AND lAwNDAle News The Weekly Newspaper of Lawndale Herald Publications - Inglewood, Hawthorne, Lawndale, El Segundo, Torrance & Manhattan Beach Community Newspapers Since 1911 - Circulation 30,000 - Readership 60,000 (310) 322-1830 - October 17, 2013 Inside Local Landmark to Close its Doors This Issue Calendar...............................3 Classifieds ...........................3 Community Briefs ..............2 Finance.................................2 From the Source................4 Hawthorne Happenings ...3 Legals ................................6,7 Looking Up ..........................2 Pets.......................................8 On Dec. 22, the infamous Proud Bird Restaurant will retire. A historic restaurant, which has served Los Angeles County residents for 47 years, will be remembered by its landmark symbol “the airplane,” the restaurant’s pivotal attraction. On Dec. 14, in honor of its retirement, the United Economic Development Fund will present a commemorative plaque to Proud Bird for its outstanding services to Los Angeles County. Photo courtesy of Police Reports....................4 Commodity Program Helps People in Sports ...................................4 Need Once a Week By Cristian Vasquez “Some people line up as early as 7 a.m., the City has some funds budgeted--very Every Wednesday morning at 10 from and they will get a number and wait. At little funds--but they are budgeted to buy Weekend city’s Commodities Program. “It is open since the restrictions have changed over the be purchased at wholesale. During a rainyfood bank will provide things for free, butthey also have supplemental items that can-approximately 9:30 a.m., the numbers getsome items for the weeks that are low. Thecalled and people step up to sign up,” Estes said. “It is based on an honor system-the Lawndale Community Center, Lawndale residents and those from outside oftown alike can pick up food as part of the Forecast Mike Estes, Lawndale community service tax documentation or anything like that.” stuff for people.”day, so to speak, we do buy some extrayears. We are not allowed to ask for ID,to all because it is federally funded,” said manager. “Our participation is probably For this first-come, first-serve program, Helping with the packaging and distribu- about 50 percent Lawndale, but we do get donations of highly nutritious food are made tion of the food are a pool of volunteers people from Gardena, Hawthorne, Lennox dedicated to helping the City provide for its and Los Angeles. The majority of people residents. In order to become a volunteer, Friday are seniors--I would say about 80 percent persons interested must go to the City and “Depending on the type Sunny of adults coming in as the economy gets of food being distributed, processed as well as a DMV check. However,apply. There will be a background checkseniors--but we do see a younger crowd 75˚/61˚ tougher.” the crowd’s size varies– background check is effective for severalfor volunteers in the senior programs, theThe Commodities Program is open to people of all ages that are in need of but it will average around years. Any volunteer working with kids will food. However, there is an income-level be processed on a yearly basis. 80 people a week.” Saturday In addition, every time that they arrive at Estes said. “You usually get volunteers“Our volunteers are generally seniors,”requirement that participants must meet. Sunny the Lawndale Community Center to receive who are people that they would generally food, they must sign that they are eligible available for the City of Lawndale to pick qualify for the program they volunteer for. 78˚/59˚ based on the stated income levels, which up on a weekly basis. The items received For the senior programs you get women are posted by the table. each week vary and sometimes consist of in their sixties who want to volunteer, do Funded by the United States Department canned goods, frozen foods or fresh produce. good work and that want something to do of Agriculture, the Commodities Program Some weeks, there is more food available in the daytime. In youth sports is where you Sunday Food Assistance Program (EFPA) that pro- to eight items one week or up to 14 items are more interested in that type of activity.”will get younger parents or siblings whoand people being assisted can receive sixoperates under the nationwide Emergency Sunny vides free food to all who qualify. The food the next week. For more than 20 years, the City has been distributed is ordered by from a Southern “Depending on the type of food being able to provide this assistance for those in 73˚/58˚ California Food Bank in Long Beach where distributed, the crowd’s size varies--but it need. “Our council likes to take advantage the food is picked up on Tuesdays and will average around 80 people a week,” Estes of any types of programs that become brought back to the Community Center, said. “It runs in cycles and it just depends available, especially when it is done with where it is packaged and made ready for on what we get from the food bank and you outside funding,” Estes said. • distribution on Wednesday. really can’t ever tell. To supplement that,
Lawndale 10_17_13
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