Page 6 September 12, 2013 PUBLIC NOTICES CITY OF HATHORNE LOCATION: City Council Chambers NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF BULK PQVKEG"QH"VTWUVGGÎU"UCNG"V0U" Vtwuvgg" fkuenckou" cp{" nkcdknkv{" hqt" cp{" vq" vjg" nkgp" dgkpi" cwevkqpgf" qhh." dghqtg" DRAFT CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL PERFOR- 4455 W. 126th Street, Hawthorne, CA 90250 SALE Pq0" 3594984/56" CRP<" 624;/238/23:" kpeqttgevpguu"qh"vjg"uvtggv"cfftguu"cpf" {qw"ecp"tgegkxg"engct"vkvng"vq"vjg"rtqrgtv{0" MANCE EVALUATION REPORT (CAPER) (Secs. 6101-6111 U.C.C.) VTC<"6794"NQCP"PQ<"Zzzzzz4262"TGH<" qvjgt"eqooqp"fgukipcvkqp."kh"cp{."ujqyp" qw" ctg" gpeqwtcigf" vq" kpxguvkicvg" vjg" FOR FISCAL YEAR 2012-2013 At this meeting, the City Council will receive Escrow No. NCS-621259-SA1 Rtkeg."Octvqp"KORQTVCPV"PQVKEG"VQ" jgtgkp0"Uckf"ucng"yknn"dg"jgnf."dwv"ykvjqwv" gzkuvgpeg."rtkqtkv{."cpf"uk|g"qh"qwvuvcpfkpi" Pursuant to the United States Department of Housing public comment on the draft CAPER that is to NOTICE is hereby given to the creditors RTQRGTV" QYPGT<" QW" CTG" KP" eqxgpcpv"qt"ycttcpv{."gzrtguu"qt"kornkgf." nkgpu"vjcv"oc{"gzkuv"qp"vjku"rtqrgtv{"d{" and Urban Development (HUD) regulations, the City be submitted to HUD. of GREGLAUR INTERNATIONAL, INC, A FGHCWNV"WPFGT"C"FGGF"QH"VTWUV." tgictfkpi"vkvng."rquuguukqp."eqpfkvkqp"qt" eqpvcevkpi" vjg" eqwpv{" tgeqtfgtÎu" qhŠeg" of Hawthorne has prepared the draft Consolidated CALIFORNIA CORPORATION (“Seller”), FCVGF" Lwn{" 48." 42270" WPNGUU" QW" gpewodtcpegu."kpenwfkpi"hggu."ejctigu" qt" c" vkvng" kpuwtcpeg" eqorcp{." gkvjgt" qh" the upcoming year as a result of the assessment OF PRESCRIPTION PHARMACEUTICAL cu" Kpuv0" Pq0" 27" 3:54488" kp" dqqm" ZZ." Vtwuvgg"ku"wpcdng"vq"eqpxg{"vkvng"hqt"cp{" qh" vjg" Ecnkhqtpkc" Ekxkn" Eqfg0" Vjg" ncy"to attend or participate in a hearing or meeting,SOME OR ALL OF THE PHARMACY’S STOCKqt" c" eqwtv." rwtuwcpv" vq" ugevkqp" 4;46i"Pqvkeg" qh" Ucng" ku<" &6;9.6;:0320" Kh" vjg"Fggf"qh"Vtwuv"tgeqtfgf"Cwiwuv"24."4227."you require a disability-related accommodationd{" vjg" oqtvicigg." dgpgŠekct{." vtwuvgg."vkog" qh" vjg" kpkvkcn" rwdnkecvkqp" qh" vjg"crrqkpvgf"vtwuvgg"wpfgt"cpf"rwtuwcpv"vq"of CALIFORNIA. Said property is described as:able efforts to accommodate your request. IfINGLEWOOD,, County of LOS ANGELES, Stateoc{" dg" rquvrqpgf" qpg" qt" oqtg" vkogu"equvu." gzrgpugu" cpf" cfxcpegu" cv" vjg"Ecn/yguvgtp"Tgeqpxg{cpeg"Nne."cu"fwn{"an accessible format, the City will make reason-ucng" fcvg" ujqyp" qp" vjku" pqvkeg" qh" ucng"vq" dg" uqnf" cpf" tgcuqpcdng" guvkocvgf"." cv" ;<22co."September 18, 2013Qp"336 E. HILLCREST BOULEVARD, CITY OFall respects. If you require public documents inThe property to be transferred is located at:"Vjg"NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER:qh"vjg"qdnkicvkqp"ugewtgf"d{"vjg"rtqrgtv{"QW"UJQWNF"EQPVCEV"C"NCYGT0"#1425, DEERFIELD, IL 60015oqtvicig"qt"fggf"qh"vtwuv"qp"vjg"rtqrgtv{0"Vjg"vqvcn"coqwpv"qh"vjg"wprckf"dcncpeg"VJG" RTQEGGFKPI" CICKPUV" QW."whose business address is 104 WILMONT MSand the ADA Amendment Act of 2008, the Fairucog" ngpfgt" oc{" jqnf" oqtg" vjcp" qpg"pqvg*u+"ugewtgf"d{"uckf"Fggf"qh"Vtwuv0"GZRNCPCVKQP" QH" VJG" PCVWTG" QH"CO, AN ILLINOIS CORPORATION, (“Buyer”),the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990tguqwtegu."{qw"ujqwnf"dg"cyctg"vjcv"vjg"rc{"vjg"tgockpkpi"rtkpekrcn"uwou"qh"vjg"C" RWDNKE" UCNG0" KH" QW" PGGF" CP"bulk sale is about to be made to WALGREEN504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended,kphqtocvkqp0"Kh"{qw"eqpuwnv"gkvjgt"qh"vjgug"vtwuvu"etgcvgf"d{"uckf"Fggf"qh"Vtwuv."vq"RTQRGTV." KV" OC" DG" UQNF" CV"BOULEVARD, INGLEWOOD, CA 90301, that aIt is the objective of the City to comply with Sectionyjkej" oc{" ejctig" {qw" c" hgg" hqt" vjku"cpf"gzrgpugu"qh"vjg"Vtwuvgg"cpf"qh"vjg"VCMG" CEVKQP" VQ" RTQVGEV" QWT"whose business address is 336 E. HILLCRESTHousing Act, and the Architectural Barriers Act in Annual Performance Evaluation Report (CAPER) for the 2012-2013 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and HOME Investment Partner- ship Grant (HOME) Program Year. The CAPER provides an assessment of the City’s performance in meeting