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Lawndale 01_10_13

Page 8 January 10, 2013 PUBLIC NOTICES ORDINANCE NO. 2036 new uses to the Municipal Code but only (CEQA) under Section 15305, Minor judgment, concurs in staff’s determination Fictitious Business Fictitious Business AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL reclassifies existing allowed uses; and Alterations in Land Use Limitations; and of exemption. Name Statement Name Statement OF THE CITY OF HAWTHORNE, WHEREAS, the existence of a Limited WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Section 3. The City Council finds 2012245421 2012247796 CALIFORNIA APPROVing ZONING Industrial Zone and a Heavy Industrial Hawthorne reviewed and considered the and determines that the zoning text The following person(s) is (are) The following person(s) is (are) doing TEXT AMENDMENT NO. 2012ZA08, Zone and their established development zone text amendment as designated in amendments set forth in Sections 4 doing business as JOE TABOR business as PEPE’S AUTO REPAIR. AMENDING chapters 17.10, 17.32, and design standards offers a broad Planning Commission Resolution 2012-19 through 9 are consistent with the goals, CONSTRUCTION. 27 CINNAMON LANE, 13021 S. PRAIRIE AVE. HAWTHORNE, 17.34, and 17.58 of the hawthorne range of allowed uses and that makes the and all its constituent parts and concurrent policies, and standards of the General RANCHO PALOS VERDES, CA 90275. CA 90250. This business is being municipal code, reCLASSIFYing Industrial Park classification unnecessary applications, and finds it to be integrated, Plan and will further those goals and This business is being conducted by an conducted by an Individual. The registrant the uses contained within the M-P and redundant; and internally consistent and compatible. policies by ensuring that uses allowed in Individual. The registrant commenced commenced to transact business under classification, AND eliminating chapter WHEREAS, in amending the zoning NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL specific commercial zones are consistent to transact business under the fictitious the fictitious business name listed N/A. 17.30 (m-p Industrial Park) from the ordinance, the City maintains consistency OF THE CITY OF HAWTHORNE with the purposes and intent of the zone business name listed 11/27/12. Signed: Signed: Jose Villicana, Owner. This municipal code between the General Plan, the City’s HEREBY ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: and compatible with other uses in that J. Tabor, Owner. This statement was filed statement was filed with the County WHEREAS, the City of Hawthorne initiated Zoning Map and the Municipal Code; and Section 1. The City Council finds that zone and that development standards with the County Recorder of Los Angeles Recorder of Los Angeles County on an application to amend Hawthorne WHEREAS, the City provided published all of the facts set forth in the recitals of specified are appropriate and necessary County on December 10, 2012. December 13, 2012. Municipal Code (HMC) Chapters 17.10 notice of the Planning Commission’s this Ordinance are true and correct. to ensure that the uses specified do not NOTICE: This Fictitious Name Statement NOTICE: This Fictitious Name Statement Use Classification, 17.30 M-P Industrial Wednesday, October 17, 2012, public Section 2 The City Council determines have a negative impact on the community. expires on December 10, 2017. A new expires on December 13, 2017. A new Park Classification, 17.32 M-1 Limited hearing on the project; and that the proposed amendments to the Section 4. Chapter 17.10, Section Fictitious Business Name Statement Fictitious Business Name Statement Industrial Classification, 17.34 M-2 WHEREAS, on October 17, 2012, the Hawthorne Municipal Code constitute a 17.10.010, is hereby amended as follows: must be filed prior to December 10, 2017. must be filed prior to December 13, 2017. Heavy Industrial Classification, and 17.58 Planning Commission held a duly noticed project within the scope of the California The filing of this statement does not of The filing of this statement does not of Off-Street Parking. The amendment public hearing on Zone Text Amendment Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and 17.10.010 Established. itself authorize the use in this state of a itself authorize the use in this state of a eliminates the M-P zone classification, 2012ZA08, and following the close of the the City’s CEQA Guidelines. The project In order to accomplish Fictitious Business Name in violation of Fictitious Business Name in violation of and to reclassifies the uses within the M-P hearing, recommended to the City Council qualifies as a Class 5 Project (Minor the purpose of this title, eleven use the rights of another under Federal, State, the rights of another under Federal, State, classification; and approval of the Categorical Exemption Alternations in Land Use Limitations) classifications are established, in each or Common Law (See Section 14400 ET or Common Law (See Section 14400 ET WHEREAS, the M-P classification does under CEQA and