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Lawndale 01_10_13

AND lAwNDAle News The Weekly Newspaper of Lawndale Herald Publications - Inglewood, Hawthorne, Lawndale, El Segundo, Torrance & Manhattan Beach Community Newspapers Since 1911 - Circulation 30,000 - Readership 60,000 (310) 322-1830 - January 10, 2013 Inside Revitalize Dominguez CreekHigh School Students Help This Issue Calendar...............................2 Classifieds ...........................2 Food ....................................12 Hawthorne Happenings......3 Legals ...............................5-9 People ..................................2 Pets.....................................11 Police Reports....................3 Politically Speaking...........4 Engagement Project (DEEP). The DEEP is a community and youth engagement project that not only revitalizes the Dominguez Creek but provides recreational opportunities for park-poor communitiesh the last pieces of the Dominguez Channel Enhancement andEnvironmental Charter High School Students joined From Lot to Spot and other community members in Hawthorne and Gardena to finis in Hawthorne, Gardena and surrounding areas. The DEEP features more than 500 native plants, 20 trees, gabion benches, a bike trail and a community mural that will revitalize 9000 sq. ft. along the Dominguez Creek – all student designed, and community approved. Photo courtesy of From Lot to Spot. Sports ...................................3 Clean Up Campaign Kicks-off the New Year By Cristian Vasquez agency. “We select different cities all the direction we’re going in. When Inglewood More than 300 volunteers gathered at the time and there are quite a few members is moving forward, keep going to have to corner of Queen and Locust Street on January that do live in the City of Inglewood. The get on board or they will get left behind.” 30 to kick off a cleaning effort throughout doctrine of the church is that we are here to Pastor John Lee with World Mission Weekend and workers partnered with members of of Inglewood and I am very happy because a community that has several needs. “AnySociety Church of God considers the eventan opportunity for his congregation to engageserve and not to be served, so we feel thatit is an honor to be able to serve the CityInglewood. Mayor James T. Butts, CouncilmanRalph L. Franklin and other City leaders Forecast in the cleaning effort that covered the area a member of the church.” Sister Sylvia Baker is our church memberarea we can help in we will. We know thatI am proud to be an employee as wells asthe World Mission Society Church of God between Florence Avenue and Regent Street Also present at the event were members of and also Inglewood is the central piece of from north to south and between La Brea the local Salvation Army branch that saw the Los Angeles area,” Lee said. “At the end of and Spruce Avenue. Friday Society Church of God and they pretty much “Their group collectively has decided that they now want to“I was contacted from the World Mission Sunny said that they had heard about Councilman embark on Inglewood and give of their time to help clean up with 54˚/40˚ in,” Franklin said. “Their group collectively some of their members and church members.”Franklin and the community cleanups I engage has decided that they now want to embark on Inglewood and give of their time to help clean up with some of their members and effort not just as an opportunity to reach out to the year, a lot of people are interested in gift Saturday church members.” the community, but as a way to have residents buying as part of Christmas and New Year, The church representatives and volunteers become invested in the development of the but we understand that there are some areas Sunny arrived as early as 7 a.m. to begin setting up city. “The one thing that we are concerned that need more help. That is why we go into 55˚/39˚ and coordinating the distribution of volunteers, about is seeing Inglewood grow and we those areas to clean up. One of our teachings tools and supplies for the cleaning effort. have multiple things happening throughout of our Heavenly Mother, who was head of the Sylvia Baker, a volunteer who also happens the city. Madison Square Garden taking over church, is to love our neighbors as ourselves to be a church member and an Inglewood The Forum and having the shuttle fly over and this is part of practicing that teaching.” employee, was the one responsible for linking Inglewood and pass through Inglewood are The clean-up not only has long-term Sunday the City with the congregation. just some of those things,” Salvation Army objectives, but it helps in the short run as Few “Being a member of the church, we have the potential of Inglewood grow and we want Inglewood, I want to make sure that theywell. “In order to attract people to come toLt. Christopher Golden said. “We want to seeserved so many different communities--and Showers being a City employee, of course I have to be that city that rivals other major cities in actually see that we are a community of 55˚/41˚ served Inglewood, so we just felt that it was taking great care of Inglewood in order to possession,” Franklin said. “The first thingunity and that we believe in having pride ofthe state. To see these young people are herevery important that our church be able to, through Heavenly Mother, share the love build it back up is great. To have the Metro people see from the off ramp is that corner. in the City of Inglewood,” said Baker, who Line coming through the city is part of that When they asked me what can we do, the is part of the City’s former redevelopment process and talks about our future and what Mayor and I worked together as a team.” •

Lawndale 01_10_13
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