Fiscal Year (FY) 2012-2013 housing and community development goals as outlined in the previously adopted Fiscal Year 2012-2013 One Year Action Plan. Additionally, the CAPER discusses changes the City anticipates making in of FY 2012-2013 annual performance. Mari Guerrero at least 48 hours prior to a meeting LOCATED ON PREMISES, ANY AND ALL qh"vjg"Eqwpv{"Tgeqtfgt"qh"Nqu"Cpigngu" gzenwukxg"tgogf{"ujcnn"dg"vjg"tgvwtp"qh" ucng"rquvrqpgogpvu"dg"ocfg"cxckncdng"tgswktgu" vjcv" kphqtocvkqp" cdqwv" vtwuvgg"tgcuqp."vjg"uweeguuhwn"dkffgtÎu"uqng"cpf"rcig"ZZ"qh"QhŠekcn"Tgeqtfu"kp"vjg"qhŠeg"INVENTORY AND PRESCRIPTION FILESincluding auxiliary aids or services, please contact Notice is hereby given that Public Hearing originally Eqwpv{."Uvcvg"qh"Ecnkhqtpkc."gzgewvgf"d{" oqpkgu" rckf" vq" vjg" Vtwuvgg." cpf" vjg" vq"{qw"cpf"vq"vjg"rwdnke."cu"c"eqwtvgu{"PRESCRIPTION FILES AND RECORDS,at (310) 349-2976. scheduled for September 10, 2013 has been Norb Hubert INCLUDING AND FILES OR RECORDS Uqng" cpf" Ugrctcvg" Rtqrgtv{." yknn" ugnn" tgeqwtug0" Vjg" dgpgŠekct{" wpfgt" uckf" ykuj"vq"ngctp"yjgvjgt"{qwt"ucng"fcvg"jcu"vq"vjqug"pqv"rtgugpv"cv"vjg"ucng0"Kh"{qw"uweeguuhwn"dkffgt"ujcnn"jcxg"pq"hwtvjgt"Octvqp"M0"Rtkeg."C"Octtkgf"Ocp."Cu"Jku"CUSTOMER LISTS AND PATIENT PROFILES, TIME: 6:00 p.m. RX PHARMACY located at: 336 E. HILLCREST ucxkpiu"dcpm"urgekŠgf"kp"ugevkqp"7324" Ugnn"vq"dg"tgeqtfgf"kp"vjg"eqwpv{"yjgtg" rquvrqpgogpvu" vjcv" ctg" xgt{" ujqtv" kp"PHARMACY business known as SPAULDING’S0""Kphqtocvkqp"cdqwv"1372762-34vjku"ecug"uckf" Pqvkeg" qh" Fghcwnv" cpf" Gngevkqp" vq"nqcp"cuuqekcvkqp."ucxkpiu"cuuqekcvkqp."qt"September 24, 2013RECORDS AND OTHER ASSETS of that certaineqo."wukpi"vjg"Šng"pwodgt"cuukipgf"vq"Gngevkqp"vq"Ugnn0"Vjg"wpfgtukipgf"ecwugf"ftcyp"d{"c"uvcvg"qt"hgfgtcn"ucxkpiu"cpf"HH-23930GOODWILL OF SAME, ANY AND ALL BOOKS,qt"xkukv"vjg"kpvgtpgv"ygdukvg"yyy0fnrrnne0Ucng."cpf"c"ytkvvgp"Pqvkeg"qh"Fghcwnv"cpf"uvcvg"qt"hgfgtcn"etgfkv"wpkqp."qt"c"ejgem"Hawthorne Press Tribune Pub. 9.12.13DATE TO SPAULDING’S RX PHARMACY AND(619)590-1221vjku"rtqrgtv{."{qw"oc{"ecnn"fgenctcvkqp"qh"Fghcwnv"cpf"Fgocpf"hqt"qt" pcvkqpcn" dcpm." c" ejgem" ftcyp" d{" c"Published on: September 13, 2013OF THE AGREEMENT AND THE TRANSFERtguejgfwngf"vkog"cpf"fcvg"hqt"vjg"ucng"qh"fgnkxgtgf" vq" vjg" wpfgtukipgf" c" ytkvvgp"ecuj."ecujkgtÎu"ejgem"ftcyp"qp"c"uvcvg"RECORDS ADDED BETWEEN THE DATEdggp"rquvrqpgf."cpf."kh"crrnkecdng."vjg"Fggf"qh"Vtwuv"jgtgvqhqtg"gzgewvgf"cpf"cv" rwdnke" cwevkqp" vq" jkijguv" dkffgt" hqt"MAINTAINED ELECTRONICALLY AND ANYCity Clerk rescheduled to September 24, 2013. A Public Hearing will be conducted and the CAPER will be presented to the City Council for approval on following date: DATE: BOULEVARD, INGLEWOOD, CA 90301 qh"vjg"Špcpekcn"eqfg"cpf"cwvjqtk|gf"vq" vjg" tgcn" rtqrgtv{" ku" nqecvgf0" NOTICE fwtcvkqp" qt" vjcv" qeewt" enqug" kp" vkog" vq" The bulk sale is will be consummated on or after fq" dwukpguu" kp" vjku" uvcvg<" Dgjkpf" vjg" TO POTENTIAL BIDDERS:"Kh"{qw"ctg" vjg"uejgfwngf"ucng"oc{"pqv"koogfkcvgn{" SEPTEMBER 30, 2013, at: FIRST AMERICAN hqwpvckp"nqecvgf"kp"ekxke"egpvgt"rnc|c."622" eqpukfgtkpi"dkffkpi"qp"vjku"rtqrgtv{"nkgp." dg"tgÚgevgf"kp"vjg"vgngrjqpg"kphqtocvkqp" TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, pursuant to ekxke"Egpvgt"Rnc|c"Rqoqpc."Ecnkhqtpkc." {qw"ujqwnf"wpfgtuvcpf"vjcv"vjgtg"ctg"tkumu" qt" qp" vjg" Kpvgtpgv" Ygd" Ukvg0" Vjg" dguv" Division 6 of the California Code. cnn" tkijv." vkvng" cpf" kpvgtguv" eqpxg{gf" vq" kpxqnxgf"kp"dkffkpi"cv"c"vtwuvgg"cwevkqp0" yc{"vq"xgtkh{"rquvrqpgogpv"kphqtocvkqp" Hold yourself to TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY NATIONAL Completely described in said deed gpvkvng"{qw"vq"htgg"cpf"engct"qypgtujkr"qh" Street, P.O. Box 22004, El Cajon, CACal-Western0"(619)590-1221ku"vq"cvvgpf"vjg"uejgfwngf"ucng0"Hqt"ucngu"kphqtocvkqp<Reconveyance LLC, 525 East Mainqw"yknn"dg"dkffkpi"qp"c"nkgp."pqv"qp"vjg"rtqrgtv{"kvugnh0"Rncekpi"vjg"jkijguv"dkf"cv"c"vtwuvgg"cwevkqp"fqgu"pqv"cwvqocvkecnn{"cpf" pqy" jgnf" d{" kv" wpfgt" uckf" Fggf"qh" Vtwuv" kp" vjg" rtqrgtv{" ukvwcvgf" kp"uckf" Eqwpv{" cpf" Uvcvg" fguetkdgf" cu<"This bulk sale is subject to Section 6106.2 ofthe California Commercial Code. ALL CLAIMSTO BE SENT C/O: FIRST AMERICANCOMMERCIAL SERVICES, NCS-621259-SA1, a higher standard for filing claims shall be SEPTEMBER 29, 2013. rtqrgtv{"fguetkdgf"cdqxg"ku"rwtrqtvgf"vq" dg" c" lwpkqt" nkgp0" Kh" {qw" ctg" vjg" jkijguv" 2;134135+ " " Fcvgf<"Cwiwuv" 42." 