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Lawndale 02_20_14

Lawndale Tribune AND lAwNDAle News The Weekly Newspaper of Lawndale Herald Publications - Inglewood, Hawthorne, Lawndale, El Segundo, Torrance & Manhattan Beach Community Newspapers Since 1911 - Circulation 30,000 - Readership 60,000 (310) 322-1830 - February 20, 2014 Busy Days for Basketball at Leuzinger (Pictured on left) : Leuzinger High’s Davonte Carr goes up for a basket in last Thursday’s Bay League boys’ basketball finale against Redondo. The Olympians lost to the Sea Hawks 49-37. (Pictured on right) Leuzinger High’s Tajayeray dribbles the ball in last Thursday’s Bay League girls’ basketball finale against Redondo. The Sea Hawks downed the Olympians 71-35. Photos by Joe Snyder. Lawndale Citizens Tell City Council: Enforce Municipal Code By Nancy Peters The consent calendar included a At the Lawndale City Council meeting construction contract awarded to Micon on Tuesday, February 18, held one day off Construction, Inc., for the playground due to the President’s Day observance on equipment replacement project at Jane Monday, citizens expressed their desire for Addams and Rogers-Anderson Parks in the Code Enforcement to actually stay on task amount of $481,057.02. Some of the project and enforce the municipal code whenever will be subsidized from leftover funds to be possible. In particular, one citizen pointed out transferred from the Condon Avenue/154th that if dogs are all to be licensed, walked on Street road project which was completed a leash, vaccinated, and their waste cleaned $39,976.72 under the budgeted amount. up from grass and sidewalks, then those that Support of a legislative bill, AB1147, to do not comply with the municipal codes increase regulations for the massage business regarding this topic should be given a ticket throughout the state, will be communicated for violations and fines should be levied. to the sponsor of the bill in the California The Council agreed that enforcement of State Assembly by a letter from the Council. all municipal codes should be a top priority Permits for the sale of fireworks during and perhaps additions to the staff should be the early summer prior to the July 4 holiday considered so that compliance with codes were awarded to six nonprofit organizations becomes evident to all citizens and violations that fully completed the application process lessen across the city. Citizens continually and confirmed how the funds raised will violate the code because they believe they be utilized. Christian Heritage Church, will not be caught and no enforcement takes Lawndale Chamber of Commerce, Lawndale place for cleaning up after dogs when they Little League, Neighborhood Parent Forum/ are walked in Lawndale. Girl Scouts, Rotary Club of Lawndale, and This topic is a constant complaint by one The Wesleyan Church of Lawndale were citizen who admitted that the sidewalks that included in the unanimous approval vote. surround her property are cleaned up by her Two organizations that failed to comply with and her husband and unless the City takes a the requirements of the application process stand, she will cease being a helpful citizen were not approved and there will be no in her neighborhood. The Council promised fireworks sold by Kiwanis of Lawndale or to devise a way to add staff or volunteers Lawndale Youth Football. to enforce the important compliance with A representative of Golden State Water municipal codes. Company made a short presentation advising A recommendation by several Council that the 18-month process will begin shortly members was made to note descriptions of with hearings to be held locally in the those observed violating code and report covered region for which they provide the findings to City Hall so a pattern emerges. water supply. The rate increases, if necessary, When a clear pattern is identified and the will be presented by the California Public violator is stopped, a claim that their rights are Utilities Commission and citizens will have being violated when stopped by an enforcer an opportunity to comment in person. The would have no relevance if the description Golden State Water Company website, is matched, including the breed of the dog., flyers in bills, newspaper ads and email announcements to customers will announce the places and times for the hearings. It is possible that the hearings will be streamed live on the Internet as well, but that precludes interaction by residents with the commissioners to hear their input. The Sheriff’s Department report included the response times for deputies as they answer calls within Lawndale. The average time for an emergency call is 3.6 minutes, while a priority level call is 5.2 minutes for the City. The County reports that responses across the county average 10 minutes for an emergency call and 20 minutes for priority calls. An emergency call example is a traffic accident with injuries and a priority call is a crime in progress. The Sheriff’s Department will conduct a Neighborhood Watch evening at the Centinela Baptist Church at 4730 West 152nd Street in Lawndale on Monday, February 24 at 6:30 p.m. and all are urged to attend to learn new recommended techniques for prevention of crimes. The South Bay Workforce Investment Board (SBWIB) report for the last quarter of 2013 included that a new satellite office of the One-Stop in Inglewood has opened in Gardena to service residents of the South Bay with assistance in finding a new job or updating/writing a resume. Rapid Response Services are available to all who are seeking a new position and 61,000 people were helped by the SBWIB in 2013 as a result of many new partnerships with local companies-- and continual utilization of SBWIB hiring practices and well-trained candidates that can be hired with confidence by companies in the area. The next Lawndale City Council will be held on Monday, March 3 at 6:30 p.m. • Inside This Issue Calendar...............................3 Classifieds............................3 Hawthorne Happenings....3 Legals..........................2,4,6-7 Pets........................................8 Police Reports.....................2 Sports....................................5 Weekend Forecast Friday Partly Cloudy 73˚/54˚ Saturday Partly Cloudy 72˚/55˚ Sunday Mostly Sunny 68˚/53˚

Lawndale 02_20_14
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