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Lawndale 02_20_14

February 20, 2014 Page 7 PUBLIC NOTICES DISTRICT HAWTHORNE SCHOOL DISTRICT PROJECT IDENTIFICATION VoIP Solution PROJECT NUMBER RFP Number 13-14-2 PROPOSALS DUE BY March 18, 2014; 2:00 PM Sharp SUBMIT PROPOSALS TO Hawthorne School District NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Hawthorne School District, acting by and through its Board of Education, hereinafter the “District” will receive up to, but not later than the above stated date and time, sealed Proposals for the Contract for the Work generally described as: RFP #13-14-2 – VoIP Solution. Bidder’s Conference. The District will conduct a ONE TIME ONLY MANDATORY IN-PERSON CONFERENCE for the Work to be held at the location, date and time stated above. Failure to attend and sign-in will render such Proposal to be non-responsive. 14120 S. Hawthorne Blvd Hawthorne, California 90250 RFP DOCUMENTS AVAILABLE MANDATORY IN-PERSON CONFERENCE LOCATION: Hawthorne School District 14120 Hawthorne Blvd. Hawthorne, CA 90250 MANDATORY IN-PERSON CONFERENCE DATE/TIME: March 5, 2014; 2:00 PM Sharp Bid Security. Each Proposal shall be accompanied by Bid Security in an amount not less than FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($500.00). Failure of any Proposal to be accompanied by Bid Security in the form and in the amount required shall render such Proposal to be non-responsive and rejected by the District. No Withdrawal of Proposals. No Bidder shall withdraw its Proposal for a period of ninety (90) days after the award of the Contract by the District’s Board of Education. During this time, all Bidders shall guarantee prices quoted in their respective Proposals, and as it relates to E-Rate parameters. E-Rate Form 470 Filing February 20, 2014 Mandatory Conference: March 5, 2014 Last day to submit questions March 10, 2014 Proposal Submittal Date March 18, 2014 E-Rate Form 471 Filing: March 25, 2014 Gioconda Padilla Purchasing Director HAWTHORNE SCHOOL DISTRICT Los Angeles County, State of California FOR: The Board of Trustees Publication: Herald Publication 1st Publication: February 20, 2014 2nd Publication: February 27, 2014 Hawthorne Press Tribune Pub. 2/20, 2/27/2014 HH-24152 NOTICE CALLING FOR REQUESTS FOR PROPOSALS Waiver of Irregularities. The District reserves the right to reject any or all Proposals or to waive any irregularities or informalities in any Proposal or in the bidding. Award of Contract. The Contract for the Work, if awarded, will be by action of the District’s Board of Education to the Bidder that meets the qualifications established by the RFP documents. E-rate Requirements. The project is 100% contingent upon the approval of funding from the Universal Service Fund’s Schools and Libraries Program, otherwise known as E-rate. The District may or may not proceed with the project, in whole or in part, even in the event E-rate funding is approved. Execution of the project, in part or in whole, is solely at the discretion of the District. Bidders wishing to bid may do so solely at their own risk. The District is not liable or responsible for any costs, loss, fees, or expenses, of any kind, associated with bid and/or a decision not to proceed with the project, even after award of the contracts. By submitting a proposal, each bidder agrees to bear all of its own costs, fees, expenses, and losses, of any and all kind, should the District cancel the project. Inquiries and Clarifications. This document is for informational purposes and shall not relieve the Bidder of the requirements to fully become familiarized with all the factors affecting the Project and Proposal. The Bidder is advised that all inquiries and clarifications about the RFP documents, specifications, etc., shall be submitted to the District in writing no later than March 10, 2014, 7:00 AM. The District will respond at its earliest possible opportunity. Verbal communication by either party with regard to this matter is invalid. Inquiries shall be made in writing to: Gioconda Padilla, Purchasing Director, 14120 Hawthorne Blvd., Hawthorne, CA 90250; or via Email at: gpadilla@hawthorne.; or via facsimile at 310.675.9464. Estimated Timeline of Events: NOTICE CALLING FOR REQUESTS