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Inglewood News AND LENNOX CITIZEN The Weekly Newspaper of Inglewood Herald Publications - Inglewood, Hawthorne, Lawndale, El Segundo, Torrance & Manhattan Beach Community Newspapers Since 1911 - Circulation 30,000 - Readership 60,000 (310) 322-1830 - April 30, 2015 LAX Police Attend Honor Guard Training LAX and airport police attended the first annual Area Honor Guard Conference at the Rio Hondo Police Academy, in an effort to train, equip, and provide information on honor guard resources and support. Shown here, the Los Angeles Airport Police Honor Guard at a memorial wall. Photo provided by LAX Airport police. City Council Authorizes Franchise for ExxonMobil to Operate Pipeline By Cristian Vasquez operated Pipeline M-70 in accordance with The Inglewood City Council approved the applicable regulations since its construction Ordinance No. 15-12 to allow ExxonMobil in 1993.” Oil Corporation to operate and maintain an Since the approval of Ordinance No. underground, crude oil pipeline in the city 92-07 in 1992, ExxonMobil committed to for the next 20 years. paying the city an annual franchise fee at Approval for the 20-year franchise is the a rate of $3.75 per lineal foot of pipeline. result of negotiations between the City of The fee is subject to adjustments, which Inglewood and ExxonMobil, which began must be authorized by “producer price on July 27, 2011 when the city received a index for all commodities” as they are established notification request from ExxonMobil to and defined by the Department of extend the operation of Pipeline M-70. The Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. pipeline in question runs across the city The fees received by the city during from La Cienega Boulevard and Industrial the past four years are as follows: the Avenue and ends at Inglewood Avenue and Century Boulevard. This is not the first 20-year franchise that ExxonMobil obtained to maintain the “16-inch diameter, 11,050 lineal feet underground “Available information indicates that ExxonMobil has operated Pipeline M-70 in accordance with the applicable regulations since its construction in 1993.” year 2010, $65,465.67; the year 2011, $72,259.95; the year 2012, $71,587.50; the year 2013, $72,259.95; and the year 2014, $73,604.65. The city and ExxonMobil agreed to a reduction in the lineal footage of the pipeline from 11,050 feet to 11,001 feet. Since the public hearing hosted by the city council to introduce the new ordinance [No. 15-12], and with its approval, the city will now receive an annual fee of $41,253.75, which will be adjusted based on producer price index. Council Says Yes to MOU with Legal Aid Foundation of LA The mayor and council approved a Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Inglewood and Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles, Los Angeles transmission pipeline.” On June 30, 1992 the council and mayor approved Ordinance No. 92-07 a franchise to allow the oil company to operate the pipeline, which transports crude oil from Central California to the Mobil refinery in the City of Torrance. The staff report indicates that in-line inspections are performed every five years in order to ensure the safety and integrity of the pipeline, with the most recent inspection having taken place Feb. 21, 2013 and the next scheduled inspection due on Feb, 21, 2018. “The operation and maintenance of Pipeline M-70 is subject to the provisions of Pipeline Safety Act of 1981, the American National Standard Code for Pressure Piping, The American Petroleum Institute Standard 1104 and other applicable federal, state and local standards,” indicates the staff report presented. “Available information indicates that ExxonMobil has Law Library and Palmdale City Library in order to provide additional access to comprehensive legal services for low- and very-low income persons throughout the county. “The purpose of this program is to increase access to legal services for very low and low-income people who would have difficulty traveling to a LAFLA [Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles] office to get assistance,” states the staff report. “Applicants for LAFLA services and existing LAFLA clients will use the Chromebooks at one of the partner libraries to remotely link with a LAFLA staff member.” It is expected that through such interface communication, applicants will be allowed to participate in LAFLA workshops and presentations or communicate with LAFLA lawyers without being required to commute. “By incorporating GoToMeeting interface and the use of printer/copier/scanner devices, clients will also be able to exchange and execute documents remotely, thus increasing the efficiency of the remote exchange,” concluded the staff report. LAFLA is dedicated to increasing access to comprehensive legal services for poor and low-income Los Angeles County residents. For more than 85 years LAFLA has been the first place for thousands of people to approach when in need of legal aid when a crisis threatens their source of “shelter, health and livelihood.” The City of Inglewood, along with partner libraries, will store and safeguard project equipment; provide space for clients videoconferencing and assist LAFLA clients. Outreach efforts will take place and the agreement will be valid until Dec. 31, 2016. • Inside This Issue Certified & Licensed Professionals.......................2 Classifieds............................2 Community Briefs...............2 Finance..................................6 Food.......................................8 Hawthorne Happenings....3 Legals................................ 6-7 Looking Up...........................7 Pets........................................4 Police Reports.....................2 Seniors..................................3 Sports....................................5 Weekend Forecast Friday Partly Cloudy 73˚/57˚ Saturday Partly Cloudy 70˚/55˚ Sunday Sunny 70˚/55

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