approval of Zoning Text pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section of which regulations are prescribed SEQ., Business and Professions Code). SEQ., Business and Professions Code). not exist on the City’s Zoning Map and was Amendment 2012ZA08; and 15305. The amendments do not change concerning the permissible uses, the Hawthorne Press Tribune: December 20, Hawthorne Press Tribune: December 27, removed from the map in 1971; and WHEREAS, on November 29, 2012, the the land uses allowed on areas of slopes height and bulk of buildings, the area 27, 2012 and January 03, 10, 2013. HH- 2012 and January 03, 10, 17, 2012. HH- WHEREAS, M-P still exists as a zone City provided published notice of the City greater than 20% and do not change of yards and other open spaces about 837. 843. classification in the Hawthorne Municipal Council’s public hearing on December 11, allowable land uses in a manner that buildings, and determining the density will eliminate the “M-P Industrial Park WHEREAS, the project is categorically Commission has reviewed the Planning Name StatementSTATEMENT OF ABANDONMENTknown as follows:Fictitious Business2012247361of population, such classifications to besignificantpotentiallyacreatecouldimpact on the environment. The Planning2012, and the City Council held a dulynoticed public hearing on the Project; andthis proposed amendment Code; and WHEREAS, classification from the HMC; and exempt from the provisions of the Department’s determination of exemption OF USE OF FICTITIOUS BUSINESS 2012253054 WHEREAS, this Amendment does not add California Environmental Quality Act and based on its own independent ADVANCED DENTAL CARE The following person(s) is (are) doing Current File #20071256316 business as MORGAN GLOBAL The following person has abandoned INITIATIVES. 2013 THOREAU STREET, the use of the fictitious business name: LOS ANGELES, CA 90047. This business ADVANCED DENTAL CARE, 4705 is being conducted by an Individual. The ARTESIA BLVD, LAWNDALE, CA 90260. registrant commenced to transact business The fictitious business name referred under the fictitious business name listed. H Horticultural classification Angeles ON MAY 23, 2007. Registrants: and CEO. This statement was filed withSigned: William Peter Morgan, Presidentto above was filed in the County of Los JAWDAT DAJANI DDS, INC. 4705 the County Recorder of Los Angeles ARTESIA BLVD, LAWNDALE, CA County on December 21, 2012. R-1 Low-density residential classification 90260. This business was conducted by NOTICE: This Fictitious Name Statement a CORPORATION. Signed: JAWDAT expires on December 21, 2017. A new DAJANI, PRESIDENT. This statement was Fictitious Business Name Statement R-2 Medium-density residential classification County on December 13, 2012. The filing of this statement does not ofmust be filed prior to December 21, 2017.filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles itself authorize the use in this state of a Lawndale Tribune: 12/20, 12/27, 2012 Fictitious Business Name in violation of R-3 High-density residential classification and 1/03/13, 1/10/13. HL-839 the rights of another under Federal, State, or Common Law (See Section 14400 ET SEQ., Business and Professions Code). R-4 Maximum-density residential—Restricted service classification Fictitious Business Inglewood News: January 03, 10, 17, 24,Name StatementHI-844.2013. 2012253062 The following person(s) is (are) doing C-1 Freeway commercial/mixed use business as PRAYER ACADEMY. 6819 Fictitious Business WEST BLVD., INGLEWOOD, CA 90302. Name Statement This business is being conducted by an 2012244512 C-2 Local commercial classification to transact business under the fictitious business as HOW I WONDER SHOP.The following person(s) is (are) doingIndividual. The registrant commenced business name listed. Signed: Sarah 3305 GREEN LN. APT. B, REDONDO Morgan, President. This statement was BCH. CA 90278. This business is being C-3 General commercial classification filed with the County Recorder of Los conducted by an Individual. The registrant Angeles County on December 21, 2012. commenced to transact business under NOTICE: This Fictitious Name Statement the fictitious business name listed N/A. M-P Industrial park classification Fictitious Business Name Statement statement was filed with the CountySigned: Amy Pollock, Owner. Thisexpires on December 21, 2017. A new must be filed prior to December 21, 2017. Recorder of Los Angeles County on The filing of this statement does not of December 10, 2012. M-1 Limited industrial classification Fictitious Business Name in violation of expires on December 10, 2017. A newNOTICE: This Fictitious Name Statementitself authorize the use in this state of a the rights of another under Federal, State, Fictitious Business Name Statement or Common Law (See Section 14400 ET must be filed prior to December 10, 2017. M-2 Heavy industrial classification SEQ., Business and Professions Code). The filing of this statement does not of Inglewood News: January 03, 10, 17, 24, itself authorize the use in this state of a 2013. HI-845. Fictitious Business Name in violation of T1O zone Trucking intensive overlay zone, which shall be those areas within the M-2 zone shown the rights of another under Federal, State, TIO on the attached official zoning map. within a heavy-dot-dash line Fictitious Business SEQ., Business and Professions Code).or Common Law (See Section 14400 ET Name Statement Lawndale Tribune: January 03, 10, 17, 24, 2012257164 2013. HI-846. MU Mixed-use overlay zone, which shall be those areas within the C-1 or C-3 zones shown business as EQUATOR BUSINESSThe following person(s) is (are) doing on the official zoning map. SOLUTIONS. 