42350"92022-9004*FNRR/6545;;" 2:14;135." 2;127135."vjg"rtqrgtv{0"qw"ujqwnf"cnuq"dg"cyctg"vjcv" vjg" nkgp" dgkpi" cwevkqpgf" qhh" oc{"" Vjg" uvtggv" cfftguu" cpf" qvjgt"of trusteqooqp"fgukipcvkqp."kh"cp{."qh"vjg"tgcn", ATTN: DAISY HOWELL. The last day3:722" XQP" MCTOCP" UVG" 822" KTXKPG." EC";4834 then anybody last past, if different from the above, are: P1C EC" " ;2525/4759" " Vjg" wpfgtukipgf"" tgurqpukdng"hqt"rc{kpi"qhh"cnn"nkgpu"ugpkqt" Inglewood News Pub. 8/29, 9/5, 9/12/13HI-23908dkffgt"cv"vjg"cwevkqp."{qw"ctg"qt"oc{"dg"dg<" 4625" Yguv" 333vj" Uvtggv" Kpingyqqf"So far as known to Buyer, all business namesand addresses used by Seller for the three years WALGREEN CO, AN ILLINOIS expects of you CORPORATION, Buyer/TransfereeLA1337746 INGLEWOOD NEWS 9/12/13El Segundo Herald Pub. 9/12/13 HI-23926 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE TS No. by the property to be sold plus reasonable may exist on this property by contacting 13-0006957 Doc ID #000590718522005N estimated costs, expenses and advances the county recorder’s office or a title HENRY WARD BEECHER Insurer No. 1696132169 APN No. 4081- Notice of Sale is $156,656.59. It is possible charge you a fee for this information. Ifinsurance company, either of which mayat the time of the initial publication of theTitle Order No. 13-0021833 Investor/ 005-016 YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER that at the time of sale the opening bid you consult either of these resources, you A DEED OF TRUST, DATED 06/04/2004. may be less than the total indebtedness should be aware that the lender may hold UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO due. In addition to cash, the Trustee will more than one mortgage or deed of trust PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE accept cashier’s checks drawn on a state on the property. NOTICE TO PROPERTY with interest and late charges thereon, as oqtg"vkogu"d{"vjg"oqtvicigg."dgpgÕekct{." intended to exercise the note holders priority, and size of outstanding liens that Lawndale Tribune Pub. 8/29, 9/5, 9/12/13HL-23909interest thereon of the obligation securedfor this loan in which case this letter isencouraged to investigate the existence,total amount of the unpaid balance withhave been released of personal liability09/05/2013, 09/12/2013receive clear title to the property. You aredesignation, if any, shown herein. Thedischarged through bankruptcy, you maythat purpose. A-FN4407482 08/29/2013,the lien being auctioned off, before you canof the street address and other commonUcng"QhÕegt"Kh"{qw"jcxg"rtgxkqwun{"dggp"information obtained will be used forresponsible for paying off all liens senior todisclaims any liability for any incorrectness248-2679 CECILIA STEWART, Trusteecollector attempting to collect a debt. Anybidder at the auction, you are or may beCA, 90260. The undersigned Reinstatement Line: (866)RECONTRUST COMPANY, N.A. is a debtmay be a junior lien. If you are the highestWEST 171ST STREET, LAWNDALE,Line: (714) 730-2727 or Login to: www.*848+";49/65;;"D{<"VtwuvggÍu"Ucng"QhÕegt"be aware that the lien being auctioned offdescribed above is purported to be: 4709(For NON SALE information only) SalePhone: (800) 281 8219, Sale Informationownership of the property. You should alsodesignation, if any, of the real propertySan Diego, CA 92127 (866) 248-2679CA6-914-01-94 SIMI VALLEY, CA 93063automatically entitle you to free and clearThe street address and other commonLLC 16745 W. Bernardo Dr., Ste. 100COMPANY, N.A. 1800 Tapo Canyon Rd.,highest bid at a trustee auction does notin the above referenced Deed of Trust.SUMMIT MANAGEMENT COMPANY,sale. DATED: 08/29/2013 RECONTRUSTlien, not on a property itself. Placing theand State and as more fully describedMortgagee’s Attorney. Date: 08/27/2013information is to attend the scheduledtrustee auction. You will be bidding on ain the property situated in said