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October 22, 2015 Page 3 Police Reports “Life’s more amusing than we’ve thought.” - andrew lang Hawthorne Happenings News for the ‘City of Good Neighbors’ From City Clerk Norb Huber Last of the Candidates Forums - Tonight The last opportunity for voters to hear the candidates will be tonight, Thursday, October 22 at Ramona School starting at 6:30 p.m. with refreshments. This forum is sponsored by the Ramona Neighborhood Association. Make sure to get out and vote on Tuesday, November 3rd or mail in your absentee ballot. Every vote will make a difference in these low-voter turn out elections. Who ever is elected mayor will serve four years this time. Book Reading and Signing This Saturday You are invited to a really neat event coming up this Saturday, October 24. William Snyder, a Hawthorne native, will be reading and signing his recently released book entitled, “How ‘bout them Apples”. It’s shorts stories from his 29 years in the teaching biz. He is a graduate of Hawthorne High School and will be returning to his hometown for this event which begins at 12 noon with an informal reception. The program will begin at 1 p.m. and run until 3 p.m. Food and some Beach Boys music will also be on the schedule that day at the Hawthorne Museum. Shredding Event Republic Services is offering to shred your personal documents for free at the city hall parking lot on Saturday October 24 from 10 a.m. to 12 noon. At the same time you can help yourself to free compost for your garden or lawn. Bring your small truck or large plastic bags to haul the good stuff away. Water Harvest The Water Harvest Festival will be held this Saturday, October 24, 2015 Time: 10 am – 2 pm Place: Edward C. Little Water Recycling Facility 1935 S. Hughes Way, El Segundo, CA 90245 “Baseball in Hawthorne” Our next meeting will be Monday night, October 26 at 6:30 p.m. Our speaker will be Jerry Florey, who has been involved with baseball and softball in Hawthorne for over 50 years. The discussion will be related to “Baseball in Hawthorne”. It should be interesting to hear just how many famous players have come out of our area. FRE Rain Barrels Come on down to the City Hall parking lot on Saturday, October 31st and you will be able to pick up a free rain barrel. The barrels are designed to catch valuable water run off from your roof or just from the down pours that we expect to have this winter. You do need to pre-register. The number is 310-371-4633. 270 of the 400 have been reserved. If you come down without preregistering, then you will have to wait until the end of the event. Former Mayor Danny Juarez is coordinating the event. Pancake Breakfast at Ramona Park The Ramona Neighborhood Association will be hosting a pancake breakfast on Saturday, October 31 starting at 8 a.m. Any kids dressed up for Halloween will receive a free pancake. Odds and Ends Not much to cheer about these days if you follow the local sports teams. The Dodgers, Bruins, and Trojans have lost big recently. I guess the Kings and Ducks are doing okay for the start of the season. The NFL is waiting until the end of the season to tell us whether or not a team will move to Carson or Inglewood in the near future. The NBA is about ready to begin, we shall see soon if the Lakers can improve. It’s so depressing that LA sports fans will really need a few “cold ones” to get them through the wet winter ahead. “Lets Go Mets!” • Mon 10/5/15 to Sun 10/11/15 ROBBERY 4800 W 118TH PL APARTMENT COMMON AREAS (LNDRY,CLB HSE,ETC) Mon 10/05/15 21:54 Property Taken: Blk Fanny Pack Containing $182.00, Id’s, Credit Cd, Flip Skateboard, Style P2 Impact, Velvet/Beige Tom Hilf Bookbag With Clothes ROBBERY 11300 S HAWTHORNE BL STREET, HIGHWAY, ALLEY Tue 10/06/15 10:47 Property Taken: Galaxy X6, Gold In Color ROBBERY 3900 W EL SEGUNDO BL OTHER Tue 10/06/15 11:58 Property Taken: (1)Black Iphone 6 (323)972-8463 CARJACKING 13700 S DOTY AV DRIVEWAY Fri 10/09/15 20:32 ROBBERY 3900 W IMPERIAL HY PARKING LOT, GARAGE, PAID Fri 10/09/15 23:02 Property Taken: Samsung Galaxy Note 5. ATTEMPT CARJACKING 13700 S DOTY AV AUTO/VEHICLE Sat 10/10/15 18:35 ROBBERY 4700 W IMPERIAL HY Sun 10/11 20:18 Property Taken: Blk Cell Phone, Keys, Purple/Orange Coin Purse, Identification Card, Social Security Card BURGLARY 12500 S YORK AV STREET, HIGHWAY, ALLEY Sun 10/04/15 02:00 Property Taken: Radio, Stereo Equip BURGLARY – RESIDENTIAL 13900 S LEMOLI AV APARTMENT/CONDO Wed 10/07/15 17:00 Property Taken: Smasung Galaxy Note 3 White, Hp Tablet, Microsoft Xbox One Gaming Console BURGLARY – RESIDENTIAL 11600 S VAN NESS AV HOUSE Fri 10/09/15 17:15 Property Taken: .357 Arminius Revolver, .357 Rounds BURGLARY – RESIDENTIAL 2300 W IMPERIAL HY GARAGE DETACHED Sat 10/10/15 11:45 Property Taken: Silver Mac Book Pro, Two Gateway Hard Drives, Misc Electric Equipment, Craftsman Tools, 20” Chevy Camaro SS Stock Wheels, Stock Harley Davison Wheels BURGLARY – RESIDENTIAL 14000 S CHADRON AV APARTMENT/CONDO Sat 10/10/15 11:38 Property Taken: Misc Jewlery, Macbook Computer, Silver, 13’, Ipad First Addition, Sil, Louis Vuitton Purses, (1) $790 (2) $1,100. BURGLARY 11900 S CRENSHAW BL Sat 10/10 14:17 Property Taken: Cd Center Console Stereo, Sound Stream Amp With Pre-Amp, Speaker Box With Hdmi 12” Speaker BURGLARY – RESIDENTIAL 4800 W 120TH ST HOUSE Sat 10/10/15 19:30 BURGLARY – RESIDENTIAL 4600 W 142ND ST HOUSE Sat 10/10/15 21:45 Property Taken: 3 Ft X 3 Ft Safe, Alien Registration Card, Home Deed, $800 Us Currency BURGLARY – COMMERCIAL 13600 S HAWTHORNE BL DOCTOR & DENTIST OFFICE, CLINIC Sun 10/11/15 12:29 • Queremos que viaje con nosotros. Únete a los mejores de América y maneje un autobús de Metro. We’re watching for your protection. And ours. Metro takes the safety of all of our patrons seriously. Our camera system monitors you and your ride from start to finish, because everyone deserves a safe trip. Go Metro. 16-0660ps_sby-ie-16-005 ©2015 lacmta Metro Introduces New Safety and Security Technologies As we continue to make safety our top priority, Metro has introduced three major safety technologies and patrol innovations. This includes deploying elevated security towers, installing security kiosks, and expanding use of the LexRay mobile application, which allows law enforcement to access real-time video from stations and rail platforms. To learn more, visit Taste of Soul Festival A Success Thousands turned out for live music, delicious food, local crafts and more at this year’s Taste of Soul festival in the Crenshaw District. Plenty of people stopped by the Metro booth and took the pledge to Eat, Shop and Play at participating businesses, while entering to win great prizes. For more info, check Metro Lost & Found Facility Each month, Metro >nds hundreds of items left behind by people traveling on its buses and trains. If you’ve lost something, it could be at our Lost & Found facility located adjacent to the Gold Line Heritage Square station. The facility is open Monday – Saturday, 9am – 5pm. Learn more at October is Girls Empowerment Month in LA County Metro supports Girls Build LA – a program designed to educate and empower young women with the skills they need to develop solutions to the challenges they face every day. To get involved, visit @metrolosangeles losangelesmetro Classifieds The deadline for Classified Ad submission and payment is Noon on Tuesday to appear in Thursday’s paper. Advertisements must be submitted in writing by mail, fax or email. You may pay by cash, check, or credit card (Visa or M/C over the phone). Errors: Please check your advertisements immediately. Any corrections and/or changes in an ad must be requested prior to the following Tuesday deadline in order to receive a credit. A credit will be issued for only the first time the error appears. Multiple runs will only be credited for the first time the error appears. No credit will be issued for an amount greater than the cost of the advertisement. Beware: Employment offers that suggest guaranteed out-of-state or overseas positions may be deceptive or unethical in nature. If you have any doubts about the nature of a company, contact the local office of the Better Business Bureau, (213) 251-9696. Herald Publications does not guarantee that the advertiser’s claims are true nor does it take responsibility for those claims. Oct. 20th - Call Bill Ruane’s office 310-647-1635 Seeking Room For Rent Single man, 32, employed, no drink/ smoke/drugs/pets/kids. LIfe long El Segundo Resident. 310-322-2192. 310-625-1843. Yard Sale Sale of upscale clothes/housewares/ furniture. 2419 Gramercy Ave., Torrance. 10/24 & 10/25. 8-12 noon. To appear in next week’s paper, submit your Classifed Ad by Noon on Tuesday. For Rent 3 bedroom 2 full bath complete remodel. $3650 10+ location, family room, fireplace, 2 car garage. 527 Sheldon front house. SL Property Management 310-350-4096 For Sale For Sale- Player Piano, Lagonda, many rolls of music, $750, OBO. 310-505-2528 House for Rent 335 Penn, ES Home for Rent 2 bed 1 bath Available Nov.1st Call Bill Ruane’s office-310-647-1635 House for Rent 1219 Mariposa, ES Home for rent 2 bed 1 Bath $2,850.00 Available Employment Help Wanted: We are accepting applications for kitchen help and a cashier at Valentino’s Pizza, Manhattan Beach location. Some experience necessary. 310-318-5959. Employment Freelance Writer wanted for local community newspapers. Area to be covered is El Segundo, Torrance and nearby cities. Topics include local events, people and other items of interest, possibly a city council or school board meeting. You must have some writing experience. Please send a sample of your writing and resume to management@heraldpublications. com. No phone calls please. Every Visit our Website issue always available online! New Issues/Old Issues • Out-of-town? 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