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The Weekly Newspaper of Inglewood Daily News on a Weekly Basis - Herald Publications - Inglewood, Hawthorne, Lawndale, El Segundo, Torrance & Manhattan Beach Community Newspapers Since 1911 - Circulation 30,000 - Readership 60,000 (310) 322-1830 - February 9, 2017 Laker Legends Take Part in Spectrum SportsNet Basketball Clinic NBA Hall of Fame hoopster and Laker great James Worthy doing drills with elementary school kids during Spectrum SportsNet’s Basketball Clinic.  Photos Courtesy of Spectrum SportsNet Swimming Pool Tank Replacement Project Awarded to Lowest Bidder By Cristian Vasquez Pool Pump Replacement Project started April Mayor James T. Butts and members of the 2015 and completed in July of the same year, Inglewood City Council approved a resolution allowed for the installation of new pumps, a on Tuesday to amend the 2016-2017 fiscal year chlorine tank and electrical system. budget to include funds received from Los On July 2, 2015 the LACDOH found in Angeles County Proposition A Maintenance its final inspection that the capacity of the and Servicing Funds for the repair and large pool tank was inadequate and required maintenance of Vincent Park swimming pool. an upgrade in order for the flow rate to be Included in the Council’s approval was consistent with the pool’s size. While LACDOH a contract award to Carolino and Son agreed to allow the City to open the pool Engineering, the lowest bidder, in the amount on July 4, 2015, the upgrade mandate was of $108,735 along with a $2,000 contingency established and to be completed by 2017. fund. The City of Inglewood obtained $103,000 At the moment, the pool is closed with a in grant funds on January 6, 2016 that are scheduled reopening date of July 1, 2017. currently deposited into an account labeled The bidding process opened on January 28, Grants, Other Revenue. The funds will be 2016 and closed on February 4 of that year transferred to the PRLS-Citywide Sports/ with seven contractors attending the mandatory Physical activities, Contract Services account. pre-bid meeting, as well as the job walk at the The City will have to use $7,735 from two pool complex. The City received all bids on separate accounts in order to complete the February 29, 2016 but the Council rejected project. them and ordered that the project be re-bid “The swimming pool complex is located due to the Community Business Enterprise in the southeast portion of the park and is (CBE) being used instead of the Disadvantage accessible on the southeast parking area,” states Business Enterprise (DBE)--as well as scope the staff report signed by Parks, Recreation work being modified. and Library Services Director Sabrina Barnes. It wasn’t until October 13, 2016 that the City “Various improvements are necessary to sent out invitations for bid to three different maintain and update the swimming pool with entities, which resulted in one contractor the requirements of the Los Angeles County attending the mandatory pre-bid meeting. By Department of Health [LACDOH].” November 20, 2016, the City received one Located at 700 Warren Lane, Edward bid from Carolino and Son Engineering. After Vincent, Jr. Park is a 55-acre public space reviewing the bid and work references, staff with baseball fields, soccer fields, basketball determined that the company was the best courts, tennis courts and swimming pools. On option for the City to move forward. February 20, 2015 the Mayor and Council Armed Rescue Vehicle approved using contingency reserve funds for Approved for Purchase emergency repairs of the swimming pool in the park. The original Vincent Park Swimming In order for the Inglewood Police Department to purchase a new armored rescue vehicle from Lenco Armored Vehicles, the City Council reapproved the use of $307,239 in asset forfeiture funds. Also authorized was the use of $25,000 in new expenses and a resolution amending the 2016-2017 fiscal year to include the abovementioned monies. In February of last year, the Council agreed to purchase an armored vehicle from Lenco Armored Vehicles. Due to the high demand, federal agencies enjoy priority on orders. This hindered the vendor’s ability to provide a vehicle immediately. The initial delivery date of the vehicle was set for late 2017. However, the vendor was able to deliver the product last month. “Therefore, the Police Department requests that the City Council re-approve the use of funds previously authorized for this purchase,” states the staff report signed by Inglewood Chief of Police Mark Fronterotta. “Federal guidelines require that Asset Forfeiture funds be maintained in an escrow account and used exclusively by the Police Department for capital outlay, equipment, vehicles, furniture, training, or any other approved purpose.” Of the $25,000 approved in expenses, the department will spend $20,000 to purchase new office equipment, supplies and furniture to replace items ruined by water damage. The remaining $5,000 will be donated to the National Law Enforcement Museum in Washington, D.C. that is at the moment under construction and scheduled to open in 2018. The museum, which honors fallen law enforcement officers, will use the funds to educate visitors and for the library to continue research on ways to improve the delivery of law enforcement services. • Inside This Issue Certified & Licensed Professionals.......................7 Classifieds............................3 Finance..................................7 Food.......................................5 Hawthorne Happenings....3 Legals............................... 2, 6 Pets........................................8 Police Reports.....................2 Sports....................................4 Weekend Forecast Friday Rain 61˚/53˚ Saturday Sunny 64˚/49˚ Sunday Partly Cloudy 70˚/49˚

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