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Inglewood News AND LENNOX CITIZEN The Weekly Newspaper of Inglewood Herald Publications - Inglewood, Hawthorne, Lawndale, El Segundo, Torrance & Manhattan Beach Community Newspapers Since 1911 - Circulation 30,000 - Readership 60,000 (310) 322-1830 - February 18, 2016 Inside This Issue Certified & Licensed Professionals.......................4 Classifieds............................3 Food.......................................5 Hawthorne Happenings....3 Legals............................2, 6-7 Looking Up...........................4 Pets........................................8 Police Reports.....................3 Seniors..................................7 Sports....................................5 Weekend Forecast Friday Sunny 66˚/50˚ Saturday Sunny 72˚/52˚ Sunday Sunny 79˚/55˚ Proud To Be A Monarch On Feb. 3, Morningside High School in Inglewood held a National Letter of Intent Day signing party in honor of  two of their own, Adarrus Wilson and Charles Akanno.  These young men were offered full football scholarships by prestigious universities from around the country. In front of teachers, coaches, parents, alumni and classmates, Wilson signed with San Jose State and Akanno is on his way to the University of Idaho. Photo by Antoinette Wilson Fiscal Year 2015-2016 Budget Amended to Reimburse HUD By Cristian Vasquez the staff report. A resolution to amend the 2015-2016 Marc T. Little, Anthony Taranto Fiscal Year budget to reimburse the United Appointed to SBWIB States Department of Housing and Urban A recommendation by the city manager’s Development [HUD] was approved in the office to appoint Marc T. Little and Anthony amount of $659,730 for ineligible allocated Taranto were ratified and appointed to the costs. South Bay Workforce Investment Board. A second resolution was also approved “The SBWIB is a California nonprofit by the mayor and city council to amend the public benefit corporation, which contracts to Inglewood Housing Authority’s 2015-2016 provide job training and employment services Fiscal year budget for the amount of $659,730 to the Administrative Entity of the South once the money is received from HUD in Bay Workforce Investment Area [SBWIA],” order to reallocate the money back into the states the staff report signed by Assistant City Housing Authority budget. Manager Michael D. Falkow. “The Inglewood Housing Authority [IHA] is The SBWIA is made up of the following funded through the United States Department 11 cities: Hawthorne, Lawndale, El Segundo, of Urban Development who oversees and Manhattan Beach, Redondo Beach, Hermosa reviews the annual budget of the IHA,” Beach, Gardena, Lomita, Torrance, Carson states the staff report signed by Assistant and Inglewood. The SBWIB consists of 53 City Manager David L. Esparza. “During members who are responsible for representing the annual review of the IHA budget in July business, labor, education, economic 20-21, 2015, the HUD Los Angeles Office of development, the One-Stop partners  (www. Public Housing conducted an on-site review, as well as other local of the allocated overhead costs charged by workforce system stakeholders. the City of Inglewood to the IHA Housing “The corporation serves as the nonprofit arm Choice Voucher Program (HCV).” of the South Bay Workforce Investment Board,” By Jan. 26, the mayor and council approved states the staff report. “Because the SBWIB the payment of $659,730 to HUD in order to is an Internal Revenue Code Section 501 cover overhead expenses that were imposed C(3) corporation, it can receive tax deductible on the city’s Section 8 HCV Program, and contributions from the private sector, which which were considered to be ineligible. Staff’s help to supplement the funds available through recommendation to amend the operating budget grants to provide job training and employment to repay HUD also necessitated amending the services throughout the South Bay.” budget to accept HUD funds. Board members are responsible for oversight “Unfortunately, the required Budget of all SBWIB workforce programs; in Resolutions were omitted from the staff addition to developing polices that will ensure report and therefore the Mayor/Chairman and compliance and effective operations. Through Council/Housing Authority Members could the use and help of committees, the SBWIB not adopt the Budget Resolutions,” concludes is able to effectively carry out all of its responsibilities, including: Business and Economic Development; One-Stop Policy; Performance and Evaluation; and the Youth Development Council. “The primary objective of the SBWIB is to provide policy guidance, which will allow the staff to create an environment where every person maximizes his or her career potential, and all employers have the human resources they need to grow and prosper,” states the SBWIB home page [http://www.!sbwib/c1se]. “Central to this objective is collaboration among a wide range of stakeholders including business, labor, education, social services, philanthropic organizations and community-based agencies.” Furthermore, the SBWIB describes it vision as being able to meet workforce development challenges in each of the 11 cities that make up the local workforce investment area. That vision for local workforce development “embraces comprehensive strategies” that will address and meet the needs of local businesses for a skilled workforce, while simultaneously, creating the types of opportunities for local workers to prepare for, as well as enter into, well-paid careers.  “From time to time, the SBWIB has a need to appoint members to its board, which is done pursuant to the legislative mandates outlined in the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) of 1998, Public Law 105-22-, Section 117, for the creation and composition of Workforce Boards, and California Senate Bill (SB) 293,” states the staff report. “Members of the Board of Directors are appointed by the Participating Cities and ratified by the Inglewood City Council, which serves as the administrative entity.” •

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