Countythe Mortgagor, the Mortgagee, or theThe best way to verify postponementthere are risks involved in bidding at anow held by it under said Deed of Trust,shall have no further recourse againstinformation or on the Internet Web lien, you should understand thatright, title, and interest conveyed to andreturn of the deposit paid. The Purchaserkoogfkcvgn{"dg"tgŠgevgf"kp"vjg"vgngrjqpg"If you are considering bidding on thisbelow, payable in full at time of sale, allat the sale shall be entitled only to ain time to the scheduled sale may notNOTICE TO POTENTIAL BIDDERSbidder for cash or check as describedset aside for any reason, the Purchaservery short in duration or that occur closetrusts created by said Deed of Trust.91766 at public auction, to the highesthave no further recourse. If the sale isInformation about postponements that areand expenses of the Trustee and of the400 Civic Center Plaza, Pomona, CATrustee, and the successful bidder shallassigned to this case TS No. 13-0006957.provided in said Note, plus fees, chargesat 11:00AM, By the fountain located atshall be the return of monies paid to thetgeqpvtwuveq0eqo."wukpi"vjg"Õng"pwodgt"said Deed of Trust with interest thereon asState of California, will sell on 09/26/2013bidder’s sole and exclusive remedy8219 or visit this Internet Web site www.the unpaid principal of the Note secured byCounty Recorder of Los Angeles County,convey title for any reason, the successfulof this property, you may call 1-800-281-thereunder, with interest as provided, andof Official Records in the office of theNotice of Sale. If the Trustee is unable torescheduled time and date for the salesecured by said Deed of Trust, advancesNo. 04 1502789, in Book N/A, Page N/A,of the date of first publication of thisbeen postponed, and, if applicable, theencumbrances, to satisfy the indebtednessand recorded 6/14/2004, as Instrumenttgswguv"vq"vjg"dgpgÕekct{"ykvjkp"32"fc{u"wish to learn whether your sale date hasor implied, regarding title, possession orJOINT TENANTS, dated 06/04/2004may be obtained by sending a writtento those not present at the sale. If youwithout covenant or warranty, expressM CUEVAS, HUSBAND AND WIFE ASdirections to the location of the propertyto you and to the public, as a courtesybe made, in an ‘’AS IS’’ condition, butby JAIME CUEVAS AND ELIZABETHor other common designation is shown,sale postponements be made availabledo business in this state. Said sale willpursuant to the Deed of Trust executedif any, shown herein. If no street addresslaw requires that information about trusteeof the Financial Code and authorized toCOMPANY, N.A., as duly appointed trusteeaddress or other common designation,2924g of the California Civil Code. Theucxkpiu"dcpm"urgekÕgf"kp"Ugevkqp"7324"is hereby given that RECONTRUSTfor any incorrectness of the propertytrustee, or a court, pursuant to Sectionloan association, savings association, orSHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. Noticeundersigned Trustee disclaims any liabilityoqtg"vkogu"d{"vjg"oqtvicigg."dgpgÕekct{."drawn by a state or federal savings andTHE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOUis to attend the scheduled sale. Thenotice of sale may be postponed one orstate or federal credit union, or a checkAN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OFway to verify postponement informationOWNER The sale date shown on thisor national bank, a check drawn by aSOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEEDat 11:00 AM Place of Sale: By the fountainlocated at 400 Civic Center Plaza,Pomona, CA 91766 Amount of unpaidbalance and other charges: $355,686.41The purported property address is: 2408HUDSPETH STREET INGLEWOOD, CA90303 Assessor’s Parcel No. 4029-008-008 NOTICE TO POTENTIAL BIDDERS:If you are considering bidding on thisproperty lien, you should understand thatthere are risks involved in bidding at atrustee auction. You will be bidding on alien, not on the property itself. Placing thehighest bid at a trustee auction does notautomatically entitle you to free and clearownership of the property. You should alsobe aware that the lien being auctioned offmay be a junior lien. If you are the highestbidder