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The Weekly Newspaper of Inglewood Daily News on a Weekly Basis - Herald Publications - Inglewood, Hawthorne, Lawndale, El Segundo, Torrance & Manhattan Beach Community Newspapers Since 1911 - Circulation 30,000 - Readership 60,000 (310) 322-1830 - October 6, 2016 A Stroll Through the Rose Garden The Exposition Park Rose Garden is a historic 7-acre sunken garden located in Exposition Park. It has been called “one of the city’s best-kept secrets”. It was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1991. Photo by Eric Ramos City’s Master Fee Schedule Amended to Reflect Changes in CPI for 2015-2106 By Cristian Vasquez The adoption of Resolution No. 13-110 on After a public hearing, Mayor James Butts Oct. 1, 2013 established a master fee schedule and members of the Inglewood City Council for the city, while Resolution No. 14-108, approved a resolution to amend the city’s approved on Aug. 19, 2014, established the Master Fee Schedule, based in the Consumer Inglewood User Fee Policy in order to allow Price Index (CPI) for the Los Angeles the city to review and update via amendment Region-All Urban Consumers. The changes schedule fees through a council vote. will reflect the June 2015-2016 time period. Prior to October of 2013, the city did not have available a method by which it could update its fees in one action. As a result, all adjustments had to be done on an individual basis with fee adjustments at any level, requiring approval via resolution, ordinance or through the electorate’s approval. The city’s first effort to establish a MFS dates back to Sept. 18, 2007, when the council approved an increase to selected fees, but tabled the ordinance to establish a MFS, as well as other fee changes. “There is no record of the last time that fees were modified citywide but selected fees have been modified on a case by case basis, as necessary, over the years,” states a staff report signed by Fields and presented to the council on Oct. 22, 2013. “Most City fees, including development fees, go directly into the General Fund and are used to cover a portion of the cost of city services and operations. Development fees are collected for projects related to physical development within the community such as building and/or infrastructure improvements. Those fees are authorized for a variety of services provided to individuals, businesses, and organizations that require city plan review and approvals, permits and the like.” “The Master Fee Schedule provides the City Council a less cumbersome process by which to review and update fees charged to persons who directly benefit from the specific services for which the fees are charged,” indicates the staff report signed by City Manager Artie Fields. “The California Government Code establishes certain procedures for amending or adjusting public fees for certain direct services to the public.” The adjustments proposed by the Finance Department and approved by the council for 2016 is calculated on a CPI adjustment of 1.80 percent. The department administering a specific service commonly lists a city’s master fee schedule. “The attached Comprehensive Master Fee Schedule (Attachment No. 1) provides a list of al user fees which were previously transferred from various city ordinances, resolutions, and department policies to the City’s Master Fee Schedule,” states the staff report signed by Fields and approved by the council on Sept. 13 in order to set the public hearing. “The City of Inglewood Master Fee Schedule provides the detail of fees, by department, fee type/name, unit fee cost or calculation methodology, current unit fee cost, the CPI adjusted fee, the Finance Department proposed adjusted fee, and the nominal increase of the proposed fee compared to the current fee amount charged.” In order for a city to impose a raise in fees or charges, the state [California Government Code 66018] requires that a public hearing take place, allowing for oral and written presentations to be made by residents. The public hearing must be part of a regularly scheduled city council meeting; in addition, the notice must be for 10 days of the local agency must publish the notices with only five days of separation. The process to amend the city’s master fee schedule was started on Sept. 13, which was the date used to establish the public hearing: Sept. 15 was the first day of a public notice being sent to a local publication, with all relevant data required being provided to the public the very next day. Sept. 22 marked the second date of mandatory publication in a local paper, with Sept. 27 being set as the official date for the public hearing. With the amendment approved, the implementation of new fees will take place as of Nov. 28, 2016. “The change in fees shall be effective 60 days after the final adoption of the council, unless passed as an urgency measure to protect the public health, welfare, and safety,” states the staff report. • Inside This Issue Certified & Licensed Professionals.......................5 Classifieds............................3 Food.......................................8 Hawthorne Happenings....3 Legals............................4, 6-7 Police Reports.....................3 Seniors..................................4 Sports....................................5 Weekend Forecast Friday Partly Cloudy 83˚/64˚ Saturday Sunny 80˚/65˚ Sunday Mostly Sunny 78˚/64˚ “There is no record of the last time that fees were modified citywide but selected fees have been modified on a case by case basis, as necessary, over the years.”

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