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Lawndale 10.04.12

October 4, 2012 Page 3 Calendar Hawthorne Happenings All Cities information call Deanna at (310) 512-8112. News for the City of Good Neighbors thursdAy, OCtOber 4 hAwthOrne • Westchester Democratic Club General tuesdAy, OCtOber 9 Hollyglen Homeowners Dinner on Thursday, October Meeting Election Ballot Initiatives Review • City Council Meeting, 6-10 p.m., 4455 Association Election Forum – 18 from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the and Analysis, 7-9 p.m., at IHOP Restau- W 126th St. For more information call Tuesday, Oct. 9 Memorial Center. (the kitchen rant, Bristol Hall Meeting Room, 8600 So. Monica Dicrisci at (310) 349-2915. The forum will be held at closes at 7 p.m., so get their early) Sepulveda Blvd. For additional information sAturdAy, OCtOber 13 Cabrillo Elementary School The ticket prices are the same: contact or call • League of Women Voters Ballot Multipurpose Room, 5305 W.135th Adults $5 and Children under (424) 225-1504. Propositions Discussion, 2 p.m.-3 p.m., Street, starting at 7 pm Five local 12: $2.50. All proceeds will go sAturdAy, OCtOber 6 Wiseburn Library, 5335 W. 135th St. For school districts (Centinela Valley to support the Holiday Assistance • Centinela Hospital Medical Center more information call (310) 643-8880. Union High School District along Programs that deliver food and toys Community Health and Safety Fair, 1-5 OngOing with the Wiseburn, Hawthorne, to needy families in our area. This p.m., Centinela Hospital Medical Center, • Social Security Outreach available for Lawndale and Lennox elementary year, if you bring in any amount of Parking Lot #6, 555 East Hardy St. For more drop-in assistance, 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., school districts) have created a Joint donated canned goods then you will receive information call Steven Brand at (310) 680- 2nd and 4th Thurs. of each month, except Powers Authority and placed “Measure CL” one free raffle ticket. For more information 1407. Special appearance by L.A. Dodgers holidays, Hawthorne Library, 12700 Grevillea on the November 6, 2012 ballot. Measure please call: Alex Monteiro at 310-978-4357. Legend Tommy Lasorda. Ave. For more information call Donald Rowe CL would levy a two- cent per square Free Shredding Event - Saturday, sAturdAy, OCtOber 20 at (310) 679-8193. foot parcel tax (based on lot size) on October 20 • The National Council of Negro Women, inglewOOd residential properties and 7.5 cents per The best way to keep from having your Inc. of Southern California Area “38th sAturdAy, OCtOber 6 square foot tax on business property within personal information from getting stolen Annual Bethune Recognition Luncheon”, 11 • Operation Clean Sweep, Sat. Oct. the boundaries of the five school districts. is to shred them. The City of Hawthorne, a.m.-3 p.m., Double Tree Hotel Penthouse, 6-Sat. Oct 13. For more information contact For example, the owner of a typical 5,000 along with Allied Waste is offering a FREE 21333 South Hawthorne Blvd. For ticket Consolidated Disposal Service at (800) 299- square foot lot in Hollyglen would pay an unlimited document shredding on Saturday, information call Carlin at (310) 838-7107. 4898 or visit additional $100 per year in property tax, while October 20th from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the • Paper Shredding and Electronic waste sundAy, OCtOber 14 a 100,000 square foot Hawthorne business city hall parking lot which is located at 4455 Collection Event, 10 a.m.-1 p.m., Hawthorne • Theatrical Presentation: “God Dialogue”, property would pay an additional $7,500 W. 126th Street. You can bring in boxes full City Hall, 4455 W. 126th St. For more 11 a.m., Inglewood Center for Spiritual per year in property tax.  