January 30, 2014 Page 3 Calendar All Cities Saturday, February 1 • Black History Month- Film Screening and Book Discussion: “Eyes On The Prize: America’s Civil Rights Years, 1954-1965,” 1 p.m., AC Bilbrew Library, 150 E. El Segundo Blvd. For more information call (310) 538-3350. Saturday, February 8 • Free Residential Hazardous and E-Waste Roundup, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., HITCO Carbon Composites, 1551 W. 139th St, Gardena. For more information call (310) 781-6900 or (888) 253-2652. • Black History Month-Book Presentation and Discussion: “We Are All Africans” by Kwadwo Obeng, 1 p.m., AC Bilbrew Library, 150 E. El Segundo Blvd. For more information call (310) 538-3350. Hawthorne Saturday, February 1 • Valentine’s Day Card Making, 2-4 p.m., Hawthorne Library, 12700 Grevillea Ave. For more information call (310) 679-8193. • Saturday Storytime, 10-11 a.m., Wiseburn Library, 5335 W. 135th St. For more information call (310) 643-8880. Saturday, February 8 • Drumming workshop celebrating African American History Month, 2-3 p.m., Hawthorne Library, 12700 Grevillea Ave. For more information call (310) 679-8193. Tuesday, February 11 • City Council Meeting, 6-10 p.m., City Council Chambers, 4455 W 126th St. For more information call (310) 349-2915. Ongoing • Hawthorne Museum open Tuesdays 10 a.m.-2 p.m. and Saturdays, 11 a.m.-1 p.m., Hawthorne Museum, 12622 Grevillea Ave. • Free10k Walk Club-Hawthorne. All age groups. For more information call (323) 201-7253. Inglewood Thursday, January 30 • Library Computer Class: Social Networking, 11:10 a.m.-12:30 p.m., Inglewood Library, Gates Computer Center. For more information call (310) 412-5380. Saturday, February 8 • SciGirls, a science workshop from the National Girls Collaborative Project, 11 a.m.-1 p.m., Inglewood Library, 101 West Manchester Blvd. Registration required. For more information call (310) 412-5645. Ongoing • “Discover Earth” Exhibition, Inglewood Library, 101 Manchester Blvd. January 22 to March 20. For more information call (310) 412-5380. • Third Tuesday Family Movie. 10 a.m. Inglewood Library, 101 W. Manchester Blvd. For more information call 310-412-5645. Lawndale Wednesday, February 12 • Slack Key Guitar, 6:30-7:30 p.m., Lawndale Library, 14615 Burin Ave. For more information call (310) 676-0177. Ongoing • Commodities Free Food Program every Wednesday at 10 a.m., Community Center, 14700 Burin Ave. For information call (310) 973-3270. • 14-1293ps_sby-ie-14-008 ©2014 lacmta 80-Hour Closure on Northbound I-405 February 14–18 Closures of the northbound I-405 freeway in the Sepulveda Pass are planned over Presidents' Day weekend, February 14–18. Partial lane closures will be in e=ect between Getty Center Dr and Ventura Bl during the day, and all northbound lanes will be closed at night. To avoid delays, drive less or avoid the area. For a complete closure schedule, visit metro.net/405. Public Hearings on Bus Service February 5–13 Proposed Metro bus service changes for June will be discussed at public meetings held February 5–13 in Downtown LA, San Gabriel Valley, San Fernando Valley, Westside and the Gateway Cities areas. For details, visit metro.net. Crenshaw/LAX Light Rail Line Breaks Ground O;cials marked the start of construction on the $2 billion Crenshaw/LAX line with an event on January 21. The 8.5-mile light rail line will run between the Metro Expo and Green Lines, with eight new stations expected to open in 2019. More information at metro.net/crenshaw. I-105 Alternate Opened In El Segundo The Metro-funded Maple Avenue Improvement Project is now complete. The $2.5-million in street upgrades were made between Sepulveda Boulevard and Nash Street, which serves on- and o=-ramps for the I-105. For more information on this and other Measure R projects, visit metro.net/measurer. Upcoming Opportunities for Artists Metro will host seven free workshops throughout Los Angeles County for artists interested in applying for art opportunities in the expanding Metro system. For more information, visit metro.net/art. metro.net @metrolosangeles facebook.com/losangelesmetro Hawthorne Happenings News for the ‘City of Good Neighbors’ From City Clerk Norb Huber Super Bowl Sunday Are you in the “pool”? I’m not talking about a swimming pool, I am referring to the “office pool”. This is the office pool that takes no skill, no football knowledge, just a lot of luck to win. The pools I’m referring to are the many betting schemes that are circulating around leading up to the big game this Sunday. It kind of works this way: There usually are squares that are drawn on a paper or poster. Each participant pays their $5 or $10 and writes their name in one or more of the squares. When all of the 100 or so squares are taken, the pool director randomly selects numbers 0-9 for both the vertical columns and horizontal rows. How do you win? At the end of each quarter of the game, the last digit of each team’s score determines the winning numbers. So, if my two numbers are 0 and 7 and Denver scores one touchdown, then I may be a winner. The total pool money is split into four quarters with the final score paying out more than the three previous quarters. Now, you know how to play. By the way, sports betting in California is illegal. Goodwill Store Ribbon Cutting The long awaited opening of the Goodwill Store located at 13245 S. Hawthorne Blvd. will be this Friday, January 31 at 8:30 a.m. After a somewhat lengthy debate at several City Council meetings last fall, the store was given approval to sell used items. From outward appearances, Goodwill will be a