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Inglewood News AND LENNOX CITIZEN The Weekly Newspaper of Inglewood Herald Publications - Inglewood, Hawthorne, Lawndale, El Segundo, Torrance & Manhattan Beach Community Newspapers Since 1911 - Circulation 30,000 - Readership 60,000 (310) 322-1830 - July 14, 2016 Navy Sailor Interacts with Children During Community Relations Event Culinary Specialist 2nd Class Lauren Estelle, a native of Los Angeles, makes chalk drawings with Filipino children during a Pacific Partnership 2016 community relation event at Tamaoyan Elementary School. At the event, Pacific Partnership 2016 personnel and Filipino service members interacted and played games with the children. The event also had face-painting, basketball and dance presentations. Pacific Partnership is visiting the Philippines for the seventh time since its first mission in 2006. Partner nations will work side-by-side with local military and non-government organizations to conduct cooperative health engagements, community relation events and subject matter expert exchanges to better prepare for natural disaster or crisis. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Hank Gettys Council Approves Workforce Restructuring and Reduction Plan for Residential Sound Insulation Department By Cristian Vasquez “After careful review, it has been determined The Inglewood City Council approved a that the Construction Operations section needs resolution to amend the 2015-2016 fiscal to be streamlined, which will result in layoffs year budget in order to fund the Workforce and elimination of positions,” states the Restructuring and Reduction Plan for the staff report. “The proposed restructuring has Residential Sound Insulation Department. been carefully analyzed by staff to ensure In addition, the council directed the city there are no negative impacts to the program manager to implement the plan. and its operations.” Last December, through the city’s RSI Due to the foreseeable changes, the staff program, sound insulation was completed report recommends that the city eliminate the on 2,075 units under the guidelines and positions of construction assistant and senior regulations of the Los Angeles World Airports engineer tech; that two construction manager [LAWA] 4Q 1992 contour and the Federal positions and a construction inspector be laid Aviation Administration [FAA] 2015 Alt off; while the positions of senior administrative D 65dB programs. The city has also been aide and RSI eligibility inspector be added awarded monies from the FAA and LAWA to the department’s budget. so it can carry on with the following phase “As with any workforce restructuring of the Aircraft Noise Mitigation program and reduction plan, if approved, the City’s within the RSIP. Human Resources Department will meet and “Under the new FAA regulations, eligible confer with affected bargaining groups to residential single-family and multi-family discuss the impact of the proposed workforce dwellings are required to be located in the reduction and restructuring in order to review Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL) the ‘bumping rights’ of those affected by 65 dB contour and require acoustical testing these actions,” concludes the staff report. in each habitable room to determine eligibility “The Human Resources Department will for RSI service,” states the staff report signed explain the benefits available to any laid-off by Inglewood City Manager Artie Fields. “Due employee, which includes counseling and to the increase in work, in the administrative job placement assistance.” section, it has been determined that there is Council Approves Transfer of Previously a need for an RSI Eligibility Inspector and Submitted Funds to Cover Arborist a Senior Administrative Aide.” Review Costs Related to 310-Unit During the remainder of 2016 the RSI Development Project Department will be dedicated to carrying out A recommendation made by the Economic community outreach, preliminary inspections, and Community Development Department scheduling appointments, pre-qualifications to adopt a resolution to amend the 2015- processes, program orientations [in order to 2016 fiscal year budget to transfer monies welcome to new applicants into the program], previously submitted by Shopoff Realty application and notary processes, scanning Investments was approved by the city council. and database updates. In an effort to obtain The transfer of funds to Shopoff Realty the largest volume of eligible applicants for Investments [developer], $17,280, is related the program, no construction will be taking to a decision by the city council to uphold place during the rest of the year. Resolution No. 1724 of the Planning Commission to move forward with the development of a 310-unit residential building located at 333 N. Prairie Ave. “As part of the approval and pursuant to requirements of the Inglewood Municipal Code, the developer has submitted a Tree Inventory, Tree Protection, and Long Term Maintenance Program and a Tree Cutting Permit,” states the staff report signed by Senior Economic and Community Development Department Christopher E. Jackson, Sr. “As part of the conditions of approval, the Developer is to cover the costs for a City retained arborists to provide document review and monitoring services associated with the proposed development.” There was an advanced funds agreement approved by the council on Aug. 5, 2015 with Shopoff Realty Investments in the amount of $17,280, as well as a professional services agreement with Carlberg and Associates in order to provide arborist services to the property listed. By Aug. 21, 2015 the developer provided the $17,280 as agreed to by the advanced funds agreement and the funds must now be transferred to an expense account for use during the 2015-2016 fiscal year budget. Customarily developers pick up any costs associated with reviewing and preparing documents linked with the approvals that they seek from the city; in particular any documents and analyses that would not be covered through the payment of standard city fees. “In recognition of this consideration, the Developer deposited the funds necessary to cover the estimated consultant costs to conduct an independent analysis of the documentation related to the trees on the property as well as ongoing monitoring required by the conditions of approval.” • Inside This Issue Certified & Licensed Professionals.......................4 Classifieds............................3 Film Review..........................2 Food.......................................5 Legals................................ 6-7 Pets........................................8 Police Reports.....................2 Seniors..................................3 Sports....................................4 Weekend Forecast Friday Sunny 75˚/62˚ Saturday Partly Cloudy 74˚/63˚ Sunday Partly Cloudy 75˚/64˚

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