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Lawndale 11.08.12

AND lAwNDAle News The Weekly Newspaper of Lawndale Herald Publications - Inglewood, Hawthorne, Lawndale, El Segundo, Torrance & Manhattan Beach Community Newspapers Since 1911 - Circulation 30,000 - Readership 60,000 (310) 322-1830 - November 8, 2012 Inside Ceremony Graduates 134th ClassFire Academy Graduation This Issue Calendar...............................4 Classifieds ...........................4 Food ................................. 6, 7 Hawthorne Happenings.......3 The El Camino Fire Academy, formerly known as the South Bay Fire Academy, has trained firefighters for service in South Bay fire departments for more than 50 years. The Inglewood facility features a 30-seat classroom and an engine room. Three Class A diesel pumpers and a truck company are on hand for student training. The drill grounds include a four-story fire rescue training tower; a fire environ- Legals .............................8-10 ment building where students combat live fires; and three Swede System Flashover Training Containers. See page 12. Photo courtesy of El Camino College. City Council Makes Some Tough Spending Decisions Pets.......................................2 By Nancy Peters resulting in a large credit ($14,595.88) back to The city within which each rental originates The Lawndale City Council met for the only the City. The Council reluctantly accepted and will receive the sales tax revenues. It is expected time in November on Monday and considered approved that these additional repairs for this that the Car2Go area will encompass the 105 to several agenda items about which they had improvement required the additional expenditure the north and east, Western Avenue/Normandie Police Reports....................3 them. The Blue Bonnet Trailer Park incident, current cost was negotiated from a considerably to the coastline to the west, including the citiesAvenue to the south and Pacific Coast Highwayof $7,404.12 when it was explained that themany questions due to the nature of each of wherein a car smashed into and destroyed one higher amount and the contractor has made all that accept the program and designate areas of the trailers creating a hazardous situation the accommodations requested by the City to where the SmartForTwo vehicles may be parked. for the City-owned property, now requires an assure the quality of the project with this repair. The cost for the rental of a Car2Go vehicle Sports ...................................5 emergency removal of the damaged trailer. A request by City staff for the Lawndale is $0.38 per minute, $13 per hour, or $72 per The uninhabitable trailer, which is close to Chamber of Commerce and the organization’s day. The Council commented on the program, the property line and on the street-facing side vendor for the Christmas Tree Lot Carnival to but did not accept or approve a resolution for of Manhattan Beach Boulevard, is no longer obtain additional liability insurance up to $9 Car2Go to be in Lawndale at this time. Public fenced in since the fence was destroyed in the million, resulting in high premiums, was another comments included the issue of these vehicles accident as well. The trailer must be removed topic that required lengthy discussion by the taking up parking “real estate” within the city as quickly as possible to avoid squatting by Council. Insurance Certificates of Liability have limits and the Council was asked to consider transients and for the safety of the general been issued for $2 million for the carnival and this issue in future discussions of the Car2Go public due to the instability of the structure $4 million for the tree lot usage--both liability program in Lawndale. Weekend Inspection Official. liability insurance on file with the City for the committees and applications are being acceptedThere are several openings on theBeautification and Senior Citizen Advisoryinsurance aggregates that have been sufficientin past years. The Council approved the currentStaff requested a waiver for advertising forthat carries a “red tag” from the Building Forecast to complete—and to be granted permission for carnival vendor and the Chamber. by citizens of Lawndale to these City Hall for consideration of appointmentsIn other business, the Council accepted acontractor bids—a process that can take months the expenditure of approximately $8,500, not payment from Proposition A eligible funds City Manager Steve Mandoki announced that to exceed $9,000, for the demolition costs. from the Metropolitan Transportation Authority the lighted sign on the Lawndale Community The resolution was approved for emergency in the amount of $35,556 for the two years Center is now on and visible for miles around. Friday removal of the hazardous damaged trailer audited, 2009 and 2010. The building received the prestigious American Partly demolition contractors. The removal will be recognized for 106 hours of volunteer services Recreation Facilities category, and the CouncilPublic Works Association Award in theA resident of Lawndale, Bolivia Freire, wasafter competitive bids are sought from three Cloudy completed in less than two weeks. for the South Bay Environmental Services and Mayor Harold E. Hofmann will accept 61˚/50˚ for expending additional funds on a road repair Center with a Certificate of Commendation. Lakewood. Lawndale residents are encouragedthe award at a luncheon on December 12 inA representative of Daimler’s Car2GoPrior to the unanimous approval of a request to the alleys between 170th and 171st Streets, the program presented an overview of the project, to attend the event. Council discussed the need for the repairs and which currently is in a few North American Mayor Hofmann asked the Los Angeles Saturday displacement of the asphalt from the gravel. The The program allows for members, who can unsafe crossing situation by bicyclists andCounty Sheriff’s Department to observe thecities, and is being proposed for the South Bay.asked for an explanation of what caused the Mostly original specs and design for the improvement join with a $35 lifetime membership, to rent skateboarders at Mansell Avenue and Manhattan project were approved in the fall of 2011 and a SmartForTwo vehicle by the minute, hour, or Beach Boulevard and issue citations and arrange Sunny the work completed last December at a cost day; pick up the car from anywhere that one for some enforcement of jaywalking/jaycrossing 62˚/46˚ of $227,140.50. However, after less than one is parked; use their assigned member PIN to by the school-aged children who ignore the year, the asphalt and gravel have separated, unlock and drive the vehicle; and then park the crossing guard at the corner. Sheriff’s Lieutenant requiring further repairs to the pavement at a car in any spot for rental by another member Enfield responded that enforcement will begin cost of $33,595.53, though negotiated down at another time. The Car2Go membership in a few days at the named intersection. Sunday to $22,000. or credit card. Car2Go maintains all insurance for Monday, November 26 at 6:30 p.m. at theThe Angel Tree Lighting event is scheduledrequires a valid driver’s license and a debitThe change order can be traced in the City Sunny Hall records, but the exact responsibility for on the vehicle and takes full responsibility Lawndale Community Center and on City 65˚/49˚ determined. The materials are not the quality if any occur. Moving violations would be the annual event.Hall Plaza. The public is invited to attend thisfor metered parking and/or parking citationsthe deviation from the original specs cannot be used in the past by the known contractor awarded responsibility of any driver. The membership The next meeting of the Lawndale this project, but the contractor also was able is on an individual basis only by driver’s City Council will be held on Monday, December to reuse some of the materials for the repair license identification. 3, 6:30 p.m. •

Lawndale 11.08.12
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