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Inglewood News AND LENNOX CITIZEN The Weekly Newspaper of Inglewood Herald Publications - Inglewood, Hawthorne, Lawndale, El Segundo, Torrance & Manhattan Beach Community Newspapers Since 1911 - Circulation 30,000 - Readership 60,000 (310) 322-1830 - April 21, 2016 Council Approves Creation of Full- Time Project Development Coordinator By Cristian Vasquez as the complexity of tasks at hand, a Project Members of the Inglewood City Council Development Coordinator is better prepared to approved a resolution to amend the 2015- fulfill the duties associated with the position. 2016 fiscal budget in order to add a Project “Sufficient funding has already been Development Coordinator full-time position approved in the Affordable Housing Division,” in the city’s Affordable Housing Division. states the staff report. “However, in order to “The main responsibilities of this position add the full-time position to the Affordable is to provide, maintain and increase affordable Housing Division, a budget amendment is housing opportunities throughout the City of necessary. No additional funding will be Inglewood in addition to keeping up with needed at this time for this position.” all of the current reporting and compliance requirements as stated in current Health and Safety code laws,” states the staff report signed by Assistant City Manager David L. Esparza. Not long ago a full-time Senior Real Estate Development Specialist was transferred from the city’s successor agency into the Affordable Housing Division; this division falls under the umbrella of the city’s housing authority. As Council Amends 2015-2016 Fiscal Year of the day of the transfer, there has been a Budget to Pay Outstanding Invoices staff person working as Project Development A resolution adopted by the council Coordinator and is responsible for updating amended the 2015-2016 budget in the and monitoring the city’s affordable housing amount of $30,500.76 in order to pay for needs. In addition, they are responsible for four outstanding invoices from Anderson overseeing compliance issues that have been Penna Partners, Inc. bypassed for several years. The consultant performed work outside “The current tasks that have been assigned to of an agreement [Agreement No. 15-120] this position were previously handled by two including project management and inspection full-time Project Development Coordinators, services that supported the La Cienega and two part-time Project Development Boulevard Improvement Project, funded via Coordinators,” indicates the staff report. the Gas Tax Fund. “All of this work is now being handled “The La Cienega Boulevard Improvement and completed by the Senior Real Estate Project resulted in improvements to traffic Development Specialist that was transferred safety and reduction of traffic congestion,” to the Affordable Housing Division at the states the staff report signed by Public Works end of October 2015.” Director Louis A. Atwell. “This project scope In the current fiscal year budget [2015- of work included the widening of Fairview 2016] there is enough money allocated for Boulevard between La Cienega Boulevard the Affordable Housing Division to pay for and La Tijera Boulevard, the construction of one full-time position. Yet, because of the dedicated right and left turn pockets, traffic work demands and responsibilities, as well signal improvements and modifications at the intersection of La Cienega and Fairview Boulevard.” The boulevard improvement project included pavement resurfacing, striping, installation and the reconstruction of sidewalk ramps, drive approaches, curbs and gutters. Construction efforts for the project were performed by All American Asphalt, which completed its work on Aug. 17, 2015. All along the construction phase $83,400 and a contingency fee of $8,340 were paid out as part of consultant compensation, event though outstanding work remained. “Additionally, and due to unforeseen conditions, the Consultant was directed to perform additional inspection and construction management services,” states the staff report. “The extra inspection and management services included oversight of the modification of a curb ramp, and a masonry curb to a slough wall. The Consultant also spent additional time working with the City of Los Angeles and coordinating project approval and closeout, since the intersection is shared with the City of Los Angeles.” The city council approved Agreement No. 15-120 on March 10, 2015 for the amount of $91,740 with a contingency fund of $8,340 in order to provide management and inspection services, with a contract termination dated of Sept. 30, 2015. To date payments have totaled $91,720.75 but $30,500.76 worth of work has been conducted by the consultant that weren’t included in the original agreement. Of that amount, only $1,372 worth of work took place after the Sept. 30, 2015 termination date. “The inspection and management services were within the scope of the work of the original contract agreement and these additional services were performed and completed by the Consultant as indicated in the invoices,” concludes the staff report. • Inside This Issue Certified & Licensed Professionals.....................12 Classifieds............................3 Film Review..........................3 Finances...............................7 Food.......................................5 Hawthorne Happenings....3 Legals..................... 2, 6, 9-11 Pets........................................8 Police Reports.....................4 Seniors..................................7 Sports....................................4 Weekend Forecast Friday Sunny 68˚/57˚ Saturday Sunny 70˚/57˚ Sunday Sunny 70˚/57˚ The Class of 2016 Assistance League The 51st Annual Assistance League of San Pedro-South Bay Assisteens Recognition Ball for the Class of 2016 was held March 5. Honorees, front L to R: Katie Shewfelt, Serena Tramm, Amanda Lee, Christine O’Connell, Cheyenne Newallis L to R: Jessica Hay, Neeki Rizi, Vanja Bantencourt, Stephanie Grant, Ada Day, Emma Tsuneishi, Victoria Marquez. Photo by John Mattera Photography “The current tasks that have been assigned to this position were previously handled by two full-time Project Development Coordinators, and two part-time Project Development Coordinators”

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