6060 CENTER DRIVE, Fictitious Business SUITE 500, LOS ANGELES, CA 90045. Name Statement This business is being conducted by a 2012250135 Limited Liability Company. The registrant The following person(s) is (are) doing commenced to transact business under the business as INJECTABILITY CLINIC. fictitious business name listed November 1327 POST AVE., SUITE C, TORRANCE, 01, 2012. Signed: Equator, LLC, Chief CA 90501. This business is being Operating Officer. This statement was filed conducted by a Corporation. The registrant Where areas are shown Cabinet or carpentry shops; C. Industrial. circulated in the City of Hawthorne, or with the County Recorder of Los Angeles commenced to transact business under on the zoning map enclosed within a Ceramic products manufacturing; 1. General. For if there is none, he shall cause it to be County on December 28, 2012. the fictitious business name listed N/A. heavy dashed line, the areas thus shown Cosmetics manufacturing; any use permitted in an M-P, M-1 or M-2 posted in at least three public places in the NOTICE: This Fictitious Name Statement Signed: Injectability Institute, a Medical are intended to approximate the future Electrical appliance, assembly and repair zone, except for those uses specified City of Hawthorne, California. expires on December 28, 2017. A new Corp, President. This statement was filed location for that type of land use indicated Electric distribution and transmission in subsections (2) through (5) of this PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED Fictitious Business Name Statement with the County Recorder of Los Angeles by the symbol therein enclosed in a circle substations, including microwave subsection, the required number of parking 8th day of January, 2013. must be filed prior to December 28, 2017. County on December 18, 2012. (see Sections 17.10.160, 17.10.170 and transmitters incorporated as a part of a spaces shall be provided as follows: The filing of this statement does not of NOTICE: This Fictitious Name Statement 17.10.180). Uncircumscribed symbols public utility installation; Section 10. The proposed amendment DANIEL D. JUAREZ, MAYOR itself authorize the use in this state of a expires on December 18, 2017. A new within such designated areas represent Electric generating plants; will not have an adverse effect, either City of Hawthorne, California Fictitious Business Name in violation of Fictitious Business Name Statement present classifications. Electroplating; individually or cumulatively, on wildlife or ATTEST: the rights of another under Federal, State, must be filed prior to December 18, 2017. Section 5. Section 17.10.020 (D), is Food products manufacture, storage, the habitat upon which wildlife depends, or Common Law (See Section 14400 ET The filing of this statement does not of hereby amended as follows: processing and packaging, but not and on the basis of substantial evidence, NORBERT HUBER, SEQ., Business and Professions Code). itself authorize the use in this state of a D. In the “M” category, that including lard, pickles, sauerkraut, the presumption of adverse effect is CITY CLERK Lawndale News: January 10, 17, 24, 31, Fictitious Business Name in violation of classification which establishes the sausage, vinegar, onions and garlic; rebutted. City of Hawthorne, California 2012. HL-847. the rights of another under Federal, State, most stringent performance standards Furniture manufacturing and repair; Section 11. The zoning text APPROVED AS TO FORM: or Common Law (See Section 14400 ET is considered to be the lightest and most Hospital, amendments set forth in this ordinance are SEQ., Business and Professions Code). restrictive industrial classification and the Lapidary shops; categorically exempt from the provisions KUNLE ADERONMU Fictitious Business Lawndale News: January 10, 17, 24, 31, uses permitted in such classification are Laundries, including hand; of the California Environmental Quality Act CITY ATTORNEY Name Statement 2012. HL-848. considered to be the lightest and most Machine shops; (CEQA). City of Hawthorne, California 2013003035 restrictive. In the industrial category as set Pawn shops; Section 12. Based on all the evidence The following person(s) is (are) doing forth in this title, the M-P M-1 classification Pipe line booster or pumping plant; in the record, the City Council finds that I, Monica Dicrisci, the duly appointed business as SUPREME CAR WASH. 8913 2013003032 and the uses permitted therein are Rubber fabrication; the amendment to the Zoning Ordinance Deputy City Clerk of the City of Hawthorne, S. SAN