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Lawndale 11_29_12

Page 10 November 29, 2012 We pulled out extra blankets and... ...quilts and put one on each bed. Newspaper Fun! 2012 V9-48©Annimills LLC Getting Ready for Winter! North We are deep into the Harvested 2 3 autumn now. Winter is around 1 corn stalks 4 Nice South the corner and everyone is to feed or frost 6can be used day for make beds 5preparing for the long, colder a walk! months. Mother Nature has been for cows. 7 busy coloring the forests and fields and giving a plentiful harvest. 8 Jack Frost has started to coat the air corn stalks grass and leaves with beautiful patterns of frost. Father Time has 9 11 given us shorter periods of daylight. Animals are on the move, gathering food into nests or flying south. People are birds preparing their homes, cars and wardrobes for the coldest months of the year! 10 Read the clues to fill in the crossword. pumpkins daylight leaves12 The passage of the cool autumn into the coldest season of winter is marked by: football sweaters hayrides 1. __________ pulling out the bleachers and 7. horses being unhitched from the wagons schools squirrels heating the gymnasium for indoor games for_______ that will soon be hitched to 2. regular __________ games wrapping up, sleighs for sleigh rides leading into playoff season 8. __________ flying south to avoid harsh 4. __________ painted on grass, leaves 9. __________ gather acorns to save for a Free winter skies 3. __________ hours growing shorter Puzzles 5. machines gathering kernels of corn chilly day and blowing the __________ , cobs and 10. __________ baked into delicious pies Print out our Things That Fall and Thanksgiving leaves into a wagon trailing it (2 words) 11. cold, crisp __________ making your breath steamy Symbols puzzles! Make sure you print out the reading 6. __________ and hats to warm you 12. __________ crinkling while being raked off the lawn log and certificate set: Time to Fly South Get it H A R V E S T I N G O P L F V B These little birds want to fly south, but are not sure Done! S J O P V C S H Z I T U N I N GM I D F E S A S S N M O P L J U which way to go.Help them choose the right path. T B U G C U R U F K P O I U Y T What do O T E N Z H O T N C N O P S A E people do in R J I I T G A T R I M M I N G V late fall to get I K D T B N O I Y P V U T R D I ready for N J F N I I C N R F G H J K L M winter? What G J V A Y K H G N I N N A C C T ? ? does your L B A P I U Y T R D F G H family do? P I R F G N I K C A T S L Match up the chores. Next, find and circle the verbs! 1. raking A. windows Which way 2. shutting B. leaves should we go? 3. harvesting C. bushes Don’t wait... 4. picking D. gardens check out 5.trimming E. apples our reading South 6. canning F. air conditioners, fans club today! 7. stacking G. spring flower bulbs North 8. planting H. wood in piles It’s 9. tuning I. and cleaning furnaces free! 10. storing J. fruits, vegetables in jars $60.50 $89.99 $39.99 $17.99 ! Created by Annimills LLC c 2012$1.87$29.99Shopping for Winter - A Math Mystery Challenge!$2.79 Heavy Coat Windows Blanket Snow Shovel Storm Salt $12.25 Boots Soup $22.99 Snow Blower$489.99ChickenThermosSnowMittens Driveway Fun Chitter went to the store with his Dad. They bought items that their family will need for the cold winter months.They spent a total of $113.75. Can you study the price tags and pick Newspaper out the five items they bought?

Lawndale 11_29_12
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