If this new parcel of old documents you wish to have shredded. information call (310) 349-2980. Living, 525 N. Market St. For more tax is approved by the voters, the property During this same time free electronic waste OngOing information call (310) 412-4027 or (310) taxes collected would be divided among the collection will take place where you can get • Los Angeles International Airport’s 674-9160. school districts as follows: Centinela Valley rid of out of date computers, televisions and Flight Path Learning Center and Museum, 10 OngOing Union High School 40%, Wiseburn 20%, other electronic devices. So get all of your a.m.-3 p.m., LAX Imperial Terminal, 6661 • Free ‘Housing Rights Walk In Clinics’ Hawthorne 16.6%, Lawndale 14.7% and stuff together and bring it down to city hall W. Imperial Highway. It is open to the public every 2nd Tuesday of the month, during Lennox  8.7% with the money used for school on October 20. (This might also be a good from Tues.-Sat. Admission and parking are the 2012 calendar year, 1-4 p.m., at the district operating expenses. Representatives day for you to stop by the new Hawthorne free. For information call (424) 646-7284. Inglewood Library, 101 W. Manchester Blvd. from the Wiseburn School District and the Museum which located across the street in • Ongoing Registration: “Tough For more information call Geraldine Noguera “No on Measure CL” group will present the old police station.) Transitions” seminar (November). Walk away at (800) 477-5977 extension #27. their positions on Measure CL followed by Museum to be Open on Tuesdays and with roadmap, resources and mentoring. For lAwndAle a question & answer session. Saturdays more information call (323) 834-2061. sAturdAy, OCtOber 6 Ramona Neighborhood Association Hawthorne Museum will be open from • 10K Walking Club is waiting for you to • Gardening and Cooking for Teens, 10:30 Meeting – Thursday, Oct. 11 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. every Tuesday. We will join! Maintain healthy weight while enjoying a.m.-12 p.m., meet in the Lawndale Ocean Ramona School Cafeteria, 4617 W. 136th continue to be open on Saturdays from 10 benefits of support. For more information Friendly Garden, 14615 Burin Ave. For more Street, 7 pm to 9 pm a.m. to 12 noon. call (323) 201-7253 or email 10kwalkclub@ information call (310) 676-0177. The League of Women Voters of the Beach Busy Times - Balance is the key OngOing Cities will explain and present the pros and If you are like me, sometimes our • Recovery International Meetings, Fridays • Lawndale Certified Farmer’s Market, 2-7 cons of the 11 propositions on the November schedules and life in general get to be at 10 a.m., at the South Bay Mental Health p.m., every Wed. on the lawn of the Lawndale 2012 ballot. extremely busy or even overwhelming. We Center, 2311 El Segundo Blvd. For more Library, 14615 Burin Ave. Friends of the Hawthorne Libraries Book have work to do, we have meetings to attend, and Bake Sale – Saturday, October 13 we have sporting events to watch, we have “Life is like riding a bicycle. Stop by the Hawthorne Library to pick family gatherings, we have obligations we To keep your balance, you must keep moving.” some “baked goodies”. All of this supports get out of. Our lives are full. There ishave committed to that we can not possiblyup some good, cheap books and munch on ~ Albert Einstein the Hawthorne Libraries. very little time just to sit back and relax. Family and Pet Extravaganza – Saturday, I have found the key to staying healthy is Classifieds Foundation is sponsoring a Family and Pet If we keep our balance our mind and bodyto keep my balance. I try to balance workwith recreation. I try to find times to relax.The Hawthorne School District’s EducationOctober 13 Extravaganza on Saturday, October 13 from will be less stressed and we will enjoy living The deadline for Classified Ad submission and payment is Noon on Tuesday to appear in Thursday’s paper. Advertisements must be 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the Memorial Center. our full lives. submitted in writing by mail, fax or email. You may pay by cash, check, or credit card (Visa or M/C over the phone). The events will include the American Diving Upcoming Events Errors: Please check your advertisements