PEDRO ST., LOS ANGELES, STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT the lightest and most restrictive, and Saw and filing shops; should not conflict with the provisions of California, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the CA 90003. This business is being OF USE OF FICTITIOUS BUSINESS the classifications and uses become Secondhand stores; the City’s adopted 1989 General Plan, as foregoing Ordinance, No. 2036 was duly conducted by an Individual. The registrant NAME heavier and less restrictive in the Sheet metal shops; amended. adopted by the City Council of the City of commenced to transact business under Current File #2011033663 following sequence—M-P, M-1 and M-2 Sign manufacturing, servicing and Section 13. If any provision, clause, Hawthorne, at their regular meeting of the the fictitious business name listed January The following person has abandoned classification. repairing, including electronic and neon; sentence or paragraph of this ordinance City Council held January 8, 2013 and 07, 2013. Signed: Seidy G. May, Owner. the use of the fictitious business name: Section 6. Chapter 17.30, M-P Solar panels for electric power generation, or application thereof to any person that it was adopted by the following vote, This statement was filed with the County SUPREME CAR WASH, 8913 S. SAN Industrial Park Classification, is hereby water heating, space heating or space or circumstance shall be held invalid, to wit: Recorder of Los Angeles County on PEDRO ST., LOS ANGELES, CA 90003. deleted in its entirety. cooling as an accessory use to structures such invalidity shall not affect the other January 07, 2013. The fictitious business name referred Section 7. Section 17.32.020, or uses on the same property and subject provisions of this ordinance which can be AYES: Councilmember Reyes English, NOTICE: This Fictitious Name Statement to above was filed in the County of Los Permitted Uses, is hereby amended to to the special limitations described in given effect without the invalid provisions Michelin, Valentine, Vargas, Mayor Juarez. expires on January 07, 2018. A new Angeles ON MAY 19, 2011. Registrants: remove the M-P reference and to add the Section 17.28.030(M); or application, and to this end the Fictitious Business Name Statement ROBERTO C. MAY, 10900 ACACIA AVE., following permitted uses in alphabetical Textile manufacture, processing or provisions of this ordinance are declared NOES: None. must be filed prior to January 07, 2018. INGLEWOOD, CA 90304. This business order as follows: treatment; to be severable. The filing of this statement does not of was conducted by an INDIVIDUAL. The following uses only are Upholstering; Section 14. The documents and other ABSTAIN: None. itself authorize the use in this state of a Signed: ROBERTO C. MAY, OWNER. This permitted, and as specifically provided and Wholesale business materials that constitute the record of the Fictitious Business Name in violation of statement was filed with the County Clerk allowed by this chapter; Section 8. Section 17.34.020, proceedings upon which the City Council ABSENT: None. the rights of another under Federal, State, of Los Angeles County on JANURARY 07, Any use permitted in the C-3 zone and any Permitted Uses, is hereby amended to makes its determination, which include, or Common Law (See Section 14400 ET 2013. use permitted in the M-P zone, provided remove the M-P reference as follows, but are not limited to, the staff reports for SEQ., Business and Professions Code). that, unless specified below, a conditional with all other provisions of this Section to the project and all of the materials that Inglewood News: January 10, 17, 24, 31, INGLEWOOD NEWS: 1/10, 1/17, 1/24, use permit shall be required if such a remain unchanged: support the staff reports for the project, 2013. HI-849. 1/31/13 HI-850 permit is required for the same use in the The following uses only are are located in the office of the Planning C-3 or M-P zone. permitted, and as specifically provided and Director of the City of Hawthorne, at 4455 ____________________________ Assembly halls, subject to a conditional allowed by this chapter: W. 126th Street, Hawthorne, California Deputy City Clerk use permit and the conditions set forth in • Any use permitted in the C-3 90250. The custodian of these documents City of Hawthorne, California Section 17.20.280; zone and any use permitted in the M-P and is the Director of Planning of the City of Hawthorne Press Tribune: 1/10/2013 Automobile body and fender works and M-1 zones; Hawthorne. HH-23645 automobile painting when operated and Section 9. Section 17.58.030 (C)(1), Section 15. The City Clerk shall certify to maintained within an entirely enclosed Required Parking, Industrial is hereby the passage and adoption of this ordinance building; amended as follows, with all other and shall cause the summarized ordinance Bottling plants; provisions of this Section to remain to be published once in a newspaper unchanged: of general circulation, published and WWW.HERALDPUBLICATIONS.COM

Lawndale 01_10_13
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