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Lawndale 11_22_12

November 22, 2012 Page 7 PUBLIC NOTICES NOTICE OF PUBLIC This notice is to inform the HEARING public that the Hawthorne ZONING CODE AMENDMENT School District is applying for NO. 2012ZA09 the 21st Century Community PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby Learning Centers (CCLC) given that the City Council of grant in order to expand our the City of Hawthorne will hold a after school program. The public hearing on the proposed Hawthorne School District has amendment to the zoning been operating the Academic ordinance as follows: Lifelong Learning (A.L.L.) Black and TanThe “It’s Only Another Beer” Day: Tuesday After School Program at the Date: December 11, 2012 elementary and middle schools 8 oz. stout lager8 oz. pilsner lager Time: 6:00 p.m. since 2006. Under federal 1 frosty mug Place: City Council Chambers regulations, the 21st Century 1 pick-up truck1 icy road 4455 West 126th Street CCLC grantees are required 1 10-hour day Hawthorne, CA 90250 to provide similar program A few rounds with the guys1 tired worker opportunities for both public Project Title: Zoning Code and private school students Add 1 totalled vehicle.Mix ingredients. Amendment No. 2012ZA09 within the specific service area. 21st Century CCLC grant Project Location: City of programs are required to offer Hawthorne, Los Angeles homework support, educational County enrichment, physical activities and nutritious snacks on a Project Description: regular basis. Buzzed driving is drunk driving.Never underestimate ‘just a few.’ City-initiated application We welcome the opportunity 2 0 1 2 Z A 0 9 — a m e n d i n g to collaborate on program Hawthorne Municipal Code planning issues regarding the Sections 17.04 (Definitions), identification of student needs 17.25 (C-1 Freeway and the offering of program Commercial/Mixed Use), 17.26 services. Program services for (C-2 Local Commercial), 17.28 private students, however, must (C-3 General Commercial), be “secular, neutral, and non- 17.32 (M-1 Limited Industrial), ideological.” and 17.34 (M-2 General Please contact Michelle Industrial). The amendment Prostrollo, A.L.L. Program will establish standards for Director, mprostrollo@ the establishment of antique or Mara shops, thrift shops, bookstores, Pagniano, Coordinator of the commercial and industrial Both of Visit Us Online:Special Projects, mpagniano@telephone at (310) 676-2276. and consignment shops within zones. us may also be reached via PURSUANT TO the provisions Hawthorne Press: 11/22/2012 HH-23579 WWW.HERALDPUBLICATIONS.COM of the California Environmental Quality Act, the application is categorically exempt from the requirements for preparation of a Negative Declaration or Environmental Impact Report. FURTHER NOTICE is hereby given that any interested person submit oral or written comments HERALD PUBLICATIONS may appear at the meeting and relative to the Zoning Code written information relevant (310) 322-1830 Amendment or submit oral or thereto to the Planning Department, 4455 West 126th Monday - Friday Street, Hawthorne, California 90250 prior to the date of this hearing. PLEASE NOTE that pursuant 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. to Government Code Section 65009: In an action or proceeding to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul a finding, determination or decision of the Planning Commission or City Council, the issues raised shall be limited to those raised at Give The Gift That Will Thrill Everyone! the public hearing in this notice or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning Commission or City Council at Save or prior to the public hearing. Maria Majcherek Associate Planner $1 601 TOP SIRLOINS PORK CHOPS1 Hawthorne Press: 11/22/2012 HH-23578 STUFFED SOLE GOURMET JUMBO  FRANKS  Gift Giving is Easy with Omaha Steaks! The Grilling Collection 4 (5 oz.) Top Sirloins BONELESS CHICKEN STUFFED BAKED  4 (4 oz.) Boneless Pork Chops BREASTS POTATOES 2 (4 1/2 oz.) Stuffed Sole with Scallops & Crabmeat 8 (3 oz.) Gourmet Jumbo Franks 2 FREE Gifts with purchase 4 Boneless Chicken Breasts (1 lb. pkg.) Reg. $166.00, $4999 Cutlery SetPiece-6tatoesoPBakedStuffed 4 Now Only........ Board to everyAnd FREE Cutting shipping address Call 1-888-823-8043 and ask for 45102BSL Standard shipping & handling will be applied per address. Offer expires 12/31/12. Cutlery Set & Cutting Board per address.12 Packages andofLimit ©2012 OCG |, Inc. 15084

Lawndale 11_22_12
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