February 13, 2014 Page 3 Calendar All Cities Saturday, February 15 • Bl ac k H is t o r y Mo nt h - O n e- M a n Performance: Majick: The Journey of A New Orleanean by Okpara Danjuma, 1 p.m., AC Bilbrew Library, 150 E. El Segundo Blvd. For more information call (310) 538-3350. Saturday, February 22 • Film Screening and Discussion: The Good Giants: World War II Buffalo Soldier’s Journal featuring Ivan J. Houston, 1 p.m., AC Bilbrew Library, 150 E. El Segundo Blvd. For more information call (310) 538-3350. Ongoing • Recovery International Meetings, Fridays 10 a.m., South Bay Mental Health Center, 2311 El Segundo Blvd. For more information call (310) 512-8112. Hawthorne Tuesday, February 22 • Home Ownership & Credit Empowerment Workshops hosted by CouncilmemberOliva Valentine and Councilmember Alex Vargas, 10:30 a.m.-3 p.m., HawthorneMemorial Center, Polaris Room, 3901 W. El Segundo Blvd. R.S.V.P by Thursday, February 20. Tuesday, February 25 • City Council Meeting, 6-10 p.m., City Council Chambers, 4455 W 126th St. For more information call (310) 349-2915. Ongoing • Hawthorne Museum open Tuesdays 10 a.m.-2 p.m. and Saturdays, 11 a.m.-1 p.m., Hawthorne Museum, 12622 Grevillea Ave. • Free10k Walk Club-Hawthorne. All age groups. Weekly walks, clinics, motivation. For more information call (323) 201-7253. Inglewod Thursday, February 13 • Inglewood Public Library’s “Discover Earth” Science Exhibit:The Planetary Society and the Los Angeles Sidewalk Astronomers set up telescopes, 5:30-7:30 p.m., Crenshaw- Imperial Branch Library, 11141 Crenshaw Boulevard. For more information call (310) 412-5380. Saturday, February 15 • Inglewood Green Fair in conjunction with the Discover Earth exposition, 10 a.m.- 2 p.m. Volcano show at noon, Main Library, 101 W. Manchester Blvd. For more information call (310) 412-5380. Saturday, February 22 • Sea Mobile at the Library, 11 a.m.- 2 p.m. parking lot of the Main Library, 101 W. Manchester Blvd. For more information call (310) 412-5380. Ongoing • “Discover Earth” Exhibition, Inglewood Library, 101 Manchester Blvd. January 22 to March 20. For more information call (310) 412-5380. • Third Tuesday Family Movie. 10 a.m. Inglewood Library, 101 W. Manchester Blvd. For more information call 310-412- 5645. Lawndale Tuesday, February 18 • City Council Meeting, 6:30 p.m. City Hall, 14717 Burin Ave. Ongoing • Lawndale Farmers Market, every Wednesday, 2-7 p.m., 147th St. in front of Lawndale Library. For information call (310) 679-3306. • Commodities Free Food Program every Wednesday at 10 a.m., Community Center, 14700 Burin Ave. For information call (310) 973-3270. • Hawthorne Happenings News for the ‘City of Good Neighbors’ From City Clerk Norb Huber Motto Contest Won by High School Student Linda McVeigh was only 16 and a junior at Hawthorne High in 1962 when she heard that the City of Hawthorne was conducting a contest to select a motto that would be used to promote the city. She thought long and hard to come up with something catchy. She thought that the reason she loved living in Hawthorne was the people she was going to school with. The early 60’s was a magical time in the bedroom community of Hawthorne. Rock and Roll was just taking off. A couple of her classmates were playing a few tunes in their family room over on Kornblum. Those were the days when neighbors knew each other. Everyone knew who lived on their block. Block parties were held on holidays. Neighbors looked out for each other and for their children. Linda thought the best phrase to describe her community was “City of Good Neighbors”. Some 50 years later we still use that as our motto. Ms. McVeigh still lives in Hawthorne and recently stopped by the Hawthorne Museum along with some of her Hawthorne High reunion group. Hawthorne’s Beatles Connection Since the Beatles have been in the news lately, I thought I would share our connection with the famous group. The following information comes from Google’s Wikipedia website: “Olivia Harrison attended Hawthorne High School and graduated in 1965. Harrison worked as a secretary at A&M Records, where she met George Harrison. Harrison gave birth to the couple’s son, musician Dhani Harrison in August 1978. Olivia and George married in a private ceremony in September 1978 at the Henley-on-Thames Register Office in England. Harrison attended Ringo Starr and Barbara Bach’s wedding in 1981 without her wedding ring, giving rise to the mistaken speculation that her marriage to George was a hoax. In the early 1990s, Harrison founded the Romanian Angel Appeal to provide aid to children living in devastation in Romania. In 1999, George and Olivia were