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The Weekly Newspaper of Inglewood Daily News on a Weekly Basis - Herald Publications - Inglewood, Hawthorne, Lawndale, El Segundo, Torrance & Manhattan Beach Community Newspapers Since 1911 - Circulation 30,000 - Readership 60,000 (310) 322-1830 - November 24, 2016 Rams Break Ground on Inglewood Stadium On Thursday morning, November 17, the Los Angeles Rams held a groundbreaking ceremony to officially kick off construction of their $2.6 billion L.A. Stadium and Entertainment District at the former Hollywood park horseracing site. The planned 80,000-seat venue is set to open for the 2019 NFL season. The complex will also include restaurants, bars, lodging and housing. Photo provided by the Los Angeles Rams Closer to the South Bay Life Gets Better By Rob McCarthy are satisfied with their coverage, though they If South Bay residents seemed distracted are worried about their costs. The poll based these past few weeks, it’s understandable. The its findings on interviews with 400 men and run-up to the heavyweight presidential contest women, according to UCLA’s health center. grabbed everyone’s attention and the knockout The Dodgers are contenders. The Chicago finish hasn’t let go. Cubs got the monkey off their backs by The three-week-old transition of power winning the World Series for the first time in unfolding in Washington has lived up to the a century, so could the Los Angeles Dodgers Irish proverb, “may you live in interesting be next? With their shortstop Corey Seager times.” While many of us were looking away, being named National League Rookie of the recent events occurred here at home that should Year and with Manager Dave Roberts picking give South Bay residents, their families and up the award for best skipper, the Dodgers head friends reasons to be thankful today. There into the 2017 season with big expectations. are plenty of reasons to look forward to 2017. They haven’t appeared in the World Series Here are just a few: since they won in 1988. They got close this Boeing Co. announced it is moving 1,600 jobs season, but couldn’t keep the highly-favored to Southern California as part of a reorganization Cubs from reaching their destiny. L.A. has aimed at winning more contracts. The aerospace hosted victory parades for the Lakers, Kings, contractor by 2020 plans to move jobs from Sparks and Galaxy. It has been nearly 30 years the Boeing plant in Huntington Beach to El since the city hosted a World Series winner, Segundo, Long Beach and Seal Beach. The and the Dodgers have playoff experience that company will close down sites in El Paso and should help them get over the hump. Newington, Virginia to operate its defense, Crime rates are dropping. California is a space and security businesses more efficiently. safer place to live compared to 20 years ago, Relief from high gas prices is expected to according to the state’s Attorney General’s continue and give Californians more disposable Office. The violent and property crime rate income next year. A new report by an oil is half of what it was in 1995. Recently, industry watch group says that oil-producing California’s violent and property crime rate members of OPEC aren’t expected to lower started increasing after years of decline. Robbery their daily output of crude oil anytime soon. and aggravated assaults were down in 2015, the The U.S. meanwhile has stockpiled oil reserves, latest reporting year. Fewer citizen complaints adding to the glut of domestic oil that had were lodged against police officers, whose jobs driven crude prices below $100 per barrel. have become more dangerous. Nearly 10,000 Southern California motorists are paying under officers were assaulted in the line of duty last $3 per gallon for regular unleaded--nearly $1 year. Citizen complaints reached their lowest less than they were paying 15 months before. level since 1988. A majority of adults like their health care. A Jobs are plentiful right now. The U.S. UCLA study published last week found that most economy keeps growing, creating jobs adults between 46 and 64 say they like their for anyone who wants one. The nation’s health plans. Ninety-two percent of the people unemployment rate in October was 4.9 percent, surveyed told researchers at UCLA’s Center for approaching what economists refer to as “full Health Policy Research they like their health employment” for Americans who are in the plans so much that they wouldn’t change unless workforce and willing to work. The best job the premiums became too costly. The center’s prospects are in health care, professional director, Gerald Kominski, characterized the and business services, and financial services, poll results as evidence that Americans don’t according to the U.S. Labor Department. The think their health care system is broken. They tight labor market means that personal wages could start rising soon, economists say. Tide turning on diabetes. This issue is a personal one for my family and probably for many of yours. November is National Diabetes Awareness Month and it brings a cautious, yet encouraging message that Americans are fighting back against this disease. The number of new cases has begun falling after decades of increases. The rate of serious diabetes-related complications, including stroke, heart attacks and amputations, has dropped. More than 29 million U.S. adults have diabetes and one-fourth don’t even know it. Diabetes accounts for 20 percent of the country’s health care spending and is the leading cause of kidney failure, leg amputations and adult-onset blindness, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control. A decision made by Congress in 2010 could be contributing to the recent gains. Congress authorized the CDC to roll out its diabetes prevention program nationwide. A powerful endorsement followed  this year when the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services started paying for Medicare recipients who take part in the program. Health officials are cautiously optimistic about the early gains and new research into possible triggers for diabetes. The treatment options a decade ago were limited and that is changing, reports Dr. Drew Bremer, a top diabetes researcher at the National Institutes of Health. “As a field, we are evolving and going beyond looking just at glucose numbers and focusing on the entire patient,” he said. Dr. Bremer noted that there are eight classes of drugs available to diabetes patients, and research is ongoing to guide physicians in choosing the most effective new and old medications for controlling high blood-glucose levels. Patients and their families shouldn’t expect new therapies to appear overnight. Researchers have even found a link between coffee consumption and warding off diabetes, though it’s not because of the caffeine, they say. More work needs to be done, but that preliminary finding should lift your mood the next time you visit Starbucks. • Inside This Issue Certified & Licensed Professionals.......................2 Classifieds............................3 Community Briefs...............2 Finance..................................6 Hawthorne Happenings....3 Legals............................4, 6-7 Pets........................................8 Police Reports.....................3 Sports....................................5 Seniors..................................7 Weekend Forecast Friday Sunny 67˚/50˚ Saturday Cloudy 61˚/50˚ Sunday Mostly Sunny 61˚/48˚

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