at the auction, you are or may beresponsible for paying off all liens senior tothe lien being auctioned off, before you canreceive clear title to the property. You areencouraged to investigate the existence,priority, and size of outstanding liens thatmay exist on this property by contacting theeqwpv{"tgeqtfgtÍu"qhÕeg"qt"c"vkvng"kpuwtcpeg"company, either of which may charge youa fee for this information. If you consulteither of these resources, you should beaware that the same lender may holdmore than one mortgage or deed of truston the property. NOTICE TO PROPERTYOWNER: The sale date shown on thisnotice of sale may be postponed one or NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE TS # CA-13-2698-CS Order # 130120985-CA- API Loan # 9800588957 (PURSUANT TO CIVIL CODE Section 2923.3(a), THE SUMMARY OF INFORMATION R E F E R R E D TO B E L O W I S N O T ATTACHED TO THE RECORDED COPY OF THIS DOCUMENT BUT ONLY TO THE COPIES PROVIDED TO THE TRUSTOR.) NOTE: THERE IS A SUMMARY OF THE INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT ATTACHED YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED 11/6/2006. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. A public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash, cashier’s check drawn on a state or national bank, check drawn by state or federal credit union, or a check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan association, or savings cuuqekcvkqp."qt"ucxkpiu"dcpm"urgekÕgf"kp" Section 5102 to the Financial code and authorized to do business in this state, will be held by duly appointed trustee. The sale will be made, but without covenant or warranty, expressed or implied, regarding title, possession, or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principal sum of the note(s) secured by the Deed of Trust, provided in the note(s), advances, under trustee, or a court, pursuant to Section right’s against the real property only. THIS the terms of the Deed of Trust, interest 2924g of the California Civil Code. The NOTICE IS SENT FOR THE PURPOSE thereon, fees, charges and expenses of law requires that information about trustee OF COLLECTING A DEBT. THIS FIRM IS AYUNTAMIENTO DE LA CIUDAD DE HAW- the Trustee for the total amount (at the sale postponements be made available ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT ON THORNE time of the initial publication of the Notice to you and to the public, as a courtesy BEHALF OF THE HOLDER AND OWNER AVISO DE AUDIENCIA PÚBLICA of Sale) reasonably estimated to be set to those not present at the sale. If you OF THE NOTE. ANY INFORMATION BORRADOR DEL REPORTE DE LA forth below. The amount may be greater wish to learn whether your sale date has OBTAINED BY OR PROVIDED TO THIS EVALUACIÓN DEL DESEMPEÑO ANUAL on the day of sale. BENEFICIARY MAY been postponed, and, if applicable, the FIRM OR THE CREDITOR WILL BE USED CONSOLIDADO (CAPER) PARA EL AÑO ELECT TO BID LESS THAN THE TOTAL rescheduled time and date for the sale of FOR THAT PURPOSE. As required by law, FISCAL 2012-2013 AMOUNT DUE. Trustor(s): RANDY G. this property, you may call (714) 730-2727 you are hereby notified that a negative VICKERS AND LYNETTE VICKERS, or visit this Internet Web site www.lpsasap. credit report reflecting on your credit En conformidad con los reglamentos del Depar- HUSBAND AND WIFE, AS JOINT com, using the file number assigned to record may be submitted to a credit report tamento de Vivienda y Desarrollo Urbano de los TENANTS Recorded: 11/16/2006 as this case CA-13-2698-CS. Information cigpe{"kh"{qw"hckn"vq"hwnÕnn"vjg"vgtou"qh"{qwt" Estados Unidos, el Ayuntamiento de la Ciudad Instrument No. 20062536442 in book xxx, about postponements that are very short credit obligations. A-4411664 09/05/2013, de Hawthorne ha preparado el borrador del rcig"zzz"cpf"wptgeqtfgf"nqcp"oqfkÕecvkqp" in duration or that occur close in time to 09/12/2013, 09/19/2013 Reporte de la Evaluación del Desempeño Anual fcvgf"31614234"qh"QhÕekcn"Tgeqtfu"kp"vjg" the scheduled sale may not immediately INGLEWOOD NEWS PUB. 9/5, 9/12, 9/19/13 Programa de Subsidios Globales para el DesarrolloConsolidado (CAPER, por sus siglas en inglés) del