Lawndale Tribune AND lAwNDAle News The Weekly Newspaper of Lawndale Herald Publications - Inglewood, Hawthorne, Lawndale, El Segundo, Torrance & Manhattan Beach Community Newspapers Since 1911 - Circulation 30,000 - Readership 60,000 (310) 322-1830 - January 30, 2014 Smokey Sunset Into the Ocean Highland Ave. in downtown Manhattan Beach as the sun sets through smoke from the huge Glendora Fire. Photo by Jim Marak. Program Aims to Help South Bay Seniors Lose, Maintain Weight Off By Cristian Vasquez Taught by a registered dietician and a South Bay are invited to attend. “The body licensed exercise therapist, classes will be fat has to be over a certain amount in order available for seniors from throughout the to be in the program,” Jones said. “There South Bay in need of losing weight. The is a body weight device to determine who nutrition and exercise classes will be hosted is overweight and who qualifies.” at the Hawthorne Senior Center, located at This class is taught in addition to the BE 3901 El Segundo Boulevard. WELL class hosted on Mondays at 9:30 “The City of Inglewood partnered with am. The Monday classes are funded by the Hawthorne, Lennox and Ladera to provide Los Angeles County Area Agency on Aging them with lunches as part of a nutrition and addresses seniors who have chronic program,” site manager for senior nutrition conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, program Sherry Jones said. “Since we have a site manager over in Hawthorne, it gives them the opportunity to also have other programs that complement the nutrition program, and the BE WELL program.” The Hawthorne Senior Center received a grant for a second year of the senior wellness program. The Kaiser Permanente Foundation Hospitals, South Bay has awarded the City of Inglewood an additional $10,000 to continue the BE WELL Nutrition and obesity, abnormal cholesterol or depression. Exercise Program at the Hawthorne Senior Since 2004 the City of Inglewood has received Center. The program, which will focus on grants for the BE WELL program, which seniors who are over healthy weight, began targets the senior population with chronic on Friday, January 10 and will continue conditions. Seniors planning to attend are every Fridays at 9:30 a.m. until June 20. asked to bring a paper and something to write The weight loss program through BE with in order to take notes on the nutrition WELL is only for people who are overweight and exercise advice that will be taught. and in need of shedding pounds. There is no Be Well aims to prevent and reduce city residency requirement or transportation obesity and overweight issues, control calorie being provided, but seniors from the entire intake to manage body weight, and increase physical activity while decreasing inactivity. The classes also aim to teach seniors how to maintain a calorie balance during each stage in life. Currently there is a BE WELL program available to anyone and that does not require being overweight to qualify. “The BE WELL program that exists now is for anyone who wants to go into the program,” Jones said. “All they have to do is register with the nutritionist. They will do an hour on nutrition and an hour on exercise, since those two things go together.” The City of Inglewood is offering similar courses through BE WELL that will begin on February 12 from 9 to 11 a.m. and will take place every Wednesday and Thursday at Darby Park, located at 3400 W. Arbor Vitae. In Inglewood, there will be special orientation sessions to inform persons interested about the program. Sessions will take place every Thursday throughout January (9, 16, 23 and 30). To sign up for an orientation or for more information, persons interested can call contact Linda Peterson at (310) 412-4368 or (310) 412-5391. For more information about BE WELL and the weight loss program at the Hawthorne Senior Center, persons interested can call (310) 412-4368 or (310) 349-1650. BE WELL programs are free in both cities • “The City of Inglewood partnered with Hawthorne, Lennox and Ladera to provide them with lunches as part of a nutrition program” Inside This Issue Calendar...............................3 Classifieds............................3 Hawthorne Happenings....3 Food.......................................7 Legals........................2,5,8-11 Looking Up...........................4 Pets......................................12 Politically Speaking............4 Sports....................................6 Weekend Forecast Friday Mostly Sunny 64˚/45˚ Saturday Sunny 63˚/45˚ Sunday Partly Cloudy 62˚/45˚;
Lawndale 01_30_14
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