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Lawndale 01_09_14

Lawndale Tribune Inside This Issue Calendar...............................2 Classifieds............................7 Hawthorne Happenings....3 Legals................................ 6-7 Looking Up...........................5 Pets........................................8 Police Report.......................2 Politically Speaking............4 Seniors..................................5 Sports....................................4 Weekend Forecast Friday Mostly Sunny 69˚/50˚ Saturday Partly Cloudy 69˚/51˚ Sunday Sunny 73˚/50˚ The Weekly Newspaper of Lawndale Southbay Basketball in Full Swing Lawndale High’s Devonte Patterson dribbles ball in front of Cantwell-Sacred Heart’s Jesse Palomeres. Cantwell won 69-57. Lawndale faces Rolling Hills Prep in the Serra Cavalier Classic at Cerritos College on Saturday, then opens the Pioneer League at home against El Segundo next Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. Photo by Joe Snyder. Lawndale City Hears Residents’ Complaints, Seeks Change for Justified Code Enforcement By Nancy Peters The Lawndale City Council sat down for the first meeting of 2014 with a rather full gallery in the Council Chambers on Monday evening. The people were gathered there to support a friend and neighbor who continually receives code violations for improvements to his properties within the city. The improvements have included several additions to buildings and fencing, as well as enhancements to the landscaping. The resident has also made several changes to various portions of his properties based on what Code Enforcement requested be accomplished. However, violations did not cease despite compliance by the homeowner. Meetings between the resident and the City Manager did not result in the former being satisfied with explanations and many of the scheduled meetings were cancelled over the course of time while the violations were filed against him. This is not the first time the homeowner approached the City Council for assistance in obtaining justification for code violations. Several months ago the resident attended a Council meeting with photos of his properties and copies of violations as evidence of compliance, but the violations have not ceased. The resident is not informed that Code Enforcement is inspecting his properties and advised that he is sure his tenants are being harassed and that City employees are trespassing on his properties looking for violations. The Council requested that the City Manager provide a complete list of any and all violations with justifications, and that lawsuits must be avoided for accused harassment of the homeowner by the City or any of its employees. Mayor Pro Tem Pat Kearney commented that the resident should be left alone by the City and other Council members concurred the resident deserves justification. In addition, another resident spoke to the Council about the lack of justified violations received from Code Enforcement when all over the city she observes properties with many violations that do not seem to change and improve the neighborhoods. Those include parked cars on lawns, overgrown shrubs, unmowed lawns and obstructed views at intersections caused by trees that are not trimmed. This resident requested that Code Enforcement be supervised as the team makes patrols around the community and violations be written for all those homeowners who do not comply with the City’s municipal code. Several projects are now complete, including pothole and sidewalk repairs and resurfacing of several streets throughout the city. The replacement of all street signs began and should be complete within the next two months. The General Plan Amendment for the Housing Element, required by State law and codes, was presented by the Planning Department. The Housing Element establishes the City’s housing policies and programs from October 15, 2013 through October 15, 2021. The Housing Element directs residential development and preservation of local land use areas. The Planning Commission completed its review of the Housing Element in December for presentation to the City Council--and the California Department of Housing and Community Development accepted Lawndale’s Housing Element to be in compliance with all State laws and codes that affect Lawndale. The Council voted unanimously to approve the Housing Element as presented with no changes or adjustments. The representatives from Lawndale to any intergovernmental agencies will remain the same as appointed for calendar year 2013, with the exception of Councilmember Jim Osborne taking over the spot on the Vector Control Board, replacing the late Mayor Harold Hofmann, for the next two years. The Public Safety report included a presentation by Lt. Mark Stevens, who is IT Specialist in the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department. He spoke about the recent hacking of personal ATM accounts by Target Corporation and suggested that residents be continually aware of the deductions from their bank accounts and report any discrepancies immediately. He advised that identity theft and cyber crimes can be prevented and avoided. The City is considering a town hall meeting so that residents can hear all recommendations from Lt. Stevens first-hand, with opportunities to ask questions in an open forum. Additionally, Lt. John Hocking reported that there is a scam being conducted in Los Angeles County and victims appear to be customers of Southern California Edison Company. Suspects are placing phone calls and telling the victims that their bill is due--and to avoid electrical service from being turned off they must pay the bill over the phone, thus obtaining checking account numbers or ATM or credit card information. Residents are urged to not give out personal information over the phone if they receive a call from Edison Company. They should advise Edison of the call. Edison does not call residents if bills are due. The Public Safety report also included the recovery of stolen items and the arrest of suspects who burglarized a home, stealing jewelry and other valuables, including a laptop computer that contained a tracking device. The location of the computer was determined from the device and a search warrant obtained, resulting in the recovery and arrest. The next Lawndale City Council will be held on Tuesday, January 21 at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers instead of Monday, January 20, which is a federal holiday in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s birthday. • AND lAwNDAle News Herald Publications - Inglewood, Hawthorne, Lawndale, El Segundo, Torrance & Manhattan Beach Community Newspapers Since 1911 - Circulation 30,000 - Readership 60,000 (310) 322-1830 - January 9, 2014

Lawndale 01_09_14
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