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Lawndale 06_20_13

June 20, 2013 Page 7 One Man’s Opinion Another Man’s Opinion By Gerry Chong Clearly the Administration, State Celebrating the Constitution is ADepartment, and CIA concocted a fairytaleThe darkest places in hell are reserved for those to feed Americans in trying to defend the Friendly Reminder of its Importance who maintain their neutrality in times of indefensible tragedy at Benghazi. moral crisis. Would a benevolent administration throw a By Cristian Vasquez and their meaning. The vision our Founding –The Inferno by Dante Alighieri few low-level IRS employees under the bus by Given the recent controversy unleashed by Fathers had of equality, justice, rule of law Thus begins bestselling author Dan Brown blaming them for targeting political opponents NSA scandal it seemed fitting to bring up an and limited government is as strong today in his newest novel, also calledInferno. The of the Administration? Those employees issue that State Senator Ted Lieu presented as it was more than 225 years ago. Nobody; author of The Da Vinci Code places all of have denied responsibility, insisting they in August of last year. Through SCR98, not the president, not the NSA is above the mankind in a mathematically inevitable were following orders from their superiors Sen. Lieu sought to commemorate the 225th constitution. If there is a compelling reason doomsday scenario. While a theoretical in Washington. anniversary of the signing of the United States to spy on an individual, solution is possible, it would be considered Would a benevolent government Constitution. SCR98, which was a measure The President made the claim that people’s immoral by most. No one can, or should, surreptitiously hack into and monitor reporters’ approved by lawmakers without the need phone calls and emails are not being monitored stay neutral. That is the challenge. phones and electronic records from the for the governor’s approval, commemorated but if so, why is the NSA collecting data related the 225th anniversary of the signing of the to all phone calls, both foreign and domestic United States Constitution. Through SCR98 the made Verizon’s network? Why is the NSA’s Senator was attempting to remind Americans program PRISM gathering Internet data from “The distrust of an all-powerful government is the very foundation of our of the value and importance of the Constitution foreign users? Justifying such intrusions on government. How astounding is it that our President, a Constitutional and value to the country. national security is an insult to the Americanprivate citizens’ lives by claiming issues ofwhile taking the time to celebrate its influence scholar, rejects the basic premise on which our government is based?” In the past I have defended the President people. Does the administration believe that Obama’s actions on a wide-range of issues more than 100 million Americans are involved but on this topic I have to take a step back. with terrorist activities? If so issue warrants and Just like President Bush’s proposal for go after specific individuals. Going through the In the real world, the relationship between Associated Press and Fox News, violating the warrantless wiretapping made my stomach files of 100 million plus Americans with no Americans and their government could not “freedom of the press” and earning outrage turn, the news that President Obama is real evidence of wrongdoing is unacceptable be more clearly drawn. On one side, we from even the New York Times? defending the actions of federal agents who and a violation of our Constitution’s fourth have President Obama speaking at the May And would a benevolent government seized the telephone records of more than amendment. Just like we would not approve 5 Commencement at Ohio State University, now create the most egregious violation 100 million Americans and the email and of our local police department coming into at which he said: of public trust by secretly gathering “Unfortunately you’ve grown up hearing information on millions of phone and Internet voices that incessantly warn of government communications at home and abroad? “It is simply a rule to ensure that gun owners are as nothing more than some separate, sinister Edward Snowden, a former technical assistant being responsible with the storage of their weapons entity that’s at the root of our problem, and to the CIA, revealed, “ I can’t in good by setting guidelines that will restrict access of such they do their best to gum up the works.” conscience allow the U.S. government to weapons to people who have lost that right.” And “they’ll warn that tyranny is always destroy privacy, Internet freedom and basic lurking just around the corner. You should liberties for people around the world with reject those voices.” this massive surveillance machine they’re texting records without a court order is just our home without a warrant, we should not Really? Those voices that Obama disparages secretly building. I am not going to hide. as disturbing. President Obama and his aides be okay with the federal government tapping are the voices of our Founding Fathers that Allowing the government to intimidate can defend the NSA phone and Internet into our electronic conversations just because filled Independence Hall