AND lAwNDAle News The Weekly Newspaper of Lawndale Herald Publications - Inglewood, Hawthorne, Lawndale, El Segundo, Torrance & Manhattan Beach Community Newspapers Since 1911 - Circulation 30,000 - Readership 60,000 (310) 322-1830 - May 16, 2013 Inside with Zela Davis Elementary SchoolBoulevard Florist hosts Essay Contest This Issue Calendar...............................3 Classifieds ...........................3 Newspaper Fun..................7 Food ......................................5 On Friday, May 10th, Boulevard Florist visited Zela Davis Elementary School in Lawndale to announce winners for the company’s Mother’s Day essay contest. Students in grades kindergarten through fifth Hawthorne Happenings......3 were asked to write about how their moms have impacted their lives. Winners were selected based off creativity, grammar and spelling, and were chosen by Principal Kathy Carbajal. They were then asked to read their essay to their moms during lunch. Pictured above from left to right: Winners Siutiti Holani (first grade), Daniel Avelar (third grade) and Allyson Bradley (fifth grade) all received $50 gift certificates to Boulevard Florist. “The kids did a really good job,” Avelar’s teacher, Cynthia Okada said. “They all tried really hard.” Legals................................. 6 City Council Discusses Obsolete Records Destruction; Approves Commercial/ Pets.......................................8 Industrial Zones New Signage Police Report......................2 By Nancy Peters shall only be allowed after approval of a special hour between Artesia Boulevard and ManhattanThe City Council met on Monday night forBeach Boulevard in this scenario. The requestuse permit and are restricted by several other what looked on paper to be a meeting without factors. The storefront may have one digital for increased speeds was approved by the city too much on the consent calendar, although other sign, or in the case of multiple storefronts, of Redondo Beach, which also owns portions Sports...................................4 and industrial zones and an item on increasing sign may not exceed 50 percent of the total designated streets. The Sheriff’s Departmentof Inglewood Avenue between these statedone sign per business. The size of the digitalitems, a public hearing on signs in commercial speed limits, could spark some discussion. But sign allotment. No digital signs shall display was requested to weigh in with their opinions it was a seemingly harmless item from the animation or flashing, blinking, rolling, shading, of the request for increasing the speed and City Clerk’s office to destroy obsolete records dissolving, or sound and these digital signs to render an opinion on the speed trap issue. that sparked nearly 30 minutes of discussion. must be able to dim automatically depending Lt. John Hocking, the ranking officer at the The mayor has been searching for records on ambient light. No digital signs can be Lawndale Service Center, suggested that the Weekend minutes by the City Clerk’s office, as required decided by the tenants in the case of multiple from the Sheriff’s Department point of viewCity Council continue the request for increasingspeed limits on Inglewood Avenue until asubject matter expert can study the situationwithin less than 100 feet of a residential area.Additionally, monument signs at the streetline may only display one digital sign, to bethat go back to 1984, but staff reports for theinformation he is seeking were not part ofthe record retention for agendas and meeting Forecast one year, November 1986 through December to showcase each business. of the City Council on May 20. Hocking saidand give a formal opinion at the next meetingstorefronts as to how the digital signs can rotateby law. The destruction of videotapes for 1987, and documents that are retained in other Window signs, both temporary and permanent, that speed traps are not usually a reason for ways, are not even the records with which shall not exceed 50% of the total window size ticket issuance of speeding. the mayor was most concerned as he was on which the signs will be displayed. The public A two-year contracting agreement with Friday focused on records that may not ever have hearing on the digital signs recommendations, All City Management Services for crossing AM Clouds/ of destroying obsolete records despite the City and the increase of signs for commercial and was continued until after the budget reviewguard services in the amount of $207,673.20new allowance for permanent window signs,existed. However, the mayor is not in favor PM Sun Clerk’s office assuring that nothing is destroyed industrial zones did not elicit any comments to be held on Tuesday, May 14. The contract without careful examination. from the public. The ordinance to amend the renewal would take effect on July 1, 2013, 68˚/60˚ A separate vote was held for the item to Municipal Code for signs was read for the and the current contract is in effect until June destroy obsolete records as noted in the staff first time and will have a second reading on 30, 2013, allowing for any negotiations before report, and in the end the item was passed by Monday, May 20. any approval of the suggested new contract. a vote of 4-1, with Mayor Harold. E. Hofmann The request for increasing speed limits on No vote was taken. Saturday casting the dissenting vote. a reexamination is required after five years of Agency also met to consider the matter ofThe Successor Agency to the RedevelopmentInglewood Avenue, due to a state law that saysThe Planning Commission recently concluded Sunny their review of signage and signs, passing along posted speed limits or constitutes a speed “trap” establishing an agreement between the city 67˚/60˚ Council. The final signage involves commercial most of whom were not in favor of the request. Redevelopment Agency for the expenditure ofof Lawndale and the Successor Agency to thefor drivers, was examined by the City Council,their recommendations and decisions to the City and industrial zone signage. The commercial The proposal is to increase from 40 miles per the bond proceeds in the amount of $6,172,000. zone currently has linear frontage as the basis hour to 45 miles per hour between Artesia The spending of the bond proceeds is allowed by for how signage is regulated at two times per Boulevard and Manhattan Beach Boulevard virtue of the regulations as long as the proceeds Sunday for window signs. The proposal is to increase hour between Manhattan Beach Boulevard and purview and approved by the City Council. Theare spent on projects within the Public Worksand from 35 miles per hour to 40 miles persquare foot of linear frontage measurement Sunny that two times rule to two and one-half times Marine Avenue and, then, between Marine Successor Agency Oversight Board approved 69˚/62˚ zones, the request is for the increase to be four Council objected to the increases stating that the agreement.The Memorial Day Service on Monday,Avenue and Rosecrans Avenue. The Citythe linear frontage for storefronts. In industrial times the linear street frontage. a driver tends to go five to seven miles per May 27 will begin at 9 a.m. at the Memorial Digital signs are also part of the Planning hour over a posted speed limit, which would Wall at City Hall, followed by breakfast for Commission recommendations. Digital signs mean drivers could go nearly 50 miles per the public in attendance. •
Lawndale 05_16_13
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