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-RKPI[SSH 2I[W !.$ ,%../8 #)4):%. The Weekly Newspaper of Inglewood Herald Publications - Inglewood, Hawthorne, Lawndale, El Segundo, Torrance & Manhattan Beach Community Newspapers Since 1911 - Circulation 30,000 - Readership 60,000 (310) 322-1830 - May 21, 2015 Elementary Students Perform at Spirit Jam Dance Competition Last weekend over 500 students from 45 schools performed for the judges and crowd at the Woodcraft Rangers NVISION Spirit Jam Dance Competition last weekend. The South Gate auditorium was full to capacity as the dancers from elementary to middle school performed their hearts out. Pictured: students from Woodcrest Elementary School in the competition. Photo courtesy of Woodcraft Rangers. City Council Approves Agreement with National Recreation and Parks Association By Cristian Vasquez Program [ASRP] for youth at ten out-of-school Based on the recommendation by the Parks, time program sites in the summer and fall Recreation and Library Services department, of 2015,” indicates the staff report presented members of the Inglewood City Council to the council by Sabrina Barnes, Parks, approved an agreement with the National Recreation and Library Services Director. Recreation and Parks Association for the The NRPA grant approved by the city receipt of $10,000 in grant funds. council will focus on the four following The funds from the agreement will be made goals: to increase the number of healthy available from March 31, 2015-March 1, 2016 meals children in low-income communities and will fund what the staff report identified receive through the SFSP and Child and as “out-of-school programs” throughout the Adult Care Food Program [CACFP] during year. The agreement was approved along with out-of-school times; provide evidence-based, a resolution amending the 204-2015 fiscal age-appropriate nutrition literacy to children year in order to account for the NRPA grant. that create behavior change by teaching the Through the OrganWise Guys Program the importance of healthy eating; to implement city’s youth has been provided out-of-school nutrition standards that increase access to time program sites during the fall and summer. healthier foods and support a healthy eating In order to operate the program, the City of environment; and to promote meal and Inglewood approved accepting of a NRPA program efficiencies that will reduce costs, grant worth $30,000 back on May 13, 2014. maximize existing resources, decrease food The agreement included in-kind nutritional waste, and lead to more sustainable meal literacy material valued at $10,000, as well programs. as a $1,200 stipend to cover travel expenses “The NRPA grant is a great opportunity to to Reston, West Virginia for staff to attend continue the City’s role as the community’s “evidence-based nutrition literacy training” health and wellness leader by helping increase for the OWG program. access to healthy foods and improving The staff report indicates that on Feb. 4, opportunities for physical activity,” states “the NRPA announced the availability of the staff report. “The City will also receive $10,000 additional grant funding from the additional support for meals provided through Walmart Foundation to support children’s USDA afterschool and summer feeding health through park and recreation programs.” programs as well as nutritional literacy The $10,000 in supplemental monies will materials to help ensure life-long healthy allow the city to continue funding existing habits for the City’s youth.” staff [program liaison], whom perform the duties of program specialist. “The program specialist will continue coordinating the OWG nutrition literacy program, as well as the Summer Food Service Program [SFSP] and After School Recreation CITY AGREES TO FIVE-YEARS WITH TIME WARNER CABLE The Inglewood City Council with Time Warner Cable Business Class agreed upon a five-year agreement in the amount of $64,651 dollars, at a yearly cost of $12,931. The City of Inglewood entered “into a Cable Television Ordinance” with Theta Cable Television back in Dec. 14, 1971. At the time Theta Cable Television agreed to “furnish, without installation, charge or monthly service fee live connections” to City Hall, the city’s fire stations, police department, main library and public works. “Throughout the years, the City has received cable vision television services under different franchise names,” states the staff report presented. “Presently, Time Warner Cable Television services the City of Inglewood.” However, the ordinance [Ordinance No. 2536] expired on Jan. 12, 2014, at which point the city began paying a monthly fee of $22.75 in addition to taxes and fees per cable box. Initially the city had a total of 76 cable boxes; however, staff was able to determine that a certain number of cable boxes could be shared among several divisions within the city’s departments. The staff was able to reduce the amount of boxes needed to 49 at a monthly coast of $1,077.51. “Cable television service is an important asset for the Inglewood Police department as well as the City of Inglewood Emergency Operations Center [EOC] Team,” indicates the staff report. “It allows the Inglewood Police Department and EOC to have instant information fed from the various news outlets available through cable service. Management staff is able to view the Council meetings via the cable service and receive information from various news outlets as well.” The cable service does not give staff access to any entertainment stations such as HBO, Showtime, On Demand and other QSFNJVNTUBUJPOTr Inside This Issue Certified & Licensed Professionals ......................2 Classifieds ...........................2 Food ......................................5 Hawthorne Happenings ...3 Legals ...........................4, 6-7 Letters ..................................2 Pets .......................................8 Police Reports ....................3 Sports ...................................4 Weekend Forecast Friday Partly Cloudy 64°/57° Saturday Partly Cloudy 67°/57° Sunday Partly Cloudy 68°/58°

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