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Inglewood News AND LENNOX CITIZEN The Weekly Newspaper of Inglewood Herald Publications - Inglewood, Hawthorne, Lawndale, El Segundo, Torrance & Manhattan Beach Community Newspapers Since 1911 - Circulation 30,000 - Readership 60,000 (310) 322-1830 - December 17, 2015 Two Officers Join Airport Police Two recruits have joined Los Angeles Airport Police following graduation last month from the Los Angeles Police Academy. Recruit Officers Ernesto Mora and Krystal Mitchell, a squad leader and recipient of three awards. (left to right) Los Angeles World Airports Executive Director Deborah Flint, Recruit Officer Ernesto Mora and Krystal Mitchell, and Airport Police Chief Patrick Gannon. Photo by Los Angeles Airport Police CSI Officer Sean Smith. Police Reward for Information Leading to Conviction in Unsolved Murder By Cristian Vasquez individuals to provide information leading to Mayor James T. Butts and the Inglewood the arrest of criminals is commonly used as City Council adopted a resolution to offer part of investigative strategy,” states the staff a $25,000 reward to any individual/s that report. “In the absence of strong physical provide information that results in the evidence or leads as to the identity of suspects, identification, arrest and conviction of the individual/s responsible for the murder of Keshone Fredericks. Fredericks was gunned down on May 8, 2014 on the 800 block of Inglewood Avenue, near Plymouth Street. Call of the shooting was received at 4:55 p.m., prompting Inglewood Police Officers and EMTs to respond within minutes. The victim was transported to a local hospital where he later died. this strategy may assist police investigators.” “In an effort to foster communication with During the 2015-calendar year the city members of the community that may have council has authorized three reward offers information regarding this homicide case, the in an effort to find new leads in unsolved Police Department requests that City Council murders. The first three rewards were for adopts the attached resolution,” states the staff information leading to murderer/s of Robert report signed by Inglewood Chief of Police Hollis [June 29], Christopher Palmer [June Frank Fronterotta. “By offering a monetary 22] and Crystal Crawford [June 22]. reward investigators hope that individuals “As described in the municipal code, these with information will be encouraged to come reward offers terminate one year after the forward.” approval date,” states the staff report. “Once The few witnesses to the crime described an individual(s) with sufficient information to Fredericks as sitting on the corner of Inglewood receive the reward comes forward, the Police Avenue and Plymouth Street, on the passenger Department will use Asset Forfeiture funds seat of a perked vehicle, when a male Hispanic (or another funding source) for the payment.” approached the victim and shot him in the Council Approves Agreement upper torso, through the open window. The For Building Inspection Services suspect is also described as 5’6” to 5’8” of a A recommendation by the Economic and medium build with a buzz haircut and facial Development Department for the city to enter hair. So far the investigation has not led to any agreements with Building Code Solutions, arrests or prosecutions, but with the reward Inc. and CSG Consultant, Inc. for building the department hopes that information will be safety plan check services was approved by provided leading to an arrest and conviction. the city council. “Offering of a monetary reward to encourage “Both CSG Consultants, Inc. and Building Code Solutions, Inc. have recently provided plan review services via the City’ Short Form Agreement,” states the staff report signed by Senior ECD Manager Christopher E. Jackson. “The Short Form Agreement has a limit of $50,000. The Building Safety Division continues to require additional plan check services due to increased building permit activity and shortage of City plan check engineers.” Each agreement with the two companies is in the amount of $90,000 and was in part motivated due to the upcoming senior center project in the city. The scope of the development will require extensive plan checking services in part due to the sudden acceleration of time schedules to finalize the project. Furthermore, there are specific, specialized expertise needed for a complete review that the consultants are capable of providing. “The Building Safety Division was satisfied with the quality of plan check services provided by both CSG Consultants, Inc. and Building Code Solutions, Inc. and therefore desires to continue to use their plan check services,” indicates the staff report. “The two consultants will be paid a percentage of City’s plan check fee as specified in the City’s agreement and the remainder of the plan check fee will help cover the City’s plan check overview an administrative costs.” The city does have the authority to end the agreement at its own discretion or if challenges to the work to be completed make it impossible to move forward. However, if such a cancelation were to occur the city would be responsible for compensating the consultants for the work already completed. • Inside This Issue Certified & Licensed Professionals.......................2 Classifieds............................2 Food.......................................5 Hawthorne Happenings....2 Legals................................ 6-7 Pets........................................4 Sports....................................3 Weekend Forecast Friday Mostly Sunny 70˚/52˚ Saturday Sunny 64˚/46˚ Sunday Sunny 61˚/48˚ “By offering a monetary reward investigators hope that individuals with information will be encouraged to come forward.”

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