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Lawndale 07_18_13

AND lAwNDAle News The Weekly Newspaper of Lawndale Herald Publications - Inglewood, Hawthorne, Lawndale, El Segundo, Torrance & Manhattan Beach Community Newspapers Since 1911 - Circulation 30,000 - Readership 60,000 (310) 322-1830 - July 18, 2013 Inside Local EducationChevron Generously Gives to This Issue Calendar...............................3 Classifieds ...........................2 Finance.................................3 Food.......................................5 At the joint Chamber mixer, on July 10, and attended by the El Segundo, Hawthorne and Manhattan Beach Chambers of Commerce, Chevron gave 1.6 million dollars to schools in the South Bay. Front row, from left to right: Edie Rice, El Segundo Unified School District ; Carolyn Seaton, Manhattan Beach Unified School District ; Dr. Bill Watkins, El Segundo School Board Member; Dr. Jeanie Nishime, Legals ...................................6 Clerk, El Segundo School Board of Education; Robin Funk, Vice President, El Segundo School Board Member; Laura Gabel, El Segundo School Board Member; Frank Semancik, Chevron General Manager; Dr.Tom Johnstone, Wiseburn School District Superintendent; Nelson Martinez, Wiseburn School District Board President ; Janice Filer, California Academy of Mathematics; John Jackson, Manhattan Beach Unified School District; Rod Spackman, Chevron’s Manager of Policy, Government and Public Affairs; Back row, left to right: Geoff Yantz, El Segundo School District Superintendent;Carrie Watkins Schat, Wiseburn School District, Dr. Matthew Wunder, Executive Director Da Vinci Schools;Dr. Mike Matthews, Manhattan Beach Unified School District Superintendent; Dr. Steven Keller, Redondo Beach Unified School District Superintendent Israel A. Mora, Wiseburn School District Board Member and Da Vinci Schools Board Member. Pets.......................................7 Council Honors Little League Champions By Nancy Peters from a resident making building improvements questioned citations he has received to correct Politically Speaking...........2 July 15 after a month-long hiatus before a spend in excess of $25,000 to install electrical some of the items in question were built in thealleged code violations on his property, thoughto a property so the latter won’t be obligated toThe Lawndale City Council met on Monday, packed room to help honor the Lawndale Little wiring connections to Southern California early 1950s prior to Lawndale’s existence and League team that won the District 37 Major Edison equipment underground (which is the any codes being on record. The Council and Tournament Championship. Each of the team standard for Lawndale). After considering the the City Manager will investigate the situation Sports ...................................4 members and their coaches received a certificate item outside of the consent items, the Council and respond to the citizen’s concerns. of commendation. The 12 players are aged 11 heard from the homeowners and granted the In celebration of the 100th anniversary of or 12 defeated four opposing teams to advance request to allow wiring to advance overhead. the Los Angeles County Public Library system, to the finals and beat Holly Park Little League The payment from Edison for repair of the Lawndale Branch will hold a music festival by a score of 10-5. This is the second year in a streetlights destroyed by traffic accidents with performances on the lawn of the library row that Lawndale Little League brought home along Hawthorne Boulevard as far back as each Saturday in August at 1 p.m. with the the winning trophy after the Senior Division 2009 has been approved after a 10 percent public invited to attend the events. Team won the District 37 Championship in discount was granted by the utility company The Sheriff’s Department Safety Report Weekend men who all wore their baseball uniforms to the City treasury. and the confiscation of the equipment. Officersincluded the arrest of a store owner who wasoperating a casino in the back of his establishmentfor the job. However, the cost of $30,435 willbe absorbed from the general fund reserves of2012. The Council congratulated the team andcoaches and expressed its pride in the young Forecast has assigned Tommey Glenn Massey to the donation from the City was granted. weeks later operating in the same location.arrested the individual a second time whenseveral slot machines were discovered twoAlso, the Lawndale Farmer’s Market renewalwas approved and the request for a $1,000The Los Angeles County Fire Departmentthe meeting. position of Assistant Fire Chief for the area The City Manager reported that the Lawndale Another incident involved a thief who was that includes the Lawndale fire houses. Chief Community Center again has working air breaking into vehicles and stealing car stereos, Massey introduced himself to the Council and conditioning and citizens are allowed to enter but was unable to carry all the stolen items. He Friday always be available to hear their concerns. The air conditioning system needed to have a trail of equipment that he kept dropping andwas caught by sheriffs on patrol who noticedthe building and use the gym and other rooms.the citizens of Lawndale, stating that he will Sunny The consent calendar brought 10 items to the a new main controlling unit no longer under leaving behind him as he proceeded to try to table. The significant items included approval warranty replaced. The cost was $5,000, not escape from their following patrol car. He was 74˚/65˚ of the emergency roof repairs for the City Hall including labor charges that still needed to be arrested, but could not post bail and remains building and the roof of the City Yard building. added to the bill. in custody. This item had been tabled at the meeting of Citizens complained about the debris left The Lawndale Successor Agency to the Saturday June 17 for more information to be presented on the July 4 holiday from fireworks and Redevelopment Agency also met in conjunction Partly given to the expenditure. For the cost of less of illegal fireworks throughout the city. The Range Property Management Plan of the variouswith the Council meeting to consider the Longcontinued to voice concerns about the useto the Council before an approval could be Cloudy than $8,000, both roofs will be fixed and the Sheriff’s Department was thanked for its City-owned properties--in particular the Blue money will be pulled from leftover funds not proactive approach to the fireworks issues Bonnet Trailer Court on Rosecrans Avenue. The 74˚/67˚ needed for the Manhattan Beach Alleyway and the Council will meet with sheriffs in a plan will be managed by the Oversight Board. repaving project. special meeting with one topic of discussion Also considered were the auditing services Also approved was the citywide asphalt project to include the future of firework sales in the of Marcum LLP for all Successor Agency Sunday awarded to Sully Miller Contracting for the bid city. One citizen asked that the Council keep expenditures and revenue streams. The consulting Partly and a projected completion in October. Another the many youth organizations that benefit from be the management company that will overseeservices of Overland Pacific & Cutler, Inc. willin mind how much fireworks sales have helpedof $484,245 with work beginning on August 19 Cloudy citywide project is the approved funding of the proceeds each year and the thousands of the acquisition and relocation services at the $1.5 million from Metro Measure R grants dollars of fundraising that will be lost if sale trailer court, as well as the assistance necessary 76˚/68˚ to improve traffic signal timing operation and of fireworks in Lawndale is not allowed. to trap animals on the property and hand them all equipment at 19 intersections, and to add The Council heard from a citizen about alleged over to the American Humane Association. All bicycle lanes and pedestrian crossings in certain code enforcement harassment that could have items on the Successor Agency were approved. places after consultant evaluations. other implications connected to that individual’s The Lawndale City Council will meet again The Council also granted a waiver request opposition to the MTA’s Measure J. He also on Monday, August 5 at 6:30 p.m. •

Lawndale 07_18_13
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