immediately. Any corrections and/or changes in an ad must be requested prior to the fol- Dogs, “Peace, Love and Pitbulls Kissing City Council Meeting – Tuesday, October lowing Tuesday deadline in order to receive a credit. A credit will be issued for only the first time the error appears. Multiple runs will only be credited for the first time the error appears. No credit will be issued for an amount greater than the cost of the advertisement. Booth”, Gourmet food trucks, animal rescues 9 - 6 p.m. (Coffee at 5:30 p.m) Beware: Employment offers that suggest guaranteed out-of-state or overseas positions may be deceptive or unethical in nature. If and live music. Family and Pet Extravaganza – Saturday, you have any doubts about the nature of a company, contact the local office of the Better Business Bureau, (213) 251-9696. Herald Community BBQ Dinner – Thursday, October 13 Publications does not guarantee that the advertiser’s claims are true nor does it take responsibility for those claims. October 18 Community BBQ Dinner – Thursday, The Hawthorne Presidents Council will October 18 apartment for rent “nanny” experience not necessary, Den, 1.5 Baths, inside Laundry. 2includes utilities. 2 Bedrooms + be sponsoring their annual community BBQ Free Shredding Event - Saturday, October 20encouraged to apply. Professional Large 1BD. Westchester, Custom but high character a must. Please Car Garage. Agt. Julie (310) 702- built, residential area, immaculate, call Charlotte at (310) 505-6765. 8961 Cell. appliances, Near (LMU). 8420 Fordham Rd. $1450/mo. Call (310) Online game co. looking for an 2BD, Older Spanish Cottage in ES. 365-1481 or (310) 641-2148. User Exp. Designer to scope UXD 600 sq. ft. F/p, dine/rm., patio, fenced strategic design research projects yd, 1 car gar, W/D, stove, fridge. 2 3BD/1.5BA. Lower Unit. Bright and setting timelines, milestones, blks to beach, quiet area. $1950/mo. • Diabetes Care sunny. Newer carpet/paint and kitchen methods, outcomes & resources. + $1800 dep. Copy of credit report. countertops, W/D hookups. 2-car Req: 2 yrs. exp. in job offered, or as Avail. Now. (310) 322-8099. parking. $1,950/mo. (310) 322-3564. an Interaction Designer Interaction Wanted •Women’s HealthDesign Assistant, or Researchmploymente. Relocating businessOffice SpaceAssistant in User Interviews/ We need an experienced in The Adobe CS suite, AS3, PHP, 800 sq. ft, w/parking. Non-retail, • Prenatal Careto El Segundo area. Minimum 500-observation. Knowledge /expertise. Display Ad Sales Position Display Ad Salesperson for Arduino (hardware & software), non-storefront, but drive-up prfrd. include Torrance, El Segundo req’d. Jobsite: El Segundo, CA. Work Peter@allaccess.LA. Building Healthy Lives in medically • PediatricsCall Peter at (310) 914-8308, email:SQL, Flex & Processing (Java) also Herald Publications. Territories and Hawthorne. Full or part- Auth. req’d if hired. Send resume to: Yard Sale underserved communities throughout Los time positions are available. Nexon America, 222 N. Sepulveda Angeles County for over 40 years 20% commission on all sales. Blvd, #300, El Segundo, CA 90245. Behind- 524 Palm Ave. ES. Sat., • Dental Care If interested please email your Principals only. and sports collectibles, comic books,10/06, HH goods, knives, collectibles, h e r a l d p u b l i c a t i o n s. c o m . 649 W. Maple Ave. ES. Fri. 10/12, Appointments: •General Adulthot wheels, tools and more!ale SeGaraG resume to management@ N o p h o n e c a l l s p l e a s e. Sat. 10/13, Sun. 10/14; 8 a.m. to 4 Medicinep.m. Moving Sale- Furniture, rugs,(310) 802-6170 Seeking intelligent, energetic, antiques, carved frames, mirrors, in El Segundo with a fun 2 year-old tools, telescope. All highest quality • And morefountains, garden ornaments/plants, for a nanny position loving person girl. Monday through Friday, 12-6ish items. (hours may vary a little). Young and old, mothers and grandmothers are ouSe for rentH El Segundo- Front Unit. $2,550

Lawndale 10.04.12
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