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Lawndale 07_11_13

July 11, 2013 Page 7 One Man’s Opinion Another Man’s Opinion By Gerry Chong would invest $691 million in new plants in... By Cristian Vasquez container ordinances. Furthermore, the removal Last night I went to the annual Sadomas- ta da…Mexico. Thanks to taxpayer largesse, The California Assembly’s Judiciary of homeless people under such circumstances ochists Ball, and met once again the most GM now builds more cars overseas than in Committee passed AB5, the Homeless Bill often results in the destruction of their personal prominent members of the Liberal Establish- the U.S., creating foreign jobs. of Rights, in a 7-2 vote. Unlike current property such as medications and personal ment. It was to have been a costume party, but This group clearly believes that investing laws and ordinances that tend to criminalize documents. There are also laws against begging there was no disguising the political make-up in Mexico rather than America would reverse homelessness, AB5 is a significant attempt and panhandling, which also restrict groups of the group. Some greens were dressed as the flow of illegal immigration, making it at helping individuals without shelter rather from sharing food with homeless people in trees. Some unisexual, dressed attendees were Mexico’s responsibility to build a wall to imposing a punishment. AB5 was authored public areas. These laws are enacted to push holding hands. Some Islamists went incognito. keep out Gringos. by Assemblyman Tom Ammiano from San the homeless population away from one’s city, The NSA bugged the room. Some dressed as Finally, I meandered over to a group of Francisco and it overcame strong opposition but it does not eliminate the problem. IRS/DOJ scowled as they interrogated and frowning economists clustered around graphs, through a well-organized grassroots movement Some of the measures proposed in taxed all attendees. And finally some dressed charts and economic models. Each was ve- of homeless and poor people. AB5 serves a the Homeless Bill of Rights include the as Santa Claus throwing freshly minted money hemently insisting his version of economic reminder to us that everyone deserves the establishment of hygiene centers such as to anyone dressed as a dictator. It was a ball! stimulus would awaken this moribund economy. same protection under law regardless of socio- bathrooms and showers, allowing individuals Eavesdropping, I heard one couple discuss- Curious, I asked if all this intellect was wasted economic status. to rest or sleep in certain public spaces; ing the Washington Examiner report that the and whether economic answers simply lay in The National Center on Family access to counsel during civil prosecutions; Pentagon is spending $771 million on 30 asking the right questions. Homelessness reports that California ranks and protecting people who offer food in Russian helicopters and 18 Swiss planes for On June 24, for instance, the Gallup poll second worst in the nation in the number public places. All of these amenities will use by the Afghan military. John Sopko, spe- asked small businessmen the most direct ques- of homeless children. It is estimated that cost taxpayers money. Yet, it is costing us cial inspector general for reconstruction, said tion: “What is holding you back from hiring?” 160,000 men, women and children experience money now to prosecute people and families this program would waste $1 billion because • Forty-one percent said Obamacare has homelessness. With so many people living for not having a place to live. Not only is it our Afghani allies have only one-quarter the caused them to freeze hiring. under the homeless label, it is unreasonable costing us money, but criminal prosecution is personnel and equipment needed to operate • Nineteen percent said Obamacare caused to criminalize everyone. Furthermore, how not resolving the homeless issue in any way, and maintain the aircraft and Afghan pilots them to cut existing workers. can our legislators justify the prosecution shape or form—and neither is prosecution are not trained to operate these planes--but • Nine percent believed Obamacare would of individuals so down on their luck, mitigating the nuisances that are associated hey, our hearts are empathetic. be good for business while 48 percent said circumstances or whatever you want to call it with the homeless population. I cruised over to listen in on another con- it would be bad. that we simply label them criminals? Granted, AB5 is not the ultimate solution to a never- versation regarding the progress of General • Five percent said Obamacare would lower there are homeless people who chose to live ending problem. However, it does decriminalize Motors. Everyone knows taxpayers lost $10 healthcare costs while 55 percent said it would on the street--and that presents a problem to an issue that should have been humanized many billion in the new GM, giving 17 percent of raise them. the rest of the general population. However, years ago. At the end of the day, these are not the company to the UAW. We know too of the • Thirteen percent believed Obamacare that does not mean you become a sub-par 160,000 units or numbers or stats represented President’s berating of firms that move jobs would improve the quality of healthcare while human, let alone citizen of this state entitled in a report. These are 160,000 men, women overseas and reduce U.S. federal income tax 52 percent disagreed. to equal protection by the law. and children finding it more difficult to get revenue. So given that, what has the patriotic • Thirty-eight percent said Obamacare has Currently criminalization of homelessness back on their feet because of the tendency for GM done for America? First, it shut down the caused them to pull back on business growth. comes in the form of laws that make it illegal localities to prosecute. Giving such people the Janesville, WI plant that the President visited So the evening ended as all sadomasochistic to sleep, sit or store personal belongings amenities necessary to improve their personal and promised would stay open for 100 years. encounters do…with the never-ending search in public spaces, with enforcement against existence even in the direst of circumstances Four months later, GM opened a new plant for more government solutions to more gov- homeless people for violating laws like loitering will have a more positive effect on their attempt in China! Second, in July, GM announced it ernmentally induced crises. • (which is very selective), jaywalking or open to escape out of homelessness. • El Segundo Herald* Manhattan Beach Sun Hawthorne Press Tribune* Inglewood News* Lawndale News* Torrance Tribune EL SEGUNDO OFFICE •312 E. Imperial Ave • El Segundo • CA • 90245 Phone: (310) 322-1830 • Fax: (310) 322-2787 • *Our papers are legally recognized and adjudicated newspapers of general circulation Herald Publications Board Members Graphic Artists Chairman and Vice President: Richard Van Vranken Mike Gonzales CEO and President: Heidi Maerker Matt Lopez Director-at-Large: John Van Hook Contributing Writers Herald Publications Staff Gerry Chong, TerriAnn Ferren, Editor-in-Chief: Heidi Maerker, ext. 28 Dylan Little, Greg McMullin, Accounting: Denise Armas, ext. 24 Duane Plank, Adam Serrao, Editorial: Noraly Hernandez, ext. 25 Brian Simon, Joe Snyder, Legal Notices: Noraly Hernandez, ext. 25 Cristian Vasquez People Items, Subscriptions: Martha Prieto, ext. 21 Photographer: Shelly Kemp Display Advertising Sales: Torrance: Charlene Nishimura, ext.23, Real Estate: Display Ads: Important Emails For announcements (weddings, engagements, obituaries, calendar), “Letters to the Editor” and subscriptions legal For publication of legal notices other than DBAs For classified ads and Fictitious Business Name (DBAs) publications For press releases and submissions for consideration Follow Us on Twitter @heraldpub

Lawndale 07_11_13
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