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Lawndale 10.11.12

October 11, 2012 Page 3 Calendar Holly Park Hosts First-Annual Math Workshop All Cities holidays, Hawthorne Library, 12700 Grevillea OngOing Ave. For more information call Donald Rowe By Cristian Vasquez They were able to perform the tasks, but it • Los Angeles International Airport’s at (310) 679-8193. In collaboration with retired teacher would take them a long time. That is when Flight Path Learning Center and Museum, inglewOOd Ron Glymph, the Holly Park Homeowners Glymph took a new approach and was able 10 a.m.-3 p.m., LAX Imperial Terminal, sAturdAy, OCtOber 13 Association is hosting its first-ever math to produce Math Maze as an effective tool 6661 W. Imperial Highway. It is open to • Operation Clean Sweep, Sat. Oct. workshop at Atherton Baptist Church, located to teaching math. the public from Tues.-Sat. Admission 6-Sat. Oct 13. For more information contact at 2627 W. 166th Street, on Saturday, October “What I discovered is that when you teach and parking are free. For information call Consolidated Disposal Service at (800) 299- 20, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Glymph, a former the kids the skills, then they expect to be (424) 646-7284. 4898 or visit teacher with the Los Angeles, Inglewood and successful in mathematics and if they are HAwtHOrne MOndAy, OCtOber 15 Long Beach unified school districts, created successful in elementary school, they normally sAturdAy, OCtOber 13 • Teen Paperback Book Swap at the the Math Maze as tool to help students expect that they are going to be successful • F i r s t A n n u a l Fa m i l y a n d P e t Library 2:30-8 p.m., Main Library, 101 W. struggling with the subject. in middle school,” Glymph said. “If they Extravaganza (benefiting the Hawthorne Manchester Blvd. For more information call “This game is a collaborative platform are successful in middle school, then they Education Foundation), 10 a.m.-6 p.m., (310) 412-5645. that allows the kids to work together in expect success in high school. As a result of Memorial Park, 3943 W. El Segundo Blvd. MOndAy, OCtOber 22 groups of two to six players where they’re being successful in high school, they would No personal pets allowed. • Foreclosure Educational Workshop all playing the same game so that there are expect to be able to take on college math. It • League of Women Voters Ballot (sponsored by The City of Inglewood), 10 no outsiders--and they create and solve math is about setting the stage for success, simply Propositions Discussion, 2 p.m.-3 p.m., a.m.-2 p.m., One Manchester Boulevard, 1st problems,” Glymph said. “As they do this, by giving them the opportunity to hold the Wiseburn Library, 5335 W. 135th St. For Floor, Community Room A. Registration they are talking about the problems so that skills that will make them competent in their more information call (310) 643-8880. mandatory: they share with one another every step that ability to learn, master and use mathematics. sAturdAy, OCtOber 20 OngOing they are taking. This allows them to peer They are able to build what I like to call • Paper Shredding and Electronic waste • Free ‘Housing Rights Walk In Clinics’ tutor and counsel each other throughout the ‘math-esteem’ and that is that they view of Collection, 10 a.m.-1 p.m., Hawthorne City every 2nd Tuesday of the month, during process and helps them not feel embarrassed themselves as having the ability to master Hall, 4455 W. 126th St. For more information the 2012 calendar year, 1-4 p.m., at the or humiliated for being wrong. The most and use mathematics. They have to believe call (310) 349-2980. Inglewood Library, 101 W. Manchester Blvd. important aspect of the platform is that that early on, before they are told by their tuesdAy, OCtOber 23 For more information call Geraldine Noguera students not feel embarrassed so that the teachers or by other people that they are not • City Council Meeting, 6-10 p.m., 4455 at (800) 477-5977 extension #27. weaker students have an opportunity to pick good at math.” W 126th St. For more information call lAwndAle up skills and develop those skills without This free workshop is being organized by the Monica Dicrisci at (310) 349-2915. wednesdAy, OCtOber 31 feeling ashamed.” volunteer efforts of Holly Park residents and sAturdAy, OCtOber 30 • Halloween Haunt, 4-8 p.m., Civic Center President of the Holly Park Homeowners many others involved, including contributions • Halloween Carnival, 5-8 p.m., Hawthorne Plaza, 14700 Burin Ave. Activities and live Association Katrina Manning met Glymph by SEUI, Local 721 and State Senator Roderick Memorial Center - 3901 W. El Segundo Blvd. entertainment. For more information call while visiting Marina Del Rey with her D. Wright, which provided the funds to For more information call (310) 349-1640 (310) 973-3270. daughter. Manning and her daughter walked have refreshments during the five-hour-long OngOing OngOing past Glymph’s Math Maze booth, which workshop. In addition to trying to assist kids • Social Security Outreach available for • Lawndale Certified Farmer’s Market, 2-7 sparked interest in Manning’s daughter. in improving their math skills, Math Maze drop-in assistance, 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., p.m., every Wed. on the lawn of the Lawndale After a brief visit, Manning and Glymph and the workshop are designed to include the 2nd and 4th Thurs. of each month, except Library, 14615 Burin Ave. realized that they were both passionate and parents in the process of facilitating success committed to education, so they exchanged for their children. contact information with the hopes of working “Education is something that I value in Classifieds When Manning presented the idea to the important to me to focus on education,”my life and in our household, so it is reallytogether to create a math-based workshop. board, all members agreed that it would be Manning said. “I feel that being in the position great event for Hawthorne and began working that I am in, if I can provide resources for The deadline for Classified Ad submission and payment is Noon on Tuesday to appear in Thursday’s paper. Advertisements must be submitted in writing