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Lawndale Tribune AND lAwNDAle News The Weekly Newspaper of Lawndale Herald Publications - Inglewood, Hawthorne, Lawndale, El Segundo, Torrance & Manhattan Beach Community Newspapers Since 1911 - Circulation 30,000 - Readership 60,000 (310) 322-1830 - September 24, 2015 Buy Gas to Help Fuel Your School Chevron’s “Fuel Your School” campaign has begun throughout the South Bay. Teacher can post their classroom needs on and Chevron will donate to help fund them. For more information, see page 2. Photo courtesy of City Approves Ordinance Amendment Prohibiting Signs Displayed on Vehicles By Nancy Peters At Monday’s regular City Council meeting, with Councilman Daniel Reid absent from the dais, an ordinance amendment was introduced, and subsequently approved for a second reading, which prohibits parking a vehicle on a public street for the sole purpose of displaying signage on the vehicle. An exception to this new prohibition allows the vehicle to be parked for a maximum of four hours in the same parking space. However, if the vehicle remains parked beyond four hours with the sign still displayed, the vehicle will be ticketed. The towing portion of the original ordinance has been deleted in its entirety. A vehicle may display a removable sign if parked in a parking lot. Vehicles may be parked within 500 feet of the vehicle owner’s residence, but only one vehicle may display ‘for sale’ signage within 500 feet of the residence. Signage that is permanently painted on the vehicle and signage that is wrapped on a vehicle are not subject to this prohibition. Bumper stickers are also exempt. An example of the prohibited signage would be a “For Sale” sign on a parked vehicle on a public street. City Council granted approval authorizing the City Manager to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for administration and cost sharing with the city of Los Angeles for implementation of the enhanced watershed management and coordinated integrated monitoring programs for the Dominguez Channel watershed area. The City Manager announced the hiring of a new Public Works Director, Frank Senteno, who recently worked in the city of El Monte and previously worked for the city of Hermosa Beach. During the City Council meeting he was observed taking notes of a report that the intersection of 162nd Street and Firmona Avenue should be considered for “DIP” signage. A representative from Asplundh, a subcontractor implementing the Southern California Edison project replacing 79 electrical poles as well as installing various new wires and circuits in many of the grids. Many of the connections, wiring, transformers, and poles were installed on “borrowed” equipment originally installed throughout Lawndale in the 1950s and 1960s. At this time the boundaries for the work, due to be completed by the end of the year, are Marine Avenue to the north, Prairie Avenue to the east, Manhattan Beach Boulevard to the south, and the 405 Freeway on the west. Work will be done on equipment in front of the following addresses: 15311 Condon Avenue; 4705 West 152nd Street; 4641 West 153rd Street; 4649 West 153rd Place; 4647 West 154th Street; 15206 Grevillea Avenue; 15727 Eastwood Avenue; 4415 West 154th Street; 4047 West 154th Street; 15440 Mansel Avenue; 4211 and 4556 West 156th Street; and 15438 Grevillea Avenue. The electrical work may include needed access to private property in order to clear debris from wires. Some traffic lanes and sidewalks may experience temporary closure during the work times, Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. and possibly Saturdays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Affected residences will receive a postcard with a telephone number to obtain more information or report outages. The subcontractor will give 72 hours notice if an outage is anticipated. Door hangers will be delivered to residences and/or businesses affected by the work of Asplundh. Pedestrians and drivers are asked to obey all signage and follow the instructions of crew members who will be regulating traffic if necessary. Streets that experience heavy usage during rush hours will be scheduled for work during non-rush hour times whenever possible. The City Council approved attendance by Councilman Pat Kearney at the League of California Cities’ Convention in San Jose with a maximum expenditure of $1,600 for travel, room and board, conference fees, and per diem from the General Fund. Kearney was instructed to use his knowledge and judgment when voting on any referenda. During the oral communications portion of the meeting a Lawndale business owner advised of the excessive problem of homeless people using his business property as a camping ground and for purposes of urination and defecation, causing clients to refuse to come to his place of business. The Sheriff’s Department will patrol the area around Hawthorne Boulevard and Redondo Beach Boulevard for the sole purpose of assisting the homeless found in the vicinity. The Beautification Committee reported on a successful Clean-Up Day on September 19 and thanked citizens who helped, as well as the students from Leuzinger High School Key Club, Environmental Charter High School, Boy Scouts, and City Council members who assisted throughout the city. Sheriff’s Deputies conducted a disabled parking space operation, focusing on motorists who parked in the designated spaces without a placard or with a placard but without the disabled driver or rider being present. Two placards were confiscated and 18 citations were issued. Continued monitoring of various public parking lots to curb abusive use of disabled parking spaces will be conducted periodically with the cooperation of Code Enforcement Officers. Saturday, September 26, citizens may turn in unused, expired prescription and nonprescription drugs at the South Los Angeles Sheriff’s Station at 1310 West Imperial Highway, Los Angeles 90044, between the hours of 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. There will be no questions asked and specific bins will be designated for each category of drugs being dropped off. The City Council requested that the City Manager instruct Code Enforcement Officers that violators of the ordinances prohibiting parking on lawns, prohibiting concrete and artificial turf on front lawns, and lack of weed abatement by homeowners and landlords must be cited and tickets of correction must be issued, as well as fines being imposed, where applicable. The 3rd Annual Blues and Jazz Festival will be held on Saturday, September 26th beginning at 1 p.m. at Jane Addams Park. The next City Council meeting is Monday, October 5 at 6:30 p.m. • Inside This Issue Certified & Licensed Professionals.......................6 Classifieds............................2 Community Briefs...............3 Film Review..........................2 Finance..................................5 Food.......................................8 Hawthorne Happenings....3 Legals................................ 6-7 Pets........................................4 Police Reports.....................3 Sports....................................5 Weekend Forecast Friday Sunny 84˚/72˚ Saturday Sunny 84˚/72˚ Sunday Sunny 84˚/70˚

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