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August 3, 2017 Page 5 Purrrfect Companions Badger Maximus Adopt a cat cuz cats are cool. A cat (or two) NBLFTFWFSZIPVTFNPSFGVO)FSFBSFKVTUB few of our cool cats (and kittens). Badger is a short and stocky, adorable and lovable guy. He’s very playful, especially with his brother Bear.  His favorite toys include anything he can drag around and chew on. #BEHFS MPWFT CFJOH CSVTIFE BOE QFUUFEŇ )JT markings are very unique–you can’t tell from his pictures, but he has a lovely striped raccoon tail. A true gentleman, he even loves to “help” while you’re cleaning out the litter box. When you can’t find Badger, it’s best to check odd places because that’s probably where he is. He loves a good nap under the couch or in the weird part of your closet you didn’t know existed. Badger was bottle-fed as an infant, so he loves humans. This cutie is available and XBOUTUPDPNFMJWFXJUIZPV Bear is a long, lean and handsome boy. He is the alpha guy of his brother Badger and other siblings. Kind of like a frat boy, Bear is always up for partying, roughhousing and playing with a mouse on a string. He even will sometimes growl at a mouse on a string to show it who’s boss. Bear is the absolute sweetest baby there is. As a bottle-fed infant, he is quite fond of humans and loves attention he receives from people. If you’re sitting down, he’ll walk right up to you and climb straight into your arms for a cradling. Bear will purr forever and then meow at you if you shift him incorrectly or stop petting him. This super-soft baby will greet you at the door and demand attention. His good looks and charm will win you over. All cats are special, but Lucas is a special kind of special. With tons of personality, you will not have a boring moment in his company. He has been introduced to a few other cats and has been good with all of them. He’s DBMNMPWJOHLJUUJFTMPPLOPGVSUIFS Gumdrop is a very sweet kitten who loves affection and attention. He likes to climb onto his foster mom’s lap and snuggle while she works. Gumdrop eagerly greets all the new people he meets, hoping to charm his way onto their laps so he can get belly rubs. This cuddly boy works his way into the hearts of everyone he meets with his loving personality. Gumdrop has a playful side and will run from one corner of a room to the other, chasing laser pointers or toys dangling from a wand. Whoever gives Gumdrop a forever home will be very lucky to have him join the family CFDBVTF IF JT POF TXFFU LJUUZ )F JT B WFSZ social kitten who needs to be adopted together with another kitten or into a home with an existing cat. He would do exceptionally well with his equally sweet foster sibling, Dakota. Dakota is a charming little girl. She loves to climb onto any available lap to get some head rubs and affection. She is not at all shy about meeting new people because she knows they will give her the attention she wants. There is not a skittish bone in her little body. 4IFJTBMTPRVJUFBCFBVUZ5IJTMJUUMFMBEZJT not going to be without a forever home much longer because she not only has good looks, but also has a great personality. Dakota is playful, affectionate and loving--the perfect ingredients for a furry companion. As an active kitten, she needs to be adopted together with another kitten or into a home with an existing cat. She would be ecstatic to go home with her foster sibling, Gumdrop. These kitties are available for adoption through Kitten Rescue, one of the largest cat rescue groups in Southern California. All our kitties are spayed/neutered, microchipped, tested for FeLV and FIV, dewormed and current on not an alpha cat—he’s quite submissive, yet comfortable and confident. When Lucas is playful, he gets very silly. He is also very affectionate not only with his own humans, but with others as well. Lucas is quite verbal when he’s playing and when he gets food. He does a combination of chirps and meows that BSFBEPSBCMF)FIBTBXIJUFIFBSUPOUIFGSPOU of his neck, white toenails on his front paws, and white “eyebrows.” Lucas is bonded with his BFF Maximus  and they love to play/eat/ sleep together. Search for “The Adventures of Lucas” on YouTube to see his videos. Maximus is a sweet, playful, loving kitty. He likes being picked up and cuddled and will often hug you back or stick his adorable little lion face into your neck. As soon as you touch him, he’ll start purring. Maximus JT KVTU TP IBQQZ &WFO XIFO IF IBE B CBUI (which everybody knows is not any cat’s favorite activity), Maximus just sat there, QVSSJOHBXBZ"GUFSXBSETIFQBUJFOUMZXBJUFE to be towel-dried, and then sat on his foster mom’s lap and licked himself dry. Maximus is bonded with his BFF  Lucas. Check them out on YouTube – “The Adventures of Lucas and Maximus”. Thalia is a beautiful, lilac-point Siamese. She and her bonded sister, Calypso, were rescued from the LA City Shelter at the end of an NKLA Super Adoption Event. These girls are very bonded and need to find a home where they can be together forever. Super sweet and loving, they can be a bit reserved at first, but they adore being petted. With a little love and POFPOPOFBUUFOUJPOUIFZDPNQMFUFMZCMPTTPN Thalia and Calypso are fine with other kitties and tolerate stressful situations with beauty and grace. Regal and gorgeous, this duo would be the perfect addition to any family. If you want Bear their vaccinations. For additional information and to see these or our other kittens and cats, please check our website or email us at Your tax-deductible donations for the rescue and care of our cats and kittens can be made through our website or by sending a check payable to Kitten Rescue, 914 Westwood Boulevard, #583, Los Angeles, CA 90024. On Saturdays, we have adoptions from noon to 3:30 p.m. in Westchester at 8655 Lincoln Boulevard, just south of Manchester Avenue, and also in Mar Vista at 3860 Centinela Avenue, just south of Venice Boulevard. Our website lists additional adoption sites and directions UPFBDIMPDBUJPOr Lucas Dakota Calypso Gumdrop

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