by mail, fax or email. You may pay by cash, check, or credit card (Visa or M/C over the phone). to organize the event. the community to obtain an opportunity to Errors: Please check your advertisements immediately. Any corrections and/or changes in an ad must be requested prior to the fol- “I really wanted to put it together because be educated, I feel that it is my moral duty. lowing Tuesday deadline in order to receive a credit. A credit will be issued for only the first time the error appears. Multiple runs will I wanted to stay with the theme of education. I am excited to always see people grow and only be credited for the first time the error appears. No credit will be issued for an amount greater than the cost of the advertisement. Every year Holly Park gives out scholarships to support that growth. Having the workshop Beware: Employment offers that suggest guaranteed out-of-state or overseas positions may be deceptive or unethical in nature. If and I am a big supporter of education,” allows me to support people’s growth and it you have any doubts about the nature of a company, contact the local office of the Better Business Bureau, (213) 251-9696. Herald Manning said. “Recently, there was an article is such a wonderful feeling to be able to give Publications does not guarantee that the advertiser’s claims are true nor does it take responsibility for those claims. in the Los Angeles Times that talked about the back to the community, especially given the disparity of our kids when it comes to math position that I am in.” Schofield Realty encouraged to apply. Professional For leAse when I read that. In addition, many of the and older. However, Glymph also considers itMath Maze is designed for children age fiveand science and I was a little disappointed Located1 car garages for lease.old, mothers and grandmothers are“nanny” experience not necessary,month for1 block from Main St. starting ata useful tool for adults to brush up on theirjobs, the good and high-paying jobs, consistbut high character a must. PleaseWe receive 50 phone calls arental units in town. We need homes &$300.00 a month. Call (310) 647-call Charlotte @ (310) 505-6765.math and regain those skills that are easilyof math and science.” to lease. Call KEN about ourMgmt. program for Homes & Apartments. 310-322-4660 User Exp. Designer to scope UXD GArAGe sAle encountered and had to help many students lost due to lack of practice.“It should be used by everybody becauseDuring Glymph’s career as a teacher, he Sat., 10/13,139 Virginia St., ES. looking for anOnline Game Co.strategic design research projects ApArtment For rent setting timelines, milestones, 8 a.m. - noon. No Early Birds! Yard overcome the challenges that they face with when we don’t use certain skills, then we 2BD/1BA. ES. In 4-unit building, methods, outcomes & resources. Sale: Nice furniture, telescope, regards to math. Glymph had a difficult time lose the ability and become rusty,” Glymph no pets, newly refurbish, fridge, Req: 2 yrs. exp. in job offered, or as Home goods! understanding why kids wouldn’t catch on to said. “If I sat down and taught the game to garage. $1625/mo., + Sec. deposit. Design Assistant, or Research House For rent concepts and formulas of math until one day an average adult, they would struggle becausean Interaction Designer Interaction built-ins, laundry room, enclosed Call 310-540-3605. Assistant in User Interviews/ 3BD./2BA. 2 car garage, W/D hook- he realized that some of his students couldn’t the brain is a muscle and when we don’t use 3 Large, 2BR. Apts. 1 car pkg. No in The Adobe CS suite, AS3, PHP, $2,500/mo. (310) 989-6116. follow the formulas in algebra because they it, it becomes incapable of doing what itup, private back yard. East Acacia.observation. Knowledge /expertise shopping. 4642 W. El Segundo Blvd. 3BD/1 3/4BA. Back Unit. New carpet weren’t able to master prerequisite skills such would do when it was being exercised. ThisArduino (hardware & software), pets. Near buses, library, schools, #A,B,C. $1125/mo. $1000 dep. (323) & paint, Appliances, W/D. No pets, as dividing and multiplying. His estimate game is a way to keep your brain working.SQL, Flex & Processing (Java) also 751-7598. non-smokers. 1-yr lease. Available was that about 30 percent of his students It is a way to continue to pick up skills andreq’d. Jobsite: El Segundo, CA. Work 2BD/2BA, Spacious & bright, D/W, Nexon America, 222 N. Sepulveda security. (310) 322-4310. were struggling with basic computation. See Math, page 5Now. 946 Pepper St. $2250/mo., +Auth. req’d if hired. Send resume to: stove, fireplace, balcony, gated, lots Blvd, #300, El Segundo, CA 90245. of storage, laundry on site. 512 Principals only. room For rent W. Imperial Ave, $1695/mo. $700 Nice private room in El Segundo. deposit. No Pets! Call Alex (310) Display Ad Sales Position. Walk to beach. $150/wk, electric 3BD/1.5BA. Lower Unit. Bright and Display Ad Salesperson for 322-5203 or (310) 531-4739. • Diabetes CareWe need an experiencedincluded. Bob @ The Grand (310) 383-3753. sunny. Newer carpet/paint and kitchen Herald Publications. Territories WAnted parking. $1,950/mo(310) 322-3564. and Hawthorne. Full or part- to El Segundo area. Minimum 500- •Women’s Health Relocating businessOffice Space.include Torrance, El Segundo countertops, W/D hookups. 2-car in El Segundo with a fun 2 year old h e r a l d p u b l i c a t i o n s. c o m . Peter@allaccess.LAresume to management@ for a nanny positionCall Peter at (310) 914-8308, email: • Prenatal Carenon-storefront, but drive-up prfrd.20% commission on all sales.If interested please email yourmployment800 sq. ft, w/parking. Non-retail,time positions are available. e Seeking intelligent, energetic, loving person (hours may vary a little). Young and underserved communities throughout Los • Pediatricsin medicallyBuilding Healthy LivesN o p h o n e c a l l s p l e a s e. girl. Monday through Friday 12-6ish. Angeles County for over 40 years • Dental Care “You may be disappointed if you fail, Appointments: •General Adult but you are doomed if you don’t try.” (310) 802-6170 Medicine ~ Beverly Sills • And more

Lawndale 10.11.12
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