attacked by a deranged man who broke into their home. George went downstairs after hearing noises. Moments later, George came in, followed by his attacker and was stabbed multiple times. Olivia attacked the assailant with a “heavy table lamp” and the assailant turned on her. Later, they were both treated for their wounds at a hospital. The man was quoted as saying he was on a “mission sent by God,” and that the Beatles were ‘witches.” Neighbors and friends of Olivia would see a large, white Rolls Royce parked outside her house in the neighborhood behind Hawthorne High School. Rumors have it that some of the Beatles showed up one Halloween and got dressed up and went trick or treating in our fair city. Who knows? The world’s most loved band members may have knocked on your door. Black History Month Celebration at the Hawthorne Teen Center The Hawthorne Teen Center will be holding a Black History Celebration on Thursday, February 27 from 4:30 to 6 p.m. There will be a poetry jam, performances, guest speakers and entertainment. Did you know that Black History Month was established as a week-long celebration in 1926 by Carter G. Woodson? He picked the week in February to coincide with the birthdays of two significant historical figures: Frederick Douglas and Abraham Lincoln. In 1976, the celebration was expanded to include the whole month of February. Home Ownership and Credit Empowerment Workshop If you own a home or are looking to purchase a home, a special workshop will be held on Saturday, February 22 at the Hawthorne Memorial Center just for you. Topics include: debt management, raising your credit score, foreclosure and modification help, reverse mortgages and down payment assistance. The workshops are being hosted by Council Members Valentine and Vargas and the keynote speaker will be Congresswoman Maxine Waters. Be sure to RSVP by calling 310-676-1163. Upcoming Events • Friday, Feb. 14: Valentines Day • Tuesday, Feb. 18: Lions Club “Citizen of the Year” Awards Night • Tuesday, Feb. 25: City Council Meeting – 6 p.m. • Sunday, March 9: Daylight Savings Time Begins again • Monday, March 24: Hawthorne Parks and Recreation Foundation Golf Tournament • Business Briefs DR. DON BRANN NAMED SUPERINTENDENT OF THE YEAR Inglewood Unified School District State Trustee Dr. Don Brann was honored this week as the 2014 Superintendent of the Year by a Pepperdine University graduate school advisory panel. The Superintendent Advisory Council at the Graduate School of Education and Psychology (GSEP) recognized Dr. Brann on Thursday, Jan. 30, during a dinner and reception in Monterey. “More than four decades of experience in California public schools have culminated in a wealth of knowledge and expertise from which our students and schools benefit,” State Superintendent Tom Torlakson said in a letter congratulating Dr. Brann. “I appreciate your leadership and judgment as an educational leader, along with your work to strengthen ties with the school community. “Please accept my most sincere gratitude for your service to the students of Inglewood,” he continued. “We are all fortunate to have you at the helm, and I look forward to our continued partnership as we move toward providing all California children with a world-class education.” Torlakson appointed Dr. Brann last year to lead Inglewood Unified. He has more than 30 years of superintendent experience in six California districts, including a 15-year stint with nearby Wiseburn schools, and has also worked as a principal, program coordinator and classroom teacher. Under Dr. Brann’s direction, the small K-8 Wiseburn School District saw significant enrollment gains and built new schools. He has similar goals for Inglewood, which has embarked on plans to boost enrollment, enhance academic performance, lower class sizes in primary grades and improve facilities, among other initiatives. Dr. Brann is married with two grown daughters who followed his footsteps into education. He is the founder and vice president of the board of Da Vinci charter schools, and a former El Segundo councilman. He holds a doctorate degree in education and bachelor’s degree in business administration and marketing from the University of Southern California, as well as a master’s degree in education from California State University, Los Angeles. The GSEP’s Superintendent Advisory Council is a consortium of state superintendents that meets for training, advocacy and discussion on education issues. Members advise Pepperdine students on credentialing, administrative training and master’s and doctoral programs. •
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