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Lawndale 01_23_14

Lawndale Tribune AND lAwNDAle News The Weekly Newspaper of Lawndale Herald Publications - Inglewood, Hawthorne, Lawndale, El Segundo, Torrance & Manhattan Beach Community Newspapers Since 1911 - Circulation 30,000 - Readership 60,000 (310) 322-1830 - January 23, 2014 Inside This Issue Calendar...............................3 Classifieds............................3 Hawthorne Happenings....3 Food.......................................5 Legals.............................2,6-7 Looking Up...........................3 Pets........................................8 Politically Speaking............4 Sports....................................4 Weekend Forecast Friday Mostly Sunny 74˚/52˚ Saturday Partly Sunny 77˚/51˚ Sunday Sunny 75˚/51˚ Ocean League Opening Game Cougars will host Culver City in another league game Friday at 7:30 p.m. The Cougars were routed by the Normans 65-24. (Left) Hawthorne High's Patrick Washington goes up for a basket during last week's Ocean League boys' basketball opener against Beverly Hills. (Right) Hawthorne High's Markell Gray dribbles the ball toward the basket. Photos by Joe Snyder. Lawndale City Council Renews County Sheriff ’s Department Agreement By Nancy Peters The citizens of Lawndale will continue to be protected by the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department as the police force for the city. On Tuesday, the Lawndale City Council unanimously approved a new five-year agreement, effective July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2019. The Sheriff’s Department captain, lieutenant and deputies will patrol the community, be the law enforcement for all City events, and serve at the pleasure of the Council throughout this period of time. All citizens are subject to law enforcement by all sheriffs as the legal police for Lawndale. The Council also approved the new Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Environmental Charter High School (ECHS) located in Lawndale as presented. The school will be allowed 550 enrolled students, 58 parking spaces, and use of Hopper Park--a City-owned property--as their evacuation site. The MOU will remain in effect for five years, with an effective date of October 2013. The residents of the surrounding streets adjacent to the campus of ECHS, which is located at 16315 Grevillea Avenue, were all advised of the MOU by a letter to all residents noting the terms of the MOU. Rogers-Anderson Park Athletic Field is approved as the next construction project in the city at a cost of $409,533.45 awarded to South Bay Landscaping, Inc. for the regrading and landscaping improvements. Part of the cost will be offset by the transfer of unused funds for the Condon Avenue/154th Street paving project that was completed with a surplus of $100,486.80. A Community Bike Ride is approved to be held on Saturday, April 26 as an adjunct community event prior to the Youth Day Parade. The event will include bicyclists, skaters, skateboarders, walkers and joggers in an organized event within the street parameters of the parade route between Manhattan Beach Boulevard, Marine Avenue, Prairie Avenue and Hawthorne Boulevard, with all thoroughfares closed to traffic from 7 a.m. to noon to accommodate the events. The Parks and Recreation Commission in conjunction with the Community Development Department will coordinate all plans and begin to advertise the participation logistics within the next 30 days. The Sheriff’s Safety Report included the apprehension of one of two robbery suspects after they ran from the El Super Market at 15202 Hawthorne Boulevard after they removed a necklace from a female patron, as well as then robbing the CVS Pharmacy Store across the street. One of the suspects was arrested when he was caught still holding the necklace and the merchandise with tags as he ran from the pharmacy. A car chase ensued between 147th Street and 149th Street and Prairie Avenue and Eastwood Avenue when a vehicle was stopped for numerous violations that registered for the car. The suspect failed to yield when asked to pull over, threw a handgun from the vehicle, and accelerated the vehicle attempting to elude the deputies as they pursued him. When he did stop, he was arrested for possession of the handgun, which was recovered near where the gun was tossed onto the side of the street, and he admitted he was an active gang member. He was on parole and charged with “Ex-Felon in Possession of a Firearm” and violation of his parole with other weapons charges. A third event occurred during a routine traffic stop when the deputy smelled the strong odor of burnt marijuana and a search of the driver revealed a concealed, loaded pistol. The passenger of the vehicle admitted the pistol was his gun. Both individuals were arrested and booked on weapons charges. Charmaine Doty, the Chair of the Holiday Basket Drive, thanked all the contributors to the event who gave their time as well as donations of food, toys for the children, and jackets and sweaters for the Clothing Drive. During the Holiday Basket Drive 101 families were provided with food, 350 children received presents, and more than 200 people received a new pair of shoes and a new jacket or new sweater. The renaming of the Lawndale Community Center to the Harold E. Hofmann Community Center is progressing as the Council is choosing the new sign. A ceremony for dedicating the sign and the building will be scheduled and announced to the public within the next 30 days. The next Lawndale City Council will be held on Monday, February 3 at 6:30 p.m. •

Lawndale 01_23_14
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