nice addition to the boulevard where many store fronts remain vacant. The management who made their presentations at the council meetings promised that they would be good neighbor and try to employ local people. I see that we also will have another Ross Dress For Less Store opening soon on 120th Street in the vacant Levitz’s building just east of Lowe’s. February – A Month of Holidays It is hard to believe that the first month of 2014 is already behind us. Maybe our nice weather has made our winter seem even shorter. February will be here this Saturday and the month brings with it a lot of celebrations. Beginning with Super Bowl Sunday, we have Valentine’s Day, Lincoln’s birthday, President’s Day and Black History Month. In case you are wondering, the Hawthorne City Hall will not be closed for any of the Monday holidays but will only be closed on the 7th and 21st which is the normal Friday off schedule. Make sure you move your car for street sweeping and pull your trash cans out on the regular days during this the shortest month of the year. Membership Drive for Historical Society Become a member of the Hawthorne Historical Society. Visit our website at hawthornehistorical.com. On the site you can see some of the work that the HHS is doing. You can pay your membership fee right on the website also. The annual membership is $10 per person or $15 per family. The Hawthorne Museum is open on Saturdays and Tuesdays from 10 a.m to 2 p.m. Upcoming Events • Sunday, Feb. 2: Super Bowl Sunday • Monday, Feb. 10: Abraham Lincoln’s Birthday Observance • Tuesday, Feb. 11: City Council Meeting – 6 p.m. City Hall • Friday, Feb. 14: Valentines Day • Monday, Feb. 17: Presidents’ Day Holiday • Wednesday, March 5: Ash Wednesday (the beginning of Lent) • Sunday, March 9: Daylight Savings Time Begins again • Monday, March 24: Hawthorne Parks and Recreation Foundation Golf Tournament • Follow Us on Twitter @heraldpub Classifieds The deadline for Classified Ad submission and payment is Noon on Tuesday to appear in Thursday’s paper. Advertisements must be submitted in writing by mail, fax or email. You may pay by cash, check, or credit card (Visa or M/C over the phone). Errors: Please check your advertisements immediately. Any corrections and/or changes in an ad must be requested prior to the following Tuesday deadline in order to receive a credit. A credit will be issued for only the first time the error appears. Multiple runs will only be credited for the first time the error appears. No credit will be issued for an amount greater than the cost of the advertisement. Beware: Employment offers that suggest guaranteed out-of-state or overseas positions may be deceptive or unethical in nature. If you have any doubts about the nature of a company, contact the local office of the Better Business Bureau, (213) 251-9696. Herald Publications does not guarantee that the advertiser’s claims are true nor does it take responsibility for those claims. $4300/mo. Long term lease preferred. 310-345-8013. Room for Rent ES. Fully furnished. Includes utilities, cable, wireless, laundry and kitchen facilities. Avail parking. No smoking. $750 (310) 658-8622 Room for Rent 1BD Full house privileges 346 Virginia, ES. Available the 31st of January. Rent $600/mo. C ell (310) 365-1481 or (310)641-2148. Services Offered Let Aunt Linda’s Home Services watch over your precious pets and plants with tender loving care. Call today, on your way tomorrow! Experienced, Bonded and Insured. (310) 621-1555. Tutoring Services Retired teacher, familiar with CCSS, is available for math tutoring. Visit Caseys.org for details or call Terry @ (310) 322-2223. $25/Hr Employment A d m i n i s t ra t ive A s s i s t a n t . Appointment coordination, Event and meeting planning,Make t rave l ar rangements,se t t i ng appointments,monitor expenses,you will have access to Car. send your resume and salary expectations to : amyan76@gmail.com Employment Wr i t e rs wanted for local community newspapers. Areas to be covered are El Segundo (El Segundo Herald) and Torrance (Torrance Tribune). You must have some writing experience. Please send resume to management@heraldpublications. com. No phone calls please. For Rent House at 1201 E. Sycamore 4 beds, 2 baths for $3500 per/month. Avail. Feb. 1st Call 310-322-0000. Garage Sale Sat., Feb. 1st 8:00-2:00 at 504 E. Oak Ave. -Corner of Oak and Sheldon House for Rent 4bd4ba Eastside executive home. Family neighborhood. All amenities. Easy freeway access. Apartment For Rent 1BD/1BA. Large Apt. In ES quiet gated building. W/swimming pool, laundry facility, pond w/ water fall $1,275/mo. No pets. Call Mike at (310) 322-7166. Commercial Space for Lease Well located business space suitable for retail store, professional space, 2 rooms, 2 baths. 114 E. Grand, El Segundo. Call (310) 322-2837. Duplex for Rent 2BD/1BA Duplex. W/D Hook Up, single car garage plus street parking, additional parking, quiet unit, No dogs nonsmoker. Must see! 1507 E. Maple Ave #A., Avail. 1/31. $1,475/ mo plus water. (310) 283-9121.Shown by appt. only. Employment Display Ad Sales Position. We need an experienced Display Ad Salesperson for Herald Publications. Territories include Torrance, El Segundo and Hawthorne. Full or part-time positions are available. 20% commission on all sales. If interested please email your resume to management@heraldpublications. com. No phone calls please. To appear in next week’s paper, submit your Classifed Ad by Noon on Tuesday. Visit us online: www.heraldpublications.com
Lawndale 01_30_14
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