qhÕeg"qh"vjg"Tgeqtfgt"qh"NQU"CPIGNGU" dg"tgŠgevgf"kp"vjg"vgngrjqpg"kphqtocvkqp" HI-23912 Comunitario (CDBG, por sus siglas en inglés) y NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE TS No. 12- County, California; Date of Sale: 10/7/2013 or on the Internet Web site. The best del Programa de Asociación para Inversiones en 0029091 Title Order No. 12-0048924 APN No. expenses of the Trustee and of the trusts created Vivienda (HOME, por sus siglas en inglés) del 4077-025-030 YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER by said Deed of Trust. NOTICE TO POTENTIAL Año Fiscal 2012-2013. El CAPER proporciona A DEED OF TRUST, DATED 12/26/2006. UN- BIDDERS If you are considering bidding on this una evaluación del desempeño y rendimiento del LESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR property lien, you should understand that there Ayuntamiento de las metas establecidas para la PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC are risks involved in bidding at a trustee auction. vivienda y desarrollo comunitario durante el Año SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF You will be bidding on a lien, not on a property Fiscal 2012-2013 tal y como se delineó en el Plan THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST itself. Placing the highest bid at a trustee auction de Desempeño Anual 2012-2013 previamente YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. does not automatically entitle you to free and clear Title Order No. 11-0022740 Investor/ charge you a fee for this information. If los subsecuentes años debido al resultado de la pursuant to the Deed of Trust executed by MARIA a junior lien. If you are the highest bidder at theexpenses and advances at the time of theCOMPANY, N.A., as duly appointed trusteeaware that the lien being auctioned off may beque el Ayuntamiento anticipa llevar a cabo duranteinsurance company, either of which maybe sold plus reasonable estimated costs,Notice is hereby given that RECONTRUSTownership of the property. You should also beadoptado. Este reporte a su vez expone cambios NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE TS No. 11- 0029377 Doc ID #0001899948022005N Insurer No. 1706371651 APN No. 4079- you consult either of these resources, you evaluación del desempeño anual del Año Fiscal ISABEL VILLA AND VICTOR RAMIREZ, WIFE auction, you are or may be responsible for payinginitial publication of the Notice of Sale is 008-021 YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER should be aware that the lender may hold 2012-2013. AND HUSBAND, dated 12/26/2006 and recorded off all liens senior to the lien being auctioned off,$619,993.14. It is possible that at the time A DEED OF TRUST, DATED 02/26/2008. more than one mortgage or deed of trust 1/8/2007, as Instrument No. 20070031652, in Book before you can receive clear title to the property.of sale the opening bid may be less than the UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO on the property. NOTICE TO PROPERTY Además por medio de la presente también se N/A, Page N/A, of Official Records in the office of You are encouraged to investigate the existence,total indebtedness due. In addition to cash, PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE OWNER The sale date shown on this notifica que la audiencia pública originalmente the County Recorder of Los Angeles County, State priority, and size of outstanding liens that may existthe Trustee will accept cashier’s checks SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED notice of sale may be postponed one or programada para el 10 de Septiembre de 2013, of California, will sell on 10/10/2013 at 1:00PM, on this property by contacting the county recorder’sdrawn on a state or national bank, a check Instrument No. 20080396535, in Book of this property, you may call 1-800-281- W 149TH ST, LAWNDALE, CA, 90260. The be made available to you and to the public, as asecured by said Deed of Trust, advances Hawthorne 90250information about trustee sale postponementsdescribed above is purported to be: 4104-4106rescheduled time and date for the saleencumbrances, to satisfy the indebtednesscommon