FOR PROPOSALS DISTRICT HAWTHORNE SCHOOL DISTRICT PROJECT IDENTIFICATION WIFI and Network Upgrade PROJECT NUMBER RFP Number 13-14-3 PROPOSALS DUE BY March 18, 2014; 3:00 PM Sharp SUBMIT PROPOSALS TO Hawthorne School District NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Hawthorne School District, acting by and through its Board of Education, hereinafter the “District” will receive up to, but not later than the above stated date and time, sealed Proposals for the Contract for the Work generally described as: RFP #13-14- 3 – WIFI and Network Upgrade. Bidder’s Conference and Job Walk. The District will conduct a ONE TIME ONLY MANDATORY IN-PERSON CONFERENCE & JOB WALK for the Work to be held at the location, date and time stated above. Failure to attend and sign-in will render such Proposal to be non-responsive. 14120 S. Hawthorne Blvd Hawthorne, California 90250 RFP DOCUMENTS AVAILABLE MANDATORY IN-PERSON CONFERENCE LOCATION: Hawthorne School District 14120 Hawthorne Blvd. Hawthorne, CA 90250 MANDATORY IN-PERSON CONFERENCE & JOB WALK DATE/TIME: March 5, 2014; 3:30 PM Sharp Bid Security. Each Proposal shall be accompanied by Bid Security in an amount not less than FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($500.00). Failure of any Proposal to be accompanied by Bid Security in the form and in the amount required shall render such Proposal to be non-responsive and rejected by the District. No Withdrawal of Proposals. No Bidder shall withdraw its Proposal for a period of ninety (90) days after the award of the Contract by the District’s Board of Education. During this time, all Bidders shall guarantee prices quoted in their respective Proposals, and as it relates to E-Rate parameters. Waiver of Irregularities. The District reserves the right to reject any or all Proposals or to waive any irregularities or informalities in any Proposal or in the bidding. Award of Contract. The Contract for the Work, if awarded, will be by action of the District’s Board of Education to the Bidder that meets the qualifications established by the RFP documents. E-rate Requirements. The project is 100% contingent upon the approval of funding from the Universal Service Fund’s Schools and Libraries Program, otherwise known as E-rate. The District may or may not proceed with the project, in whole or in part, even in the event E-rate funding is approved. Execution of the project, in part or in whole, is solely at the discretion of the District. Bidders wishing to bid may do so solely at their own risk. The District is not liable or responsible for any costs, loss, fees, or expenses, of any kind, associated with bid and/or a decision not to proceed with the project, even after award of the contracts. By submitting a proposal, each bidder agrees to bear all of its own costs, fees, expenses, and losses, of any and all kind, should the District cancel the project. Inquiries and Clarifications. This document is for informational purposes and shall not relieve the Bidder of the requirements to fully become familiarized with all the factors affecting the Project and Proposal. The Bidder is advised that all inquiries and clarifications about the RFP documents, specifications, etc., shall be submitted to the District in writing no later than March 10, 2014, 7:00 AM. The District will respond at its earliest possible opportunity. Verbal communication by either party with regard to this matter is invalid. Inquiries shall be made in writing to: Gioconda Padilla, Purchasing Director, 14120 Hawthorne Blvd., Hawthorne, CA 90250; or via Email at: gpadilla@hawthorne.; or via facsimile at 310.675.9464. Estimated Timeline of Events: E-Rate Form 470 Filing February 20, 2014 Mandatory Conference: March 5, 2014 Last day to submit questions March 10, 2014 Proposal Submittal Date March 18, 2014 E-Rate Form 471 Filing: March 25, 2014 Gioconda Padilla Purchasing Director HAWTHORNE SCHOOL DISTRICT Los Angeles County, State of California FOR: The Board of Trustees Publication: Herald Publication 1st Publication: February 20, 2014 2nd Publication: February 27, 2014 Hawthorne Press Tribune Pub. 2/20, 2/27/214 HH-24153 Follow Us on Twitter @HERALDPUB

Lawndale 02_20_14
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