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Inglewood News AND LENNOX CITIZEN The Weekly Newspaper of Inglewood Herald Publications - Inglewood, Hawthorne, Lawndale, El Segundo, Torrance & Manhattan Beach Community Newspapers Since 1911 - Circulation 30,000 - Readership 60,000 (310) 322-1830 - March 10, 2016 Baseball Season in Full Swing Lawndale’s Issac Galen slides safely into second base after he hits a double in Saturday’s El Segundo Tournament baseball game against Westchester. The Cardinals edged the Comets 3-2. Photo by Joe Snyder Police Department to Expand Use of Surveillance Cameras By Cristian Vasquez for evidentiary purposes.” Inglewood’s Mayor and council members At the moment the police department has have amended for the second time Agreement surveillance cameras placed at infrastructure No. 14-187 with Leverage Information to locations that are considered high risk for allow for the installation and maintenance targeting during a terror attack, including of surveillance cameras as part of the police the city’s water treatment facility and four department’s security system. water wells that are located in the city’s The amendment will provide for 15 new southern section. street level cameras to the city’s infrastructure, “Security cameras are also installed at major as well as some cameras at Rogers Park located intersections and Siminski Park,” indicates at the corner of Eucalyptus Avenue and Beach the staff report. “The cameras have been an Avenue, at a cost of $315,807 and includes a excellent resource in assisting the Department 10 percent set-aside for any possible future to deter criminal activity and provide useful expenses in the amount of $31,581. evidence to apprehend persons involved in “The Police Department proposes to crimes.” purchase the necessary equipment and services using a competitively bid agreement between the City of Corona and Leverage Information Systems,” states the staff report signed by Inglewood Chief of Police Mark Fronterotta. “The City Council can authorize the use of another government’s agreement to make similar purchases using the same terms, conditions, and pricing pursuant to Inglewood Municipal Code. Section 2-198.1, Subsection 5, Exceptions to Competitive Bidding Requirement.” Based on the aforementioned municipal code, any agreement that involves the “acquisition of service or equipment entered into with another government entity” allows for the city to bypass the competitive bidding process and requirements. Additional security cameras to the police department’s security system are expected to do more than help identify, capture and prosecute anyone filmed committing a crime. “Agencies that use cameras have noticed an almost instant decrease in criminal activity and calls for service regarding quality of life issues in and near the area where cameras are installed,” states the staff report. “Cameras have also been found to be an excellent tool The original agreement with Leverage Information was for one year [August 2014-May 2015] and totaled $308,077.35, to cover MTA, the previously mentioned Siminski Park and the Forum Area and included a contingency fund worth $27,465.05. Amendment No. 1 to the agreement was approved for one year as well [May 2015-May 2016] and covered the Florence Corridor in the amount of $210,000, contingency fund included. “This projects expands the capabilities of the City Wide Public Safety Video System,” states the Leverage Information Systems budget estimate presented to the city. “Surveillance cameras will be installed at locations identified with his proposal. Video will be transported via wireless networks installed during the project.” Video recordings will be of approximately a 30-day period; a capacity that the City of Inglewood possesses at each of the camera installation locations due to the added storage space that resulted from the Florence Corridor expansion. Two of the locations to be equipped with cameras will require cellular service, which is expected to be provided by the city. The city will also be required to use a cellular modem at city hall that will allow connecting to the overall surveillance network. “Most of the locations in this proposal will provide real time situational awareness and pervasive live viewing with centralized recording,” adds Leverage’s budget statement. “Two of the locations in this proposal will be primarily of forensic value, with the possibility of limited live viewing. These locations were designed in this manner due to lack of sufficient infrastructure and wireless line of sight.” The locations to be covered in the new agreement are: City Hall rooftop, Beach Avenue and La Brea Avenue, La Brea Avenue and Ivy Avenue, Hyde Park Boulevard and La Brea Avenue, Market Street and Stepney Street, West Boulevard and 65th Street, Centinela Avenue and Stepney Street, Manchester Boulevard and Crenshaw Boulevard, Crenshaw Boulevard and 8th Street, Crenshaw Boulevard and 83rd Street, Van Ness Boulevard and Arbor Vitae Street, Crenshaw Boulevard and Arbor Vitae Street, Arbor Vitae Street and La Cienega Boulevard, Arbor Vitae Street and Oak Street, the casino rooftop, Century Boulevard and Inglewood Avenue, Century Boulevard and Felton Avenue, Prairie Avenue and 112th Street, Prairie Avenue and 108th Street, Prairie Avenue and Imperial Highway, and Imperial Highway and Yukon. • Inside This Issue Certified & Licensed Professionals.......................6 Classifieds............................3 Film Review..........................2 Food.......................................4 Hawthorne Happenings....3 Legals................................ 6-7 Looking Up...........................4 Police Reports.....................3 Seniors..................................5 Sports....................................5 Weekend Forecast Friday PM Rain 65˚/51˚ Saturday Sunny 63˚/51˚ Sunday Mostly Sunny 64˚/55˚ “Security cameras are also installed at major intersections and Siminski Park... The cameras have been an excellent resource in assisting the Department to deter criminal activity and provide useful evidence to apprehend persons involved in crimes.”

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