designation, if any, of the real propertythe California Civil Code. The law requires that4455 W. 126th Street,been postponed, and, if applicable, theor implied, regarding title, possession ortrustee, or a court, pursuant to Section 2924g ofDeed of Trust. The street address and otherCámara del Cabildo MunicipalLUGAR:wish to learn whether your sale date haswithout covenant or warranty, expressone or more times by the mortgagee, beneficiary,as more fully described in the above referenced6:00 P.M.HORA:to those not present at the sale. If yoube made, in an ‘’AS IS’’ condition, butshown on this notice of sale may be postponedthe property situated in said County and State andSeptiembre 24, 2013FECHA:to you and to the public, as a courtesydo business in this state. Said sale willTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER The sale dateto and now held by it under said Deed of Trust, insale postponements be made availableof the Financial Code and authorized tomortgage or deed of trust on the property. NO-at time of sale, all right, title, and interest conveyedindica enseguida:law requires that information about trusteeqt"ucxkpiu"dcpm"urgekÕgf"kp"Ugevkqp"7324"aware that the lender may hold more than onecash or check as described below, payable in fulltamiento para su aprobación en la fecha que se2924g of the California Civil Code. TheCalifornia at public auction, to the highest bidder forconsult either of these resources, you should beserá presentado al Cabildo Municipal del Ayun-trustee, or a court, pursuant to Sectionlocated at 395 South Thomas Street, Pomona,may charge you a fee for this information. If youde 2013. El CAPER (por sus siglas en inglés)oqtg"vkogu"d{"vjg"oqtvicigg."dgpgÕekct{."office or a title insurance company, either of whichAt the Pomona Valley Masonic Temple Building,ha sido re-programada para el 24 de Septiembredrawn by a state or federal credit union, ora check drawn by a state or federal savingsand loan association, savings association, AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. Notice is hereby given that RECONTRUST COMPANY, N.A., as duly appointed trustee pursuant to the Deed of Trust executed by MARIA L SEDENO, AND FRANCISCO CEDENO, WIFE AND HUSBAND AS JOINT TENANTS, dated 02/26/2008 and recorded 3/7/2008, as N/A, Page N/A, of Official Records in 8219 or visit this Internet Web site www. En esta junta, el Cabildo Municipal recibirá comen- undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for courtesy to those not present at the sale. If youthereunder, with interest as provided, and vjg"qhÕeg"qh"vjg"Eqwpv{"Tgeqtfgt"qh"Nqu" tgeqpvtwuveq0eqo."wukpi"vjg"Õng"pwodgt" tarios públicos sobre el borrador del CAPER el cual any incorrectness of the street address and other wish to learn whether your sale date has beenthe unpaid principal of the Note secured by Angeles County, State of California, will assigned to this case TS No. 11-0029377. tiene que someterse al Departamento de Vivienda common designation, if any, shown herein. The postponed, and, if applicable, the rescheduledsaid Deed of Trust with interest thereon as sell on 10/10/2013 at 11:00AM, By the Information about postponements that are y Desarrollo Urbano de los Estados Unidos (HUD, total amount of the unpaid balance with interest time and date for the sale of this property, youprovided in said Note, plus fees, charges fountain located at 400 Civic Center Plaza, very short in duration or that occur close por sus siglas en inglés). thereon of the obligation secured by the property to may call 1-800-281-8219 or visit this Internet Weband expenses of the Trustee and of the Pomona, CA 91766 at public auction, to in time to the scheduled sale may not be sold plus reasonable estimated costs, expenses site, using the file numbertrusts created by said Deed of Trust. property described above is purported to RECONTRUST COMPANY, N.A. is a especial debido a alguna discapacidad para and authorized to do business in this state. Said 8219 By: Trustee’s Sale Officer RECONTRUSTbe aware that the lien being auctioned offspecified in Section 5102 of the Financial CodeCA 93063 Phone/Sale Information: (800) 281-cabida a su petición. Si