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Lawndale 10.11.12

Page 2 October 11 , 2012 Wright Honored for Exemplary Community Service, Commitment to Early Childhood Education Courtesy of the in Inglewood, as he has each year since its Office of Senator Wright inception. This year, Wright had the honor of Senator Roderick D. Wright (D-Inglewood) introducing baseball legend Tommy Lasorda, enjoyed the opportunity to interact with who was celebrating his 85th birthday. The residents at a wide array of events during crowd of 600 extended warm birthday wishes a busy weekend in the 25th Senate District, to Lasorda, after whom Centinela’s heart culminating with his receipt of the 2012 institute is named. Early Learning Champion Award on Monday Lasorda commended Wright for his morning for his support of transitional leadership, and CEO Linda Bradley thanked kindergarten. him for his continuous support. Wright’s office staffed one of more than 40 booths at the well-attended fair. Vendors from across the region provided a wealth of information on health and safety, as well as glucose, blood sugar and blood pressure screenings and flu vaccinations. On Saturday evening, Wright joined the leaders of the Boys & Girls Club of the Los Angeles Harbor in celebrating the organization’s 75th anniversary. Originally founded in 1937 to serve residents of San Pedro, the club merged with the Wilmington Boys & Girls Club a decade ago. The club CEO Linda Bradley, Tommy Lasorda and Senator Wright. offers a safe, supervised place for kids to The weekend’s festivities kicked off on Thursday night when Senator Wright was honored by the Congress of Racial Equality of California with a CORE Award for exemplary community service. They also recognized at the event at the Proud Bird were Sheriff Lee Baca, Senator Curren Price, Assemblymember Fiona Ma, Assemblymember Steven Bradford and Assemblymember Curt Hagman. On Saturday morning, Wright joined a Senator Wright dances with Gardena resident Jane Hall. crowd of more than a thousand residents for organization’s contributions to the community. honored Wright with the 2012 Early Learning the 19th Annual Gardena Heritage Festival On Sunday evening, Wright joined with Champion Award for his leadership in support & Street Fair. Senator Wright addressed the congregants at First Church of God Center of of transitional kindergarten (TK) and early crowd, congratulating the City of Gardena Hope in celebrating the installation of Senior child care and education of the course of his for an outstanding event which also honored Pastor Geremy L. Dixon, the son of Wright’s career. The presentation was made at Juan local 2012 gold medalist Carmelita Jeter and friend and classmate from Washington Prep Cabrillo Elementary School in the Wiseburn offered a wealth of information to residents. High School, Gregory Dixon. Wright spoke School District, which has pioneered TK There were more than 100 booths at the event, Senator Wright addresses the Boys & Girls Club of the to the assembled crowd about the love of for the past decade. This is the first year including one staffed by Wright’s office. The Los Angeles Harbor. teaching Gregory Dixon instilled in his son that districts across the state are required to Gardena Valley Lions Club’s mobile unit was get tutoring, do homework, create art and and of his great expectations for the church’s offer TK for younger students, and the first there to provide vision and glucose tests. participate in recreational activities. Wright future under Geremy’s leadership. He also time a new grade level has been launched Later that afternoon, Wright participated presented a Senate resolution to Executive provided a Certificate of Recognition to mark in the state since 1891. More than 2,000 TK in Centinela Hospital Medical Center’s 3rd Director Mike Lansing and Board Chair the celebratory occasion. classrooms are now up and running across Annual Community Health and Safety Fair Yvonne Bogdanovich to recognize the On Monday morning, Preschool California the state. • Senator Wright gets a lesson in ABC Bingo from the TK students of Juan Cabrillo Elementary School.

Lawndale 10.11.12
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