and gave rise to our its people with threats of retaliation for intercept programs, by claiming that they they feel it is necessary. Constitution. The distrust of an all-powerful revealing wrongdoing is contrary to the prevent terrorist all they want but the fact I have nothing to hide and if my calls government is the very foundation of our public interest.” is they acted in secrecy. are monitored or emails are read, they will government. How astounding is it that our So there you have Dante’s challenge: While Senator Lieu proposed SCR98 realize the average, boring life I have. But President, a Constitutional scholar, rejects Should we trust in the good intentions of almost a year before these actions by the in the end, it is my boring and average the basic premise on which our government an all-powerful government, or should administration came out, it is a great reminder life, which I can choose who to share with. is based? we adhere to the rule of law, as Russia’s from somebody in the president’s party that Someone should take a copy of SRC98 to the To give added credence to the warnings president has admonished President Obama the rules and laws set by the founding fathers President and remind him that some people of our Founding Fathers, this administration to follow? Will you sit in the darkest places apply to everyone. The reason our Constitution in the Democratic Party still believe in the fills our news cycles with violations of public in hell by staying neutral, or will you has withstood the test of time is because words written down on our Constitution. No trust every day. speak out? • there have been people who honor its words President or federal agency is above the law. • Visit us online: PUBLIC NOTICES T.S. No.: 2012-23798 Loan No.: 7092622328 Deed of Trust, interest thereon, fees, charges and understand that there are risks involved in bidding CITY OF INGLEWOOD NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE expenses of the Trustee for the total amount (at at a trustee auction. You will be bidding on a lien, INVITATION TO SUBMIT BID PURSUANT TO CIVIL CODE § 2923.3(a), THE the time of the initial publication of the Notice of not on the property itself. 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In the event alternative bids are called for inEach bid shall be submitted as one (1) originalRESIDENTIAL SOUNDProject Subject to Bid:INSULATION PHASE X, GROUP 4-CThe City of Inglewood invites and will receive bidsYou should also be aware that the lien beingprojects by the Contractor or any subcontractorcalled for on the Bidder's Proposal and Statementthe employment of apprentices on public worksyou to free and clear ownership of the property.auctioned off may be a junior lien. 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This notice is given by order of the City Administrativefor contractor’s labor and materials in the amountManchester Boulevard, Inglewood, CA 90301.that are very short in duration or that occur closePursuant to California Civil Code §2923.54 the or a check drawn by a state or federal savings this state will be held by the duly appointed trustee has obtained from the Commissioner of Corporation the scheduled sale Proposal and Statement" attached hereto and all bids and to waive any irregularities in any bid, 20___.The City Council reserves the right to reject any orall particulars using the form entitled, "Bidder'sway to verify postponement information is to attenddated this _______ day of _________________,Each bid shall be submitted and completed inOfficer of the City of Inglewood, California, and isbe reflected in the telephone information. The bestservicer or authorized agent, declares as follows:The beneficiary or servicing agent declares that it savings bank specified in Section 5102 of the Financial Code and authorized to do business in conveyed to and now held by the trustee in the to California Civil Code Section 2923.53 that is Western Progressive, LLC, as Trustee bid security in a sealed envelope addressed to not to exceed sixty days from and after the date City Managerand to take bids under advisement for a periodmust be enclosed, together with the requisiteDate: 6/4/2013a final or temporary order of exemption pursuant as shown below, of all right, title, and interest will be made, but without covenant or warranty, Specified in subdivision (s) of California Civil Code Automated Sale Information Line: (866) 960-8299 4-C” appearing thereon. Attention is directed to the provisions of Sections HI-23827“Residential Sound Insulation Phase X, GroupAtlanta, GA 30319Inglewood News, Publish 6.20.13bids are opened and announced.City of Inglewood, Californiathe City Clerk with the designation of the projectc/o 2002 Summit Blvd., Suite 600current and valid on the date the Notice of Sale isfiled and/or the timeframe for giving Notice of Sale hereinafter described property under and pursuant to a Deed of Trust described below. The sale expressed or implied, regarding title, possession, Section 2923.52 applies and has been provided For Non-Automated Sale Information, call: or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principal or the loan is exempt from the requirements. 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Lawndale 06_20_13
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