usted requiere acomodo*848+";49/65;;"D{<"VtwuvggÍu"Ucng"QhÕegt"ownership of the property. You should alsoassociation, savings association, or savings bankCanyon Rd., CA6-914-01-94 SIMI VALLEY,hará lo posible dentro de lo razonable para darPhone: (800) 281 8219, Sale Informationautomatically entitle you to free and clearRECONTRUST COMPANY, N.A. 1800 Tapodrawn by a state or federal savings and loanpúblicos en un formato accesible, el AyuntamientoCA6-914-01-94 SIMI VALLEY, CA 93063highest bid at a trustee auction does nottend the scheduled sale. DATED: 07/07/2012by a state or federal credit union, or a checkArquitecturales. Si usted necesita documentosCOMPANY, N.A. 1800 Tapo Canyon Rd.,lien, not on a property itself. Placing theway to verify postponement information is to at-drawn on a state or national bank, a check drawnla Ley de Vivienda Justa, y la Ley de Barrerassale. DATED: 07/08/2011 RECONTRUSTtrustee auction. You will be bidding on ainformation or on the Internet Web site. The bestto cash, the Trustee will accept cashier’s checksde 1990 y la Ley de Enmienda a ADA del 2008,information is to attend the scheduledthere are risks involved in bidding at amay not immediately be reflected in the telephoneless than the total indebtedness due. In additionla Ley de Americanos con Discapacidades (ADA)The best way to verify postponementRehabilitación de 1973, tal y como se enmendó,or that occur close in time to the scheduled salethat at the time of sale the opening bid may beinformation or on the Internet Web site.of the Notice of Sale is $875,437.51. It is possibleabout postponements that are very short in durationtodo con respecto a la Sección 504 de la Ley dekoogfkcvgn{"dg"tgŠgevgf"kp"vjg"vgngrjqpg"assigned to this case 12-0029091. Informationand advances at the time of the initial publicationEl Ayuntamiento tiene como objetivo cumplir enNOTICE TO POTENTIAL BIDDERSIf you are considering bidding on thisproperty lien, you should understand that the highest bidder for cash or check as described below, payable in full at time of sale, all right, title, and interest conveyed to and now held by it under said Deed of Trust, in the property situated in said County and State and as more fully described in the above referenced Deed of Trust. The street address and other common designation, if any, of the real be: 4713-4715 WEST 153RD STREET, debt collector attempting to collect a debt. asistir o participar en una audiencia o junta, sale will be made, in an ‘’AS IS’’ condition, but COMPANY, N.A. is a debt collector attempting tomay be a junior lien. If you are the highest LAWNDALE, CA, 90260. The undersigned Any information obtained will be used for incluyendo aparatos auxiliares o servicios, por without covenant or warranty, express or implied, collect a debt. Any information obtained will bebidder at the auction, you are or may be Trustee disclaims any liability for any that purpose. A-FN4413031 09/12/2013, favor comuníquese Mari Guerrero por lo menos regarding title, possession or encumbrances, to used for that purpose. FEI # 1006.162224 9/12,responsible for paying off all liens senior to incorrectness of the street address receive clear title to the property. You are 09/19/2013, 09/26/2013 48 horas antes de la junta al (310) 349-2976. of Trust, advances thereunder, with interest as Lawndale Tribune9/19, 9/26/2013satisfy the indebtedness secured by said Deedthe lien being auctioned off, before you can and other common designation, if any, encouraged to investigate the existence, Lawndale Tribune Pub. 9/12, 9/19, 9/26 Norb Hubert provided, and the unpaid principal of the Note Pub. 9/12, 9/19, 9/26 shown herein. The total amount of the priority, and size of outstanding liens that HL-23924 Secretario Municipal secured by said Deed of Trust with interest thereon HL-23923 unpaid balance with interest thereon of may exist on this property by contacting Publicado en: September 13, 2013 as provided in said Note, plus fees, charges and the obligation secured by the property to the county recorder’s office or a title Hawthorne Press Tribune 9/12/13 HH-23929
Lawndale 09_12_13.pdf
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