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Lawndale 11_29_12

Page 12 November 29, 2012 Teen Center Celebrates Fourth Anniversary By Cristian Vasquez been open, its popularity has grown among Food, music and a table tennis tournament students, volunteers and donors. Seeing the were just some of the activities hosted at the center grow along with the teens that attend Hawthorne Teen Center in honor of its 4th it has been a unique expereince for Teen Annual Celebration. Center’s staff. The day’s event included an award ceremony, “The first years were kind of difficult a speech from a returning student and a because it was a challenge to merge the current student, followed by a table tennis schools together. There was a lot of school tournament and lunch. spirit so kids from one school only wanted “The Teen Center is really the best vehicle to hang out with kids from their school and for impacting youth and if you get them in it was slow to merge them. It was slow to those formidable youth years, that is when come but now you can’t tell which school is some key decisions can be made,” Hawthorne which now,” Goetz said. “They have all become Police Chief Robert Fager said. “So if you friends and it is a good thing because some can partner with great entities like Mr. Jan of the kids came in here from the beginning Vogel’s entity, the city and all the other and didn’t have friends. Or their social life partnerships that work here, you can actually was not really there so the parents brought catch a lot of kids and give them a firm them here for that reason. Seeing those kids foundation. That way when they hit those evolve has been really cool. We have had a life-challenging decisions, they can make couple of kids that we have seen grow up.” decisions that allow betterment for them and Still, the work done by the Teen Center vicariously for our community.” relies heavily on donations and volunteers. The Teen Center, located at 3901 El The televisions, pool tables, table tennis tables Segundo Blvd., is open every day from 3 p.m. and board games available were all donated. to 6 p.m. and provides the city’s teens with Recently the Parks and Rec Foundation homework assistance. When the kids at the donated $13,000 to teen center and they even center do not have homework, staff engages created a golf tournament with all proceeds them in academic activities such as a word going to the center. of the day activity or board games that are “We can’t do it without the community. mentally stimulating. With the exception of We have been able to manage and we know Friday, which is fun day, the staff at the Teen that the community and city leaders come Center is focused on helping teens succeed through,” Goetz said. “We have a great staff of academically. five plus a lot of volunteers. We cannot move “We have tutoring, SAT Prep and after that on without volunteers and at the beginning it is all games. We have enrichment programs that was hard because we couldn’t get many such as cooking class, leadership club, and volunteers so we had to get the word out. sports such as volleyball, basketball and dodge At that time we had a staff of three but we ball,” Teen Center Manager Gabriela Goetz didn’t have many kids either. As we grew, said. “We also have our scholarship club we realized we needed more of each other.” for students who are juniors or seniors that While resources are scarce the commitment are looking for scholarships. We give them to the Teen Center has been unwavering and a way at finding scholarships and help them continues to have a positive effect on the to write out applications.” community. The center also hosts the Job Club on “As you know the one thing that I always Wednesdays between 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. where try to emphasis for people’s awareness is GiveThe Gift That Will teens are assisted with finding employment, funding. Money is the bottom line and a lot as well as with resume writing. They also of times community members recognize that,” Thrill Everyone! assist teens with interviewing skills while Fager said. “They say ‘This is so great, why training them to maintain employment once don’t we do more of it?’ and it is because they have been hired. For Noella Bih, the it takes money to do more and as you know Teen Center has influence her life in ways right now, the fiscal economics of the state, that she did not expect. cities and everywhere is very lean. As great “Being part of the Teen Center for four as this is and as much as we look for avenues years has changed my life in many aspects to capitalize on it, it takes dollars and cents and it has also helped shape who I am,” to turn the lights on here and to get people Save Bih said. “I joined the program at age 14 to work here and that is a challenge.” $1 6011 and with the assistance of the South Bay All kids receive a free snack and all services Workforce Investment Board I was able to are free. Students interested only need to work with the department of public services show up, fill out an application and present during their summer job program. I helped to a student identification to verify who they Plus organize their office and do clerical work. I are. People interested in volunteering must 2 FREE Gifts learned things that will prepare me for future go to teen center, fill out an application, get jobs such as being on time, which is very a back ground check and TB tested or they Order today! with purchase important if you want to work. Working for can call 310 970-7001. 6-PieceCutlery Set the first time made me realize that it is not “Sometimes necessity drives things more easy to make money and I also learned to often than sometimes common sense. Maybe appreciate my parents more.” at times in the past when there was more The day’s activities recognized several money and that might have been a better The Grilling Collection students for their outstanding performance in time,” Fager said. “But a lot of times you have different areas. The Academic Achievement to go back to those periods and ask yourself 4 (5 oz.) Top Sirloins Award went to Bih, the Best Attendance Award what the issues were and if they were the 4 (4 oz.) Boneless Pork Chops went to Moshaid Mohammed, the Outstanding focus. Now with scrutiny being much more 2 (4 1/2 oz.) Stuffed Sole And FREE Leadership Award went to Angie Barba while common place by the public, government and with Scallops & Crabmeat Cutting Board Peter Godslaw earned the Sports Award. everybody, you really look for a way to make 8 (3 oz.) Gourmet Jumbo Franks to every shipping address struggling with my math and English but the your buck. The Teen Center is huge and I 4 Boneless ChickenBreasts Limit of 2 Packages and 1 CutlerySet & Cutting Board per address.a bigger difference through a bigger bang for“During my ninth and tenth grade I was teen center helped me with my homework,” Bih will be honest, it is sometimes about having (1 lb. pkg.) Standard shipping & handling said. “Now I find myself helping others who the right people at the right time. People like 4 Stuffed Baked Potatoes will be applied per address. In the four years that the Teen Center has have the right heart that drive these efforts.” • Reg. $166.00, $4999......ylnOwoN are in the same shoes that I was years ago.” Mr. Vogel and his crew and staff that really Offer expires 12/31/12. Call 1-888-823-8043 and ask for 45102BSL ©2012 OCG |, Inc. 15084

Lawndale 11_29_12
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