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Lawndale 05_23_13

Page 2 May 23, 2013 Seniors Five Super Nutrients That Help You Age Well disease and help you live longer. from the sun,” explains Tannis. “Sure, there 4. Green foods Allison Tannis is a nutritionist, author and are foods such as milk and orange juice that “Greens are packed with more nutrients professional consultant. She believes that aging have added vitamin D. For some, these foods per bite than almost anything else on your well means eating well. She recommends these are a great choice, but for others, it can be plate. They are full of vitamins, minerals, five super nutrients to help baby boomers hard to ensure you’re getting enough of this antioxidants, enzymes and more,” says Tannis. and older adults age well and stay healthy. essential vitamin through fortified foods.” What green foods are the best? 1. Omega-3s Older people are prone to vitamin D “The best greens to eat are the ones you “It can be hard to see fat as healthy, but deficiency, and therefore, may experience like - you don’t have to hate your food. Love omega-3 fatty acids are potentially one of the muscle weakness or impaired intestinal your food! Choose some greens that you most important nutrients for our health,” says absorption. Tannis suggests that everyone, enjoy and then, once a week, try something Tannis. “Omega-3 fatty acids are vital to the no matter their age, consider a vitamin D outside your comfort zone,” Tannis suggests. maintenance and function of our eyes, brain supplement if diet and sun exposure aren’t “If you simply can’t stomach enough greens, and nervous system - parts of us that start adequate. From tasteless liquid drops to there are plenty of powders available, from to weaken with increasing age. In addition, pills that combine multiple nutrients, there simple single ingredient products to complex these healthy fats have great ability to fight are a variety of options for vitamin D formulas.” inflammation that is the cause of painful joints, supplementation. 5. Multivitamins cardiovascular disease and even wrinkles.” 3. Probiotics No matter what your age, eating a balanced How can you get your daily dose of 1 to “Probiotics fight inflammation, promote diet provides your body with plenty of 2 grams of omega-3s, as recommended by digestive health and much more,” says nutrients. “Try to ensure that at some point the American Heart Association? Wild-caught Tannis. “With age, there is a decrease in each day you enjoy foods from each color fish like salmon, sardines and Arctic char the most prominent probiotic in the colon, of the rainbow, and artificial coloring doesn’t are good sources of omega-3s. Plant sources Bifidobacteria, leaving the colon prone to count,” says Tannis. of omega-3s include flax, chia and hemp. inflammation, which increases the risk of Taking a multivitamin is one way to ensure It can be difficult to get enough omega-3s disease and discomfort.” your body has the minimum amounts of from food sources, so supplements are a Foods like kefir and yogurt are common the essential nutrients it needs each day to good alternative. sources of probiotics, but often it’s not function properly. If you are considering a “Every morning I wake with the best enough to get the full benefits. Probiotic multivitamin, look for one that is designed intentions of eating healthy, but then life supplements are a great way to maintain for your age, activity level and gender. can get in the way,” Tannis says. “Using and rebuild probiotic levels in your digestive “Food hasn’t changed, even though it feels daily supplements ensures my body gets tract. “Seek out one with lots of different that everyone is telling you something new (BPT) - Parents often use the adage “You all of the essential nutrients it needs to be probiotic species,” recommends Tannis. about it,” says Tannis. “Enjoy a well-balanced are what you eat!” to encourage children to at its best. I take Nordic Naturals fish oils, “You’ve got hundreds of kinds of probiotics diet, rich in colorful fruits, vegetables, nuts, make healthy food choices, but the saying available in liquids, soft gels and even an in you. Each probiotic offers its own unique seeds, beans, whole grains and fish. Nutrition is equally true for mature adults. Providing effervescent drink.” health benefits to your body, so having lots really can be easy to swallow.” • your body with a variety of nutrients lets 2. Vitamin D of different kinds in your system can help you feel your best, and may even prevent “Vitamin D is really only available to us your body be at its best.” Classifieds “How far you go in life depends on your being tender with The deadline for Classified Ad submission and payment is Noon on Tuesday to appear in Thursday’s paper. Advertisements must be the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with submitted in writing by mail, fax or email. You may pay by cash, check, or credit card (Visa or M/C over the phone). Errors: Please check your advertisements immediately. Any corrections and/or changes in an ad must be requested prior to the fol- the striving and tolerant of the weak and strong. Because lowing Tuesday deadline in order to receive a credit. 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Lawndale 05_23_13
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