1 garage door remote control RESIDENTIAL 11600 S YORK AV HOUSE STORAGE SHED Wed 12/11/13 20:00 Property Taken: drill bit index 1/2”-2”, hand drill, diamond ginding plate, electic leaf blower, 7” circular saw, air compressor, gas line trimmer, hedge trimmer, w/misc. hand tools, 8’ dosc grinder, 4” grinder, bench grinder, mini torch w/ gas tanks RESIDENTIAL 12300 S RAMONA AV HOUSE Thu 12/12/13 22:00 Property Taken: small safe containing cash, ss cards, and pink sli, approximately $500 in us coins, beats audio headphones RESIDENTIAL 3600 W 126TH ST APARTMENT/CONDO Fri 12/13/13 08:45 Property Taken: NINTENDO DS 13-5102 459PC BURGLARY 4400 W 138TH ST CAD: Fri 12/13 17:53--No RMS RESIDENTIAL 4400 W 138TH ST APARTMENT/CONDO Sat 12/14/13 22:15 ATTEMPT RESIDENTIAL BURGLARY 13700 S CRENSHAW BL MOBILE HOME Sat 12/14/13 21:00 • By Cristian Vasquez Assemblyman Mike Gatto recently announced that he is going to introduce a bill next year to address the state’s probate code by using the Internet to determine the content of the bill. This is a horrible idea. The Assemblyman wants to draft this piece of legislation by using the Internet to allow public participation. The Assemblyman’s website indicates that citizens would be able to visit the “Wiki bill’s” website, and through the use of an interface similar to “Wikipedia’s,” they can “propose, draft, and edit a bill.” Assemblyman Gatto is committed to then introducing a bill once a consensus is reached.  This proposed bill would the first crowdsourced piece of legislation in the United States. While the Assemblyman is known for advocating the use of technology as a tool for citizen engagement, this proposal sounds better in spirit that it will be in practice. Allowing people to draft legislation via the Internet is going to slow down an already crawling legislative process. Getting a bill passed by those elected to the sole task of turning bills into laws is already a snail-paced process. Allowing the feedback and comments of potentially millions of people is going to nearly paralyze this process--if approved lawmakers will have to sort through what one can only assume to be a laundry list of horrible ideas in hopes of finding reasonable suggestions among the input. Yes, public participation is great and the more we as voters engage, the better it is for By Gerry Chong The Christmas elves were in a frenetic rush, running hither and yon, as Christmas approached. For most of the North Pole, it was a season of excitement, but for the two old curmudgeons sitting in the corner of the room it was a time to swig down some Jack Daniels. Rudolph sat red-eyed, slumped in his chair, and said to Santa, “I’ve got to get bombed every year to keep my bulbous nose red. What’s your excuse?” Lifting his head from the table top, the disheveled old fat man replied, “This year’s been worse than most, so I’ve gotta come up with some presents to make the season brighter. It’s tough, man, and it’s getting tougher. F’rinstance, last month, Food Stamps (SNAP) got cut 7%, and on Dec. 28, 1.3 million people will see their unemployment payments end. The government hooked them like cocaine addicts on a long-term “free money” binge that kept them unemployed. Now, the Feds want them to kick the habit cold turkey, so withdrawal pains kick in. What happened to the Christmas spirit of good will toward men? This is cold, man….cold.” “Right on,” said Rudy, “so what Christmas present will ease the pain?” “Methadone, man--mass doses of methadone…as much as my sleigh can carry,” replied Santa. “Maybe next year the government can come up with some sort of phased withdrawal to make things a little less painful, but for those on a two-year hiatus from work, this is a kick in the gut. Crowdsourcing Laws is a Horrible Idea The Christmas season can be cruel, Rudy, so give me another shot of JD.” Pouring a shooter for Santa, Rudy asked, “What else is goin’ on?” “Healthcare, man, healthcare,” said Santa. “Five million people have had their policies cancelled, effective this holiday season… five friggin’ million! So rather than reducing the number of uninsureds, Obamacare has increased it by 11%! In a few days, these people face choices: They can sign up for private insurance in which the average premium will increase by 40%; or they can sign up for Obamacare where the least expensive plan bronze carries a deductible of $5,081--or they can remain uninsured until they need medical care, at which point they can’t be denied. As a sign of the way people are leaning, by mid-December, 45 states had failed to attain 10% of the goal they must meet to make Obamacare viable. In Oregon, for example, they spent $300 million on Obamacare, and have signed up only 44 people!” “That’s awful, Santa, so what present can you give them?” asked Rudolph. “I’m offering everyone a taxpayer-paid 17- day vacation flying first class on Air Force One to Hawaii where the weather is always balmy and the chance of catching a serious illness is pretty minimal,” responded Santa. “Like our President, if you won’t sign up for Obamacare, head for good weather. Rudy, we’ve got a lot of work to do, so keep that nose glowing red. Merry Christmas and to all a good night”….hhmmmm, he’s makin’ a list, checkin’ it twice… hic. • our state and country. However, asking the public to use the Wiki platform to address the state’s probate code is irresponsible and ineffective. To come to a reasonable consensus based on what millions of comments in a virtual consensus box say is impossible. A group of five people have a hard time (for the most part) figuring out where to go for lunch. Imagine having millions determining what the state’s probate law should say. Assemblyman Gatto believes that the crowdsourcing is a great way to have peoples’ voices heard in government, but maybe he forgot that for many years before the Internet politicians were able to hear peoples’ voices. Assembly members and Senators are elected to write these laws. If these elected officials want to know what the citizens think, maybe they should host a town hall meeting. How about a door-to-door campaign? They are very willing to do this when election season comes around. Why should the process of doing the job they were elected for be any different? We have all read online articles and the ignorant comments made by people at the bottom of these articles are alone proof as to why this crowdsourcing idea is horrible. I am sure Assemblyman Gatto is truly interested in what the people have to say. However, crowdsourcing is a horrible way to accomplish what he seeks to fulfill. There are already enough lobby groups in politics providing horrible ideas and the money to fund them. Crowdsourcing would only add to the problems plaguing an already dysfunctional Capitol Hill. • Book Your Special Event In the CALIFORNIA MUSEUM OF FINE ART The newly opened California Museum of Fine Art is now taking reservations for special events including social and business functions during the breakfast, lunch, cocktail or dinner hours. Host your event in this 5,000 square-foot beautiful fine art venue surrounded by world-class original art located in the heart of Downtown Old Torrance. For additional information, please call Charlene Nishimura, cell 213.709.8590. 1421 Marcelina Avenue - Downtown Torrance

Lawndale 12_26_13
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