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The Weekly Newspaper of Inglewood Daily News on a Weekly Basis - Herald Publications - Inglewood, Hawthorne, Lawndale, El Segundo, Torrance & Manhattan Beach Community Newspapers Since 1911 - Circulation 30,000 - Readership 60,000 (310) 322-1830 - March 9, 2017 Job Shadow Day for Inglewood Area High School Students More than 90 students and faculty members from five Inglewood area high schools participated in the 36th annual Job Shadow Day, February 23 presented by the Inglewood /Airport Area Chamber of Commerce in cooperation with the South Bay Workforce Investment Board (SBWIB) and City of Inglewood. Inglewood City Councilman George Dotson welcomed the students gathered in the Inglewood Library Lecture Hall and encouraged them to get the most out of the opportunity they had to learn how businesses and other agencies operate and what the requirements are to qualify for employment in a variety of fields. The 10th through 12th grade students were from Animo Inglewood Charter, City Honors High School, Inglewood High School, Morningside High School, and St. Mary’s Academy. Among the supporting businesses and agencies that hosted the students were Metro, Kaiser Medical Center, and various departments at Inglewood City Hall, Inglewood Police Department, Centinela Youth Services and the SBWIB. (Photo by Tom Quintana) City Renews Agreement With Curtailment Services Provider By Cristian Vasquez Inglewood Public Works Department recommended to renew an agreement with CPower Enerwise Global Technologies, Inc. in order to retain the contractor as a curtailment service provider for Southern California Edison’s (SCE) Share the Power Demand Response Program. The City of Inglewood receives its energy from Southern California Edison, which created the Demand Response Program to encourage major energy consumers to become more efficient in their energy use by reducing the amount of power they use. “SCE offers several programs that pay incentives to large electricity users when they shift or curtail their electric demand,” states the staff report signed by Public Works Director Louis A. Atwell. “SCE relies on Curtailment Service Providers to enroll customers in their Demand Response programs. These companies provide large electricity users with technical support and operating expertise and pay for their participation based on the SCE established rates per megawatt.” With energy demands peaking during the warmer months of the year, SCE has been active in educating the public about turning off appliances during those peak hours of the day on those peak months of the year. The other part of the effort for SCE is engaging localities to do their part for similar results. CPower, a curtailment service provider, provides its Demand Response Program to the City at no cost and no risk to the participants, meaning there is no fee to enroll or penalties imposed if non-compliance occurs. The City entered into an agreement with Energy Connect in July of 2011 and has since amended the original agreement for time period extension. The most recent agreement between the City and Energy Connect was signed on March 24, 2015. During the past six years the Public Works Department has enrolled six water facilities into the program, including the following facilities: Well No. 1 located at Yukon Avenue and 119th Street; Well No. 2 located at Crenshaw Boulevard and 120th Street; the North Inglewood Reservoir (R-15) located at 1300 N. Wexham Way; Well No. 4 located at 118th Place and Yukon Avenue; Well No. 6 located at 3901 W. 102nd Street; and the Sandford Anderson Water Treatment Plant located at 300 W. Beach Ave. “The Demand Response Program consists of CPower notifying the Public Works Department when an event is called,” indicates the staff report. “An event can occur when the demand of electricity rapidly approaches the SCE supply, which can be triggered by an increase in consumption due to hot weather or other generation or transmission issues.” CPower is self-described as an “energy infrastructure management, demand response and renewable energy services and technology” provider that assists both industry and commercial businesses to save money on energy by reducing their consumption of the commodity. The contractor has also assisted the City in improving its energy infrastructure reliability, as well as making informed decisions when addressing renewable energy purchases and programs. Other infrastructure management services provided by CPower include energy consulting, metering, monitoring, data verification, renewable energy products and services, energy analysis, energy efficiency audits with project implementation and asset control services. “The Public Works Department estimated a reduction potential of 350 kW during a response demand event,” states the staff report. “In the event that CPower notifies the Public Works Department of a demand response event, the production wells will be turned off along with the water treatment plant effluent pumps and associated equipment.” In the case of a production shutdown, the measure will be in effect for the agreed upon time of one hour. However, when necessary the events can last up to four hours. Furthermore, the Public Works Department will receive notification two hours prior to any event and will be expected to reduce the electrical load during those hours indicated by CPower. With the exception of all national holidays, events will be limited to take place Monday through Friday from 1-9 p.m. Lastly, the City will not be required to reduce any load for more than 24 hours during any one-month period, and no more than three consecutive days in any given calendar year. “The Public Works Department will phase out its water production and treatment activities to comply with the agreement during the event,” according to the staff report. “Compensation to the City includes monthly standby payments, energy payments and bonus payments.” All standby payments will be paid to the City regardless of the occurrence of an event during any given month that the City is enrolled in the program.• Inside This Issue Certified & Licensed Professionals.......................2 Classifieds............................2 Community Letter................3 Community Briefs...............3 Food.......................................5 Hawthorne Happenings....3 Legals................................ 6-7 Pets........................................8 Police Reports.....................2 Sports....................................4 Weekend Forecast Friday Sunny 72˚/56˚ Saturday Mostly Sunny 74˚/59˚ Sunday Sunny 74˚/59˚

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