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The Weekly Newspaper of Inglewood Daily News on a Weekly Basis - Herald Publications - Inglewood, Hawthorne, Lawndale, El Segundo, Torrance & Manhattan Beach Community Newspapers Since 1911 - Circulation 30,000 - Readership 60,000 (310) 322-1830 - July 6, 2017 City Moving Forward to Identify Community Development, Housing Needs By Cristian Vasquez Grant for $1,386,743, which is a $37,947 After a public hearing before the City decrease from the prior year; and HOME Council, the City of Inglewood decided to Program Funds for $672,045, which is an move forward with efforts to identify areas increase of $47,889 from the prior year,” of priority for community development, said Sinah. “The primary objective of as well as housing needs as required for these grant programs is to serve the needs the City’s consolidated plan and the 2017- of extremely low- to moderate-income 2018 fiscal year annual action plan. “HUD households in the areas of housing, public [Housing and Urban Development] Title services and public infrastructure.” 24 of the code of the federal regulations The HOME Investment Partnerships requires that grant recipients to conduct Program (HOME) provides states and cities public hearings to receive input on the use with formula-based grants, commonly used of grant funds,” said Acting HUD Programs in partnership with local nonprofit groups, Manager Harjinder Sinah. “In addition to this public hearing, staff has conducted six community meetings throughout the city to provide members of the community and Free Digital opportunity to contribute input.” HUD provides the City of Inglewood Delivery with Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds, as well as HOME Investment Partnership Act Funds. Through Herald Publications is now the CDBG program, the federal government offering to send you a link works with cities to ensure availability of to your favorite community decent affordable housing while providing newspaper every Friday! The services to a community’s most vulnerable emails will also include a list demographic. These funds are also geared of upcoming local events. toward job creation by spawning business growth while retaining existing businesses. Just email us at: Localities throughout the country rely on and CDBG funds to address issues like blight tell us which local community in the community caused by deterioration newspaper you’d like. due to economic hardships (Neighborhood Stabilization Program) or natural disasters Simple as that and free!!! (Disaster Recovery Assistance). “The list of priorities affect the following two funds: Community Development Block which assist in the funding of a variety of activities. Among the uses for these funds are buying and, or, rehabilitating affordable housing (rent or homeownership) and providing low-income people with direct rental assistance. HOME gives states and localities the flexibility to use monies for grants, loan guarantees and direct loans, as well as other forms of credit enhancements, rental assistance or security deposits. As the largest federal block grant available for See City Council page 8 Inside This Issue Certified & Licensed Professionals.......................7 Classifieds............................3 Community Briefs...............2 Hawthorne Happenings....3 Legals............................4, 6-7 Pets........................................5 Seniors..................................2 Sports....................................8 Weekend Forecast Friday Sunny 78˚/68˚ Saturday Mostly Sunny 82˚/69˚ Sunday Mostly Sunny 81˚/66˚ “Sing-Along and a Splash of Magic!” Features Award-Winning Singer First 5 California featured award-winning singer Sheree Brown at the “Sing-Along and a Splash of Magic!” event held at the Inglewood Public Library as part of the Talk. Read. Sing. It changes everything® campaign. Dozens of preschoolers and their parents, teachers and caregivers participated in this melodious event that focused on the importance of the brain development that happens in the earliest days, months, and years of a child’s life through regular, ongoing talking and engaging with caring adults. Photo Credit: Foster A. Bertomen

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