AND lAwNDAle News The Weekly Newspaper of Lawndale Herald Publications - Inglewood, Hawthorne, Lawndale, El Segundo, Torrance & Manhattan Beach Community Newspapers Since 1911 - Circulation 30,000 - Readership 60,000 (310) 322-1830 - July 25, 2013 Inside ‘Movie in the Park’ EventHolly Park Hosts Third Annual This Issue Calendar...............................2 Classifieds ...........................2 Hawthorne Happenings......2 Food....................................4,5 Legals ................................2,6 The Holly Park Homeowners Association hosted the third annual Movie in the park event where community members gathered to watch Madagascar 3 and enjoy music, face painting and jumpers. Seen here are members of the Hawthorne High school band under the direction of Band letter Anthony Hughes. In the center, Katrina Manning, founder of the “Movie in the Park” and association president. Photo by Shon Smith. People ..................................2 City Council Hears from Public on Dog Death By Nancy Peters meeting and each item on the agenda be cursory review of a presentation made earlier After the cancellation of the regularly presented allowing the public to comment in the evening by a LAWA representative, the scheduled July 9 City Council meeting, at that time. Councilmember reports would resolution received three no votes from Juarez, Politically Speaking...........7 Hawthorne’s elected officials held a special also be limited to 10 minutes for each person. Mayor Pro Tem Angie Reyes-English and meeting on July 16 but with minimum The City business handled in the consent Councilmember Alex Vargas, with Valentine notice to the public. The regularly scheduled agenda involved the approval of a resolution and Councilmember Nilo Michelin voting meeting on Tuesday evening was therefore to establish 65 additional unrestricted parking yes to oppose the expansion. The matter Sports ...................................3 the first opportunity for the public to face the spots on Jack Northrop Avenue. The only will not reenter the Council’s consideration Council and express their dismay about or restriction will be for street sweeping on at this time. support for the Hawthorne Police Department. designated days from 2 a.m. to 4 a.m. A resolution will be drafted to establish a The incident involving the death of the dog when any vehicle can be cited for a parking Senior Citizens Commission to give a “voice” owned by a resident who was being detained violation. The street is adjacent to the SpaceX to those residents with an interest in senior by police on a public street resulted in the plant near Crenshaw Boulevard and 120th citizen matters. This commission would animal charging the cops allegedly to protect Street and the allowance of parking on this come under the guidance of the Recreation its owner and police reacting by shooting previously restricted street accommodates a and Parks Department. the pet. request of SpaceX, although added parking An action item received approval to Weekend to be fired for his “negligence,” while others the Council after a presentation by Public requested by a petition of residents in theinstall four-way stop signs at the intersectionof 141st Street and Ramona Avenue asAnother item that received approval fromis open to the public.Several who spoke, and incidentally not allHawthorne residents, called for the officer Forecast Some who came to the podium stated that support for the League of California Cities Association.adjacent area and the Ramona Homeowners’Works Director Arnie Shadbehr confirmedvoiced support of the Hawthorne Police. the animal, if not trained properly, could have to work with the Governor and State Amid concerns expressed by Vargas, caused harm to anyone he seemingly would Legislature to provide adequate funding to Valentine, and Michelin about the lack of attack--as that is what the breed instinctively cities forced by mandated permit requirements an update to the 2013-14 budget (which has Friday can do in extreme circumstances. to expend millions of dollars to install systems not been approved although current fiscal AM Clouds/ indicating the City’s sympathy for the family watershed and to divert stormwater from the handled), Juarez reminded everyone that ayear expenditures are still required to beto assist in reducing pollutants entering theMayor Danny Juarez read a statement PM Sun while also showing ultimate support for the sewers that lead to the ocean. Apparently budget workshop will be held on Tuesday, Hawthorne Police Department. The dog owner the ultimate goal of the State Water Quality August 6, at 6 p.m. in the Council Chambers. 73˚/65˚ and family members were in the Council Board is to make the water to the ocean as Juarez urged his colleagues to review the Chambers with many supporters. Although clean as the potable water that people can budget notebook presented to each of them nothing on the agenda had anything to do drink and use. With 1,137 catch basins in and be prepared to ask viable questions at the Saturday with the incident, many approached the Hawthorne, Shadbehr explained that all will workshop--not waiting until that evening to AM Clouds/ podium to voice their opinions. filters and have special trees planted to target familiarize themselves with budget matters.The Holly Park Homeowners’ Associationneed retrofitting with special screens andAs a discussion item, Councilmember Olivia PM Sun Valentine presented a suggestion to reduce pollutants. Infiltration chambers to trap and presented a petition for replacement of individual time for oral communications clean underground water will be required for equipment at Holly Park. Costs for the 72˚/63˚ from five minutes to three minutes and to compliance or heavy fines could be levied requested picnic tables, barbecues and benches enforce the presentation ordinance of 10 against Hawthorne if it is determined to be will be determined for the 10 tables and minutes. Valentine did not receive support on the cause of polluted stormwater into the replacement of all benches. Sunday the reduction of individual speaking time by watershed. Shadbehr will work with the A “Women in Business” event will be AM Clouds/ directed to prepare a report and a draft of a financial assistance with grants and other to 8 p.m., at the Flight Museum, sponsoredheld on Wednesday, August 7 from 6 p.m.Regional Water Quality Board to search forthe public, although the City Attorney was PM Sun resolution incorporating Council comments funds to relieve the City of the exorbitant by South Bay Ford and the museum, for 69˚/61˚ and the public can give their opinions prior cost of the mandatory projects. It is organized by the Hawthorne Chamberbusiness owners and other interested women.The tabled item for opposition to the Losso that the topic can be on the next agenda to a vote by the Council. Angeles World Airports (LAWA) expansion of Commerce. Additionally, Valentine suggested that efforts at Los Angeles International Airport The next Hawthorne City Council meeting oral comments be moved to the end of the was opened for discussion and following a will be held on Tuesday, August 13 at 6 p.m. •
Lawndale 07_25_13
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