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Lawndale 11.08.12

Page 4 November 8 , 2012 Calendar South Bay Workforce Investment Board Hosts 17th Annual Alumni sAturdAy, November 10 from Tues.-Sat. Admission and parking are & Awards BreakfastW. Imperial Highway. It is open to the publicfree. For information call (424) 646-7284.ities• Workshop on tracing Cherokee and Cll A African American genealogy, 2:30 p.m., AC • 10K Walking Club is waiting for you to The 17th Annual South Bay Workforce Bilbrew Library, 150 E. El Segundo Blvd. join! Maintain healthy weight while enjoying Investment Board (SBWIB) Alumni & Awards For more information call (310) 538-0059. benefits of support. For more information Breakfast themed “Exceeding Expectations,” tuesdAy, November 13 call (323) 201-7253 or email 10kwalkclub@ hosted at the Ayres Hotel in Hawthorne, was • Free Holiday Light Exchange, 9 a.m.-5 attended by more than 350 civic leaders, p.m., South Bay Environmental Services HAwtHorNe employers, training providers and graduates Center, 20285 S. Western Ave., Suite 100. tuesdAy, November 13 of job and career training programs. The Limit two strings per household. For more • City Council Meeting, 6-10 p.m., City Awards Breakfast celebrated the outstanding information call (310) 371-7222. http:// Council Chambers, 4455 W 126th St. For accomplishments of the workforce investment more information call Monica Dicrisci at community. light-exchanges/Holiday_Light_Exchange_ (310) 349-2915. Nov_2012.pdf oNgoiNg Among those on hand were keynote speaker sAturdAy, November 17 • Social Security Outreach available for US Congresswoman Maxine Waters, State • Too Toxic To Trash! Household drop-in assistance, 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., Senator Rod Wright, City of Carson Mayor Jim Hazardous Waste and E-Waste disposal, 9 2nd and 4th Thurs. of each month, except Dear, City of Hawthorne Mayor Danny Juarez Mallory, Blair Martin, Janal Marywheather, a.m.-3 p.m., Raytheon Company Parking Lot holidays, Hawthorne Library, 12700 Grevillea and a host of other civic leaders and elected Leslie Mercado, Adbiel Morales, Hilda “F” - Hughes Way off of Sepulveda Blvd. Ave. For more information call Donald Rowe officials. Congresswoman Waters praised the Gonzalez, and Juan Zepeda. Spencer gave Business waste will not be accepted. at (310) 679-8193. SBWIB for exceeding each of the Department a brief summary of a few of the individual moNdAy, November 19 iNglewood of Labor performance standards and being a top successes that came about despite the personal • Stroke and Osteoporosis Screening tHursdAy, November 15 performing local workforce investment board. barriers, severe obstacles, and the economic hosted by Center for Spiritual Living, 525 N • Free Inglewood Housing Rights She also recognized SBWIB’s receipt of the downturn. Spencer also recognized three Market St. For more information regarding Workshop, 5:30-7:30 p.m., Inglewood City National Association of Workforce Investment outstanding employers and organizations the screenings or to schedule an appointment Hall (Community Room) West Manchester Boards 2012 WIB Excellence Award. who collectively hired dozens of participants call (800) 697-9721. Blvd. For more information call Geraldine City of Hawthorne Mayor Danny Juarez gave over the year. These employers were Alert oNgoiNg Noguera at (800) 477-5977 extension #27. the welcome, and Wayne Spencer, Chairman Insulation Co., Sharpe Interior Systems, and • 2013/2014 Season Brochure Cover lAwNdAle of the SBWIB Board of Directors, served as YWCA- Greater Los Angeles. Design competition (open to all students moNdAy, November 19 master of ceremonies for the event presenting The event closed with the presentation from South Bay high schools). Submission • City Council Meeting, 6:30 p.m., 14717 individual awards to seventeen graduates who of the special Esther Williams Award of deadline: Feb. 4, 2013 at 5 p.m. For more Burin Ave. For more information call (310) had successfully gained employment after Excellence by Chief Executive Officer Jan information e-mail 973-3200. or call (310) 378-8100. oNgoiNg through the SBWIB One-Stop Business & Area President, Republic Services, Inc. VogelVogel to this year’s recipient Kurt Bratton,completing career and vocational training Flight Path Learning Center and Museum, 10 p.m., every Wed. on the lawn of the Lawndale Career Centers. The seventeen award recipients cited Republic’s diligent dedication and support• Los Angeles International Airport’s• Lawndale Certified Farmer’s Market, 2-7 a.m.-3 p.m., LAX Imperial Terminal, 6661 Library, 14615 Burin Ave. Ferguson, Jon Hauer, Lucia Haysom, Leslie to the communities we serve.For more information on the Annual Alumniwere: Yanet Alvarez, Laura Askew, Keith Higgins, Elisha Houston, Patrick Jenkins, & Awards Breakfast please call Jan Vogel at Michael Jones, Andrea LiCausi, Demetrius 310- 970-7700. • Visit us online: Classifieds The deadline for Classified Ad submission and payment is Noon on Tuesday to appear in Thursday’s paper. Advertisements must be submitted in writing by mail, fax or email. You may pay by cash, check, or credit card (Visa or M/C over the phone). Errors: Please check your advertisements immediately. Any corrections and/or changes in an ad must be requested prior to the fol- lowing Tuesday deadline in order to receive a credit. A credit will be issued for only the first time the error appears. Multiple runs will only be credited for the first time the error appears. No credit will be issued for an amount greater than the cost of the advertisement. Beware: Employment offers that suggest guaranteed out-of-state or overseas positions may be deceptive or unethical in nature. If you have any doubts about the nature of a company, contact the local office of the Better Business Bureau, (213) 251-9696. Herald Publications does not guarantee that the advertiser’s claims are true nor does it take responsibility for those claims. Schofield Realty Handcrafted items, cinnamon rolls, Our Preschool located in SouthChurch, 2930 El Dorado St, Torrance. We receive 50 phone calls amonth for taco boats, and raffle tickets at Bay; near LAX is currently seeking rental units in town. We need homes & the door. an experienced Preschool Cook. Mgmt. program for Homes & Apartments. The candidate we are looking for: Fri., 11/30,Holiday Boutiqueapartments to lease. Call KEN about our 1:30 p.m.- 7 p.m. (in the cafeteria). will have the ability and skills to 310-322-4660 Center Street 3rd Annual Holiday prepare snacks and meals daily, for ApArtment for rent entertainment, food, massage, and children. Additional skills include:Boutique. Come join the fun, vendors, 1BD/1BA. Southwest El Segundo. sell your gold! A. Must keep the kitchen Walk to beach, restaurants, shops. Duplex for rent exceptionally clean. Spacious unit in quiet building. Pool, laundry, carport. Cats welcome, 2BD/1BA. ES. Quiet Unit, Single B. Shop weekly for food and but no dogs please. Non-smoking garage, plus one pkg. W/D hook ups. supplies. property. Open for inspection now. No pets, $1475/mo. 1611 E Maple C. Daily preparation for naptime. Please join us this Saturday! 344-3436. (310) 283-9121. perform this job.Physical activity required toAve. #A. Avail. 12/01. Call for appt.127 Loma Vista #5. George (310) 501 Continental Blvd. El Segundo, Ca. 90245 skylight, mirrors, bright, 2 entrances, Updated fingerprints and current, ES. Large living room,D. Bi-monthly laundry mat.mploymente2BD/2BA full security parking, spotless bldg, Display Ad Sales Position. We Physician’s report are required. Searching for top talent in the following fields: Avail. Nov. Publications. Territories include interested please email your resumeThe candidate must have a carand current insurance. If you areneed an experienced DisplayAd Salesperson for Herald1160 sq.ft., $1650/mo. (310) 877-4544, After 5 p.m. or (310) 408-7733, Luxury Twnhs, Front Apt; all Torrance, El Segundo and to appliances 2 master bedrooms, 2 Hawthorne. Full or part-time  All Engineering Disciplines:  Sales & Marketing spaces. Avail. Dec.1st. $2400/mo. commission on all sales. If for SAlepositions are available. 20%1/2 baths, 2 car garage & 2 pkg. Systems, Software, Electrical, (310) 545-2845. interested please email your New Mattress - LazyBoy, full size, 4” and Mechanical. stove, fireplace, balcony, gated, lots N o p h o n e c a l l s p l e a s e. Call Mrs. Johnson (330) 396-0843.h e r a l d p u b l i c a t i o n s. c o m ., Spacious & bright, D/W,thick, white. In El Segundo. $75 cash.resume to management@2BD/2BACustomer Administration  Quality  Administrative Support 383-3753. Specialist. MFA reqd. Send resume stove, fridge, microwave. $1695/mohook-ups, Nice back yard, basement,Animate, Skinning & Riggingdeposit. No Pets! Call Alex (310) Artist-3-D. 10+ Location ES. W/D2BD/1BACharacter TechnicalW. Imperial Ave, $1695/mo. $700Program/Project ManagemententrforeSouHof storage, laundry on site. 512Assemblers/Technicians  2BD/2BA, Spacious & bright, D/W, to Big Red Button Entertainment, + Sec. Dep. 528 1/2 Penn St. (310)  Procurement  And many more! of storage, laundry on site. 512 Ca 90245. 3BD/1BA. House for Rent, 1200465-5707.880 Apollo St, #245, El Segundo,stove, fireplace, balcony, gated, lots W. Imperial Ave, $1695/mo. $700 deposit. No Pets! Call Alex (310) Great Holiday Job Opportunities. Sq. Ft. Pet Ok. $2250/mo. (310) 383-3753. Manage your own seasonal store. 283-5680. Boutique at South Bay! Earn extra $$$ for garage, W/D hook-ups, A/C, central. 10+ Location! Double4BD/2BAExciting concepts coming to Galleria Holiday Boutique: Sat., 11/10, the Holidays! Call Kathryn (888) heating, stove. Close to park, library, 9:00 a.m. - 2 p.m., First Christian 422-5637 x 119. downtown. Avail. 11/04. $2695/mo. 528 Penn St. (310) 465-